Showing Highly Rated Posts By RogueTigeR.3160:

Before you nerf Shadow Trap, fix it first.

in Thief

Posted by: RogueTigeR.3160


+1 I believe this is a huge problem w/ the “shadow step” mechanic…I call these situations “snag’s”….. I get snagged on the landscape about 1/4 shadowsteps… which is utterly ridiculous by my accounts…. so…. 1/4 times… ur utility/wepskill not only does not work according to written descriptions/player planning… but… about 1/3 of those “snags”… put you in a VERY VERY BAD SITUATION….

Thief Traits Guide by Thieves 4 Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: RogueTigeR.3160


This is the beginning of a guide that those knowledgeable in what they do best, share with those thieves that are maybe “not familiar” with how/why/in what possible situation a trait could be beneficial how/why and to what degree based on possible utilities/trait-stat layout/weapon combos/etc (build).

So, to begin and to layout the format of what I would like to see others contribute I’ll post a few traits that some are more obvious and some maybe more “O…didn’t think of that”…

Deadly Arts * —-———————— *(plus others)
Mug (III) in combination with Trickery (VI), Long Reach – In PvP and I’m guessing in smaller group WvW combat… what does almost everyone do when they are 1-2 hits from dead?… Run… When this happens and they have say…crippled you, leaped far away and are swiftly furthuring themself from you?… all you have to do is steal….and theyre already downed…..

Shadow Arts
Venomous Aura (XII) – When in group situations, more 5 vs 1 like in a frac or something…. and you can share every venom you can muster…. It CAN be beneficial to use all that you can, and share, then everyone begin attacking in a succession. Obviously you want your dmg’ing venoms…. but the real killer is…. Basilisk venom…you turn a 1.5 sec stone cold stun into a ~9-10 sec time period when the boss just doesnt move….and this is every 45 seconds….trick is…. have to start w/ 1 player attacking after the share, then right as foe moves, a 2nd player joins player 1, and as foe moves, player 3 begins attacking… etc. etc. (Also… I’d suggest not spamming all venoms at once if/when you share… cycle through them )

Assassin’s Retreat (IV) – Highly useful in “farming” situations. In combination w/ shadow stepping, the action not the skill, that said “shadow step” IS a shadow step :P , you will not only be the first one to the next mob… you’ll be there when the 2nd one to get there is like 1/2 way between mobs…..

Ricochet (X) – Highly funny and useful (though a pain to constantly re and re-target after a ricochet, in combination w/ that shadow shot 3 iirc skill… you will bounce around like a pin ball b/t foes at times b/c you can ricochet from enemy to enemy to enemy.

that is the kind of layout I’d appreciate to see. Look forward to what others know what I may not and what strengths others have found in certain traits that i basically never and would never think to use, in my trait layout or outside the boundaries. Thanks

SPvP vs PvE vs WvW, Titles...

in PvP

Posted by: RogueTigeR.3160


When you look at the raw quantity of achievements that give displayable titles to yourself, you will notice when comparing the different realms of the game: PvE/WvW/SPvP, SPvP is greatly lacking in this area.
WvW: achievements give titles for…what?… maybe EVERY achievement?… not looking… just a iirc….
PvE: has sooooo many different sub-categories that titles, though far between, add up to quite a few when you list them all.
SPvP: There is couple achievement titles each for rank pt’s total, players killed, and maybe tournament won??? In addition iirc tournaments won as each profession. Not only does that not add up to nil of the other area’s of the game’s titles, but in order to even open up like more than 1/5 of the titles you need to fill all your toon slots with different professions and be fully experienced, or atleast moderately, in each. This is very spread out compared to the WvW and PvE; yes there are profession/race specific titles but they make up such a small % of the total titles that each potentially allocates.
MORE TITLES ARE NEEDED We are very very very proud of our SPvP achievements, and we would like to show it.
Thank You,