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WvW Montage: The Art of War [LoD]

in WvW

Posted by: Roby.2361


Chooooo Choooooo!!

Week of 11/16: SBI vs JQ vs SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Roby.2361


Let’s reach out to the EB primary guilds and get them to spam chat every 15 minutes so that anyone new to the map can follow suit. It will take some time, but we can filter it out. We’ve had other people attempt the same, and have gotten rid of them or I just don’t know they are still on our server. In any case it can be a concerted effort to get rid of said person as a whole to get him on ignore and repeat the spam of, “Do not follow this guy.” It will help if it comes from a known commander as well.

Gentleman, how are queues on JQ during prime time? Thank you.

Instant, usually. I like it that way, I tend to pop in and out between work to defend towers/take camps, etc.

Serious question, are there queues at all anymore on any servers?

I would say Jade Quarry hasn’t had any thing in the way of queues worth mentioning since before the Halloween event. It has been very nice indeed being able to jump between maps as needed. I don’t want queues back for sure but I also do not like seeing maps with outmanned buffs in prime time in Tier 1. That just doesn’t bode well for the long term. I hope ANET was serious about tracking the population stuff and will contract and expand servers as necessary. Can’t be any worse for the community than the open free transfers. ><

I noticed you guys hopping maps as often as we were! Yeah we have been queueless for quite some time now as well. It really is kinda nice at times, but then when we have new servers in the mix it makes things a lil’ rough when we can’t field numbers for an army of red ants that are persistent and skillfull as SoS has demonstrated. Last night on SoS BL was really rough to crack all those upgrades SoS had on their towers and Garrison. Pretty kitten epic fights if you ask me

I was also asked to post a screenshot of the end product of last nights engagement. Here you go…

The saddest part of it all, is after 8 hours of hard work breaking down all of the SoS fully upgraded holdings with them fighting tooth and nail to the bitter end…..everyone just logged. Out manned buff popped, and we had lost everything within an hour, struggling to keep the tower right outside our spawn.

Was refreshing to give them a sample of SBI’s capability’s when we actually have people on. Awesome job to all the SBI involved last night, and SoS as well you guys fought like hell all the way to the end, and never gave up.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Roby.2361


“I would like to congratulate SBI on an amazing bay defense. as you may have known we punched though the north gate (JQ) with 2 golems to allow blackgate to try to take bay at the same time as us. When this happened you guys held it for a good 2-3 hours inside the inner keeps against both servers and it made for a hell of fun fight inside even if we couldnt take it. I frapsed a good bit of the siege and will be posting it up soon. That was one hell of a defense guys and was a ton of fun to fight in there”

Thanks for the props, here is a short vid of some of the defense you speak of…. Enjoy!