Showing Posts For Rocant.9536:
You were calling me out on what? Asking in map one time? You really need to work on your reading comprehension. I took blame already for wording the initial post wrong, but you are quite obviously just trolling now. Please grow up, and get a life.
Kistell I trolled people trolling me, not trolling people for not giving me the money. Also this topic is pretty much a null topic now since the advice I need I received and now it’s just people flexing their kitten at me.
Overload Fail Cor – READ MY REPLY, as I stated I could have worded my initial post better, I posted one time asking…20 minutes after I did this I got flammed. Wow, ignorance must be your only excuse.
…so 1st off, I haven’t played wow for 2 years now. 2nd off, you are probably the biggest POS i have ever had the pleasure of reading a post of. If you read my post you would know I do not need help with leveling at all, quite the opposite I felt like I was leveling faster then I could get money to help my character trained. This is insane, you all read a code of conduct that states to not be trolls and yet I see all of you trolls come to light. Guess all the broke trolls that couldn’t afford to pay their subscriptions came to this game. I thought this game had promise but now I am seeing that it is just another troll fest of people that think they are better then everyone. GG to failing at life.
Also, reported your post.
I asked one time, and 20 mins later (after I already started farming mobs for money) I got flammed. I might have used better wording on this but I asked one time as I stated in 2 posts already.
Are you kidding me??? Wow, now I feel even more foolish. Thanks Draco Aurum! I will be able to actually train when I get home from work now haha.
Overlord apparently you and the rest of the community have a different definition of “beggars”. I asked ONE TIME, 1, Uno, Ich….don’t know how to say it in more languages. If I spent an hour spamming “Some one give me x money” then I can understand you all flaming me as a beggar, but I asked one time. So please, if you are going to continue to call me a beggar then I will start to report your posts. I did not know how to make money effectively (now I do thanks to Awesome.6120) and was getting frustrated. That is all. Was not in any way begging for money. And in other MMO’s I played I would on a fairly regular basis help a noob player that needed money. Never much, but I do not see 10s being much if you say money is so easy to make in the game. So please, tempt me by calling me a beggar one more time. I will gladly flag your post.
Not to continue my noob question trend, but how do you go to other starting areas? I feel if I were to do that I would not be “stuck” as I feel I am right now. Also, my personal story is as far as I can complete it right now. The last one I did was recommended for level 15 and I solo’d it with lots of kiting for about 30 mins haha. I really enjoyed the personal story side but I believe the next one for me is like level 20 recommended and with how tedious the last one was at low level I don’t think it will be worth trying just yet.
Wow, had no idea how many “people don’t like beggars” replies I would get from this. Talking about a “helpful community”. As far the the Trading Post being game wide I had no idea on this so that is VERY helpful and I appreciate it. Also the “farming gear” i spoke of was the stuff you need to farm (pick/axe/ect). Yes I gained levels but it seems counter productive to be trying to kill level 15’s (only hearts I have left are in 15+ areas) as a level 11-13 with no Trait abilities. So all in all, Thank you Awesome.6120 for actually giving me advice that was helpful. Also your comment about vendering items…yes I was vendering them instead of salvaging them so I will also try this to see if I can make the money faster because at the rate I was going I was leveling not getting the coin I needed.
I understand people do not like beggars and I asked one time, was not spamming. Plus I did hearts and DE’s and am still 3s short of training…and that is with gaining 2.5 levels in the process. Just seems broken that one mistake can set you back this far with progressing.
Edited to add: And with how dead my server seems….I don’t think posting on AH will help me get money faster. Pretty sure with the crickets I heard there this morning that if I did post stuff it would be a day or 2 before I saw a return on it. Is there a way (with out paying for it) to xfer to another server that might be higher populated?
(edited by Rocant.9536)
So i purchased the game a few months back, played for 2 days and got bored with it. I came back today to see if I can give it an Honest try and I am stuck. I purchased items to allow me to farm (due to a friend of mine telling me it is a very smart move to make to help leveling) but that drained all the money I had. I figured “Hey it’s 10s maybe someone on my server will be willing to help out”…. Big mistake. Instead after about 20 minutes of my asking if anyone would help me I get flamed, thus making me decide to troll them which got me no where other then a few laughs. But either way, I am wondering is the game dead or dying or something? Seems like a very small group of people even playing, and they are all “too pro to be bothered with someone trying to find a way to enjoy the game”. I spent roughly 2 hours before I had to go to work trying to farm the money to afford my training and still didnt even come close to it. This game cannot be that broken that making a mistake with buying farming items (one of each even, didnt go overboard and only ones that were level specific) will set you back this far. I am not close to level 13 from the farming I did and i was only 1/2 way through level 10 when I started. HELP PLEASE. I really don’t want to regret paying for this game and from what my friend was telling me is that it has a LOT of potential as a game…. I am just failing to see it right now due to restraints. Thanks in advance for any / all advice offered.