Showing Posts For Rollingonit.1309:
Just Google GW2 crafting guides. They are designed to save you gold while efficiency leveling your crafting professions.
Maybe it was the gold part that stopped me. Not sure. Not gonna google guide, tried that last time. Didnt help/motivate me at all to do it. Thanks anyway.
That’s cool. Just giving you the easiest most efficient way of getting you to max level. At the end of the day, if you don’t want to do it then that’s up to you. Have a great day ^^.
Link me an up to date one, that you have experience with.
Just Google GW2 crafting guides. They are designed to save you gold while efficiency leveling your crafting professions.
Maybe it was the gold part that stopped me. Not sure. Not gonna google guide, tried that last time. Didnt help/motivate me at all to do it. Thanks anyway.
All crafts, including scribe, maxed. Not hard to do. Grab a guide. Grab a coffee and you can do all in a few hours.
Tried it once, after 30 minutes. Couldnt do it. Dont know. Will run world bosses for 6 hrs, but idk man something about crafting in this game; just a no go. Tried multiple times over the 4 years Ive been playing. Someone link me a good guide. Maybe Ill try again.
Have had game since launch. Do not have a single crafting profession maxed. Spent months WvWvW right after launch. Have taken long breaks. Come back sporadically. Will probably never get an ascended piece of armor (do have Ascended longbow from teq)(if it’s removed from fractals, then almost certain I will never. Fractals would probably be my only way; since I do not like crafting in this game, and do not sPvP)
Still finishing WC
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
I don’t think ANet is being paternalistic. I think they have set up a system to protect us from the economic harm caused by bots and we have simply become too efficient at farming the lab. It’s entirely possible that they changed nothing and we are just better at defeating the bosses and collecting loot. It’s possible, therefore, that we are running into DR much sooner than ANet expected regular people to do.
A couple of people have asked ANet to offer more details about how DR works. ANet isn’t likely to do that, because it undermines their anti-botting efforts. (And it would also undermine any attempt to protect us from our own selves.)
DR works best if it’s mysterious, making it harder for bots to work-around and easier to identify accounts that found a programmatic way to avoid it (something us regular players wouldn’t be able to so).
This is a possibility. The DR “felt” similar to last years, when I got home and logged in. But who knows cept ANet.
My only concern was if they increased the DR, sadface. But I couldnt determine that with any certainty last night.
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
Is it the same as last year’s DR? or did they increase it or something?
If they put them in lockboxes, I will uninstall and never reinstall. If they put in gem store for a reasonable price and also place them as ingame rewards id be alright with it.
People who say GW2 is too small, I dont think have played any other MMO. There are plenty plenty of them that have mounts in much smaller worlds.
Edit: I also agree with the delicacy of balancing them. It could cause issues.
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
If its a steady 200-400, you’ll probably just have to learn the fights really well. Then adjust how you time your abilities. If its not and jumps all over the place 200-1000, it just may be not possible or extremely difficult..
It sucks I know. I am old, 20 years ago, playing Quakeworld Teamfortress on 56.6K dialup in league sanctioned games when you played Euro Clans on their servers. It was a nice steady 500-700 ping, we had to deal with it.
I would think a scripted fight against npcs would be easier to learn and adjust than against humans bunnyhopping 100mph randomly is.
But it sucks sorry, I dont many games that have dedicated Oceanic servers and the ones that did, all had to shut them down to save on costs.
Not everyone is a native English speaker guys. Cut the OP some slack. It’s understandable enough.
As to the OP’s post, they want us to upgrade the boosts through the new system. They get better as your guild increases in levels.
That was obvious, but is it though.
And nothing against OP or non native English speakers, but what I typed stands.
Man, is this a difficult read or what.
If people claim that the prices will drop – sorry but your argument is invalid because of the traders that will control the prices. Even if it goes down for 1/3 then it’s still at kittening 1000 gold and you have to buy EVERY SINGLE armor to unlock all skins! Nightfury is freaking cheaper than these shoes!!!!! This is kitten. Sorry Anet but this is kitten!
More will drop and be found. That “invalid” argument was used for the Endless Bat Swarm Tonic for the NightFury, and that has only gone down after halloween. And that item is completely dependent on the supply of ToT bags. The mushrooms will always be around.
Why did President Bush say mission accomplished in Iraq. No idea.
Sometimes it doesn’t always work out. The beauty of this game is really very little is needed, its only wants. Try this in a diff mmorpg (especially F2P) and this item would be a must have for PVP cause itd give you +6 million stats.
And if it is in there, and no one found it; it probably takes like 1000 tattered bat wings which would cost more to even to create.
There is none.
The end.
I know this is completely off topic, and I hope you get that sorted out OP.
But tonight in the states we roll back our clocks an hour. How does this effect like world boss timers? Does the server rollback in hour?
What we are saying OP. You could of completely eliminated the luck factor and guaranteed yourself one with the resources you had there.
Let’s do some math.
8k ToT bags.
1 ToT bag = .06 gold approx value right now
8000×.06=480 Gold
Hmmmmm. You could almost of bought it by selling those bags if you farmed, or if you bought form AH, Im not sure what you were thinking.
