Showing Posts For RollerbeetleLover.1840:
So far I’ve only noticed this in Jade Maw and Grawl fractal boss battles, where I can’t zoom out the camera as far as I could before the update. It makes the battle much more difficult to see what’s going on.
1) Better incentive for two losing servers to gang up on the winner server rather than each other.
2) Equalizing rewards for defending with attacking so players don’t feel they have to attack/take towers, keeps, etc to be rewarded
3) Some sort of buff/better rewards should be applied to any server who is drastically losing to other servers in a match up. (underdog bonus perhaps?)
The idea I have is to have an icon where you wish to delete items rather than the current system of dragging out of your inventory. The reason I bring this up is items can be accidentally deleted in this case even with the confirmation window. This happened to me recently with some items as I dragged it to the bank but the game registered it as not in the bank so it asked if I wanted to delete it. It came up very quickly and by a stroke of bad luck my cursor was directly above the “yes” icon to delete it and I lost the items.
I figure this trash bin could work like the buyback feature from vendors, similar to a recycle bin on computers where it shows what items you have deleted recently and if you did so by accident you could restore it.
I too have been noticing this lately. So far I have only seen them in Orr over the past two days and I am unsure as to how to report them, since they disappear shortly after I notice them. Other than taking quick screen shots or constantly recording our game footage, I don’t know how we could document them. Hopefully, it’s easier on Arena net’s end to catch and document these bots.