Showing Highly Rated Posts By Rogue Potato.4723:
This is bullkitten. The MINUTE the Ranger gets something good, the masses scream “Nerf omg!”
Honestly you dealt with an OP ele for months, you can deal with a somewhat deadly Pet. Stop calling to nerf our main kittening mechanic.
Tanky? I almost guarantee you aren’t even targeting it. Remember they take 95% less damage from everything now unless you target it. Same with all pets.
If you want something nerfed, call at the chrono gravity well, or the reaper in general. Also remember that druid is kittened atm? Don’t even look at the rangers general direction if you want to call nerf.
Stop whining and kittening about stuff, that’s all I see in these kitten forums at the moment. Sure the pet could be retuned here and there, but instead of just screaming “do something” actually provide WAYS HOW. Give good feedback, not knee-jerk feedback that immediately over-exaggerates everything and makes it sound far worse than it is, this was why WHaO got ruined for 2 weeks in less than 24 hours.
One more thing, stop attempting to balanceor nerf kitten in a vacuum. Get some kitten protection or something or put some toughness on your class instead of full zerk or Condi power.
+1 this let it happen
and people say rangers suck…
Guild wars 1’s PvP worked well because of 1 simple thing. PvE and PvP were balanced separately, something this game is in sore need of. I have read around here a few times that ANet agree to this statement, but say it’s too much work to implement. If this is true, then it’s just pure laziness and they should be content with the knowledge it will never be an E-sport.
I don’t think it being “spectator friendly” is actually as big a thing as you make it out to be. In my experience, people watch games that they themselves play…
I tried to watch a StarCraft tournament final once and gave up 5 minutes into the game because I had no idea what was going, and that is arguably the biggest E-sport out there.
Sure, allow for more visibility and improve spectator options, but that alone I think is one of the smallest things that will affect whether or not this game becomes an Esport. We need class balance, we need it differentiated from PvE, we need more game types that require both tactics and strategy (there is a difference, tactics allow you to achieve your strategy). This could be simple things like making positioning more important (like a ranger lb shooting further if he’s high up, which is genius by the way). Improved mechanics, and MORE mechanics that have variety, can be manipulated by players and built around.
Thats just my 2 cents anyway.
I’m on the fence about it.
Part of my really likes the idea of the Druid, using nature to heal your allies and empower everyone, kind of reminds me of sage chakra from Naruto. It is cool and theres no denying it’s uses.
But it’s not how I play Ranger, and it’s not why I rolled a Ranger.
A ranger is supposed to be a man of the wild, using speed, ingenuity and skill with multiple weapons to be able to deal with any problem faced. Someone who hides in the forest and strikes at the best times and can destroy enemy resource lines before they’ve even noticed. Thats kind of what the Ranger is at the minute, but Druid is a definite change of focus from that, which is why I think the Druid should be it’s own class completely, seperate from the Ranger.
TBH, if you had just dealt with our pets, made us perfectly accepted in all game types (like a guardian is for example or a warrior) I would have been happy without an elite spec. Now that you’ve done this, and brought it out as an Elite thing, I feel like I’m forced to play Druid. I didn’t sign up for healing.
Nice try. You can scream all you like. Your stories, which provide not a hint as to what supposedly makes it so overpowered, have no weight. People would say anything to get their points across. Come here with something conclusive that actually makes sense instead of hammering out a: “Mesmer is OP”, in yet another nonconstructive way.
Look I don’t need to prove myself and I’m not screaming lol. Go join a PvP game, play a Mesmer with a burst build on and tell me they’re not OP. I’m not having a go at your beloved profession or actively trying to remove you from top tier PvP again, the game is unbalanced atm in extreme ways and I’m sure many professions are going to get nerfed. I also found it stupidly funny.
I read on Reddit the other day one guys suggestion which was to remove all titles and rewards from all players, then have them log back in or re-visit the HoM to get given their proper rewards that they earned again. Sounds like a logical and easy fix to me but they will still need to find a perma fix for it in-case it ever happens again. I imagine it’s that which is taking all the time.