I am not having the same experience as others in this thread. I only rarely see disruptive behavior, I’ve never had trouble with Tequatl (unless I show up too early — then you get people who go AFK and forget to come back for the event start), and there are all sorts of trains in NA.
Same with me. Just returned siince basically launch. Am having a hoot with the halloween event. Havent even purchased HoT, but thats my plan this week. All the world bosses Ive attended which is like 3-4 per day, people are helpful, putting out banners, coms/mentors are organizing the parties. Dont recall failing one since my return. So far in Mad Lab, coms/mentors again doing a great job leading the group. Once in awhile a rogue group will run around attempting to open doors before zerg.
But its a MMO with a large playerbase, I dont really expect people to line up in queue for everything.
$0.00. But I have very little ingame. Mostly cause I played at launch till maybe the beginning of season1? maybe
And now have recently returned. I honestly cant seem to figure out what to spend money on…? But Im a progression type player, rather than a RP or cosmetic fanatic.
PS Even being that type of gamer. I still always liked this game and was very satisfied with the initial purchase during the release, well worth its money.
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
How does all that work? You still havent explained anything… Like I said how do I explain how modern tech would counter it, if all that is based on “magic” dun dun dun….
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
You havent explained how ausra tech counters modern day tech.
You state it like a fact, which it is not.
You know what is a fact.
RL Vs Magic is an exercise of futility.
It is fact. Unless you can show me that the military has tech comparable to the Asura.
Repeating yourself doesn’t do much.
The main difference is that science exists and magic doesn’t. Even though everything in a novel is made up in a sense, this still matters-it creates different responsibilities. If, for example, the physical laws of a fantastical or SF world are different than our world, there has to be some explanation, no matter how off-the-cuff. And if that world contains magic, I think the writer has to be even more rigorous in thinking out how magical systems work, no matter how much of that appears in the text. This is because we are used to constraint. We are worlds of blood-and-water existing within a larger but finite network of people and settings, and all of that is constrained by the egg-yolk that is the Earth. If even something as arbitrary and recent as a sonnet suffers from constraint, then magic can be no different.
Of course, if you’re a surrealist or absurdist, you often don’t care about the difference between science and magic because the boundary between the two is going to be trampled and gleefully kittened on anyway. As well it should. Nothing is more annoying than allowing a little reality ruin your fun. If you have the imagination to get away with it.
Or, if you’re Jack Vance, you just set your stories far enough in the future that the science seems like magic and you sit back in your golden throne, fold your arms, and cackle like either a mad scientist or a crazy sorcerer-take your pick.
One reason I have no magic in most of my fiction is that I cannot believe in it and thus cannot write about it in any convincing way. This is the same reason you do not find unicorns in my fiction. Or Smurfs. Or Republicans. I can and do, however, believe in huge intelligent squid ponderously pulling themselves through the alleys of a weird city, protecting themselves with helmets full of water. I can also believe in nefarious mushroom-based intelligent life forms living in bizarre underground caverns. However, since this is merely an audacious application of current theory on biology and biological systems it amounts to perfectly good science.
Jeff VanderMeer, author of City of Saints and Madmen
I know how nukes work, please explain in detail how Asura tech works and how it would counter modern day tech.
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
You state it like a fact, which it is not.
You know what is a fact.
RL Vs Magic is an exercise of futility.
ppl have atomic bombs enough to blow the whole world 86 times, mordremoth its like an easy task
You’re assuming an atomic bomb can do anything to a magical creature like Mordremoth. Hell, he’d likely use the energy from the bomb to grow stronger similarly to how he used to activated Lay Lines to awaken.
If you go there, there’s really no point arguing anything, let’s just assume the dragon can be killed just by players auto attacks or cannons on a flying ship
I swear, if i see one more person say or imply that we beat Zhaitan with “auto attacks, swords, bows and normal cannons”, i’ll be convinced most people in these forums have mental kittenation.
We never attacked Zhaitan with our normal weapons, EVER. This isn’t WoW where we jumped into Deathwing’s back like a bunch of morons. We used a specially made energy cannon that fired blasts made SPECIFICALLY to counter Elder Dragons.
We did beat him with pointy sticks, auto-attacks, firearms with ranges limited to less than what a man with a baseball can manage, etc.
We then, after he was effectively beaten, closed in and killed him with cannon that might be outranged by a .22 peashooter.
You can beat a foe without killing him. His death generally just means that you won’t have to beat him again.
Mordremoth, I can all but guarantee, will be beatable by a haphazardly (at best) coordinated force of no more than a couple hundred individuals using weapons so advanced that they have ranges measured in tens of feet. Weapons that are variations on a sharpened stick, and so on.
Take two hundred people armed with swords and the like (group A) and put them up against a single rocket barrage let alone hundreds of thousands of modern combatants (group B ) whose weapons outrange them by at least an order of magnitude and whose weapons have much greater penetration, and larger area effects.
If group A, again a couple hundred people, is powerful enough to defeat Mordremoth and group B is powerful enough to defeat group A in a matter of seconds, its no contest.
Idk what you’re smoking, but it’s very effective. We NEVER fight Zhaitan like that, we fight him using the cannons on the airships and what we actually attack directly are his champions or tendrils.
Exactly. We destroy his ability to wage war effectively before we ever face him. He, as a viable power ceased to exist before we actually killed him.
FYI, as mentioned previously, you dont have to kill someone, or even attack them personally, to defeat them. The Big Six and Emperor Hirohito were still alive (and hadnt been directly attacked) when they were defeated.
What the heck do they have to do with Mordremoth, a DRAGON?
Only thing we really did was destroy the Eyes and Mouths of Zhaitan which didn’t really weaken him personally, we merely stopped his vision and magic supply. We took the gamble of going directly to him on an airship in a fight that we couldn’t have won otherwise [since Zhaitan could simply revive any of our soldiers into Risen] and it happened to work thanks to the Zojja designing those cannons. By the way, in a realistic fight [since we’re talking about real military fighting Mordremoth], all Zhaitan needed to do was slam us with his tail and bye bye airship or just send his Risen army on the offensive.
So far nothing that people have said has been good enough to beat Mordremoth.
Nearly every depicted dragon in any story/lore/movie/book has been defeated…. Again if magic is the defense, there is nothing anyone can say cause well…. “magic”. So I dont know what you are expecting. But again nearly every other dragon has been defeated with modern tech or simple things like spears.
Magic vs RL, is an exercise of futility.
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
Yah nukes would be it, unless ofc “GW2 Magic” is greater.
Thats not even most modern day military.
EDIT: Also modern day military have mounts. Logistics/supply train wouldnt be good for Mordermoth, unless mesmer portals work beyond instances/maps which I dont see them doing.
(edited by Rollingonit.1309)
As a potential returning player, thank you OP.
I found this to be a nicely condensed and informative list of the changes.
Nothing new. Happens in alot of games with an AH. Smart people will get the jump early on game release. Farm the funds they need, however so, then play the AH game. Which is markup rare/sought after items.
While somtimes I find it quite ridiculous, it is to be expected.
This game is way casual. I found trying to collect all the stars in Mario 64 more hardcore.
Haha yah I see them always there when I run through that tunnel. The best part is when people res them after the defend quest. I dont touch them. But its quite obvious when their name is eafwefsdgb, they never move, they never ask to be ressed and never res anyone, that they are bots.
Read both,+Deci+00.pdf – Intrinsic Motivation Vs Extrinsic Motivation – Bartle Test/Categorizing MMO Players
Attempt to apply what youve read to your own personal situation/feelings on the game. And then attempt to understand the opposite. Will make these posts alot more clear and could clean up alot of flame.
Everyone should read both,+Deci+00.pdf – Intrinsic Motivation Vs Extrinsic Motivation
and – Categorizing MMO Players
and then attempt to apply what youve read in those articles to these type of posts
to put it simply everyone is different and everyone has their own reasons for why and what they do..
Yep. Sometimes heart quests will have you pick up random trophies. After the heart is completed they become just junk filling up space.
Just be sure you CAN NOT sell. Also some tropies can be confusing. Like Ascolonian Tears (AC explore tokens for gear) the description its a trophy I think, doesnt really specifiy its for gear. Unless you’re already familiar with that item, you may think its junk, but its really not. But I drop stuff like that in my bank quick. Or make sure to seperate to make sure I dont drop.
If the group is familiar with the dungeon and the boss. Its rarely an issue. I just like to PUG on occasion. And sometimes Im not sure exatcly what people are thinking.
Kill them in a speficific order. I know we targeted Eir first, Ryto 2nd, and the asurian chick last. After you kill Eir, the head boss lady will try to res Eir, FF the head boss lady to stop her from resing Eir. Once youve accomplished that FF Ryto. Once he dies FF the head boss lady again, to stop the resing. Etc Etc. Kite and move as needed.
Its actually pretty easy. Just as long as you FF the head boss lady right after killing one. This is when having people who can Ctrl T (Target) fast is helpful.
The groups Ive failed with (not many compared to how many have successfully completed dungeons) are the groups that dont FF the correct targets, and dont FF the correct targets quick enough. Ill watch as each enemies health bar SLOOOWLY drops as people die left and right. Thats when I or SOMEONE has to take over and start organizing the group. FF the ranged threats first (or Monk, if one) then work to melee. But you have to FF. If every person is shootin a diff target you are going to fail.
First post here on the forums. Decided to be useful. Hehe.
Yes they do just drop from mobs. (at least Im 99% certain). BUT it was a mob in a dungeon. It was either CM or TA explorer mode. I hadnt really gotten anything useful prior to on the run, were killing some mobs, and a lvl 62 (I was lvl 62 at the time, so it worked out perfect) exotic pair of pants dropped. It was sick. I linked and everyone in the party was jelly haha. Im lvl 68 now, and every pair of pants ive found since on drops, have been no where near to stats on the exotic. I do know though that once I reach at least 70 Ill find a pair of masterworks or rare thatll probably be better. But the exotic also has a sick major rune on it, thatll ill use my black lions salvage kit to extract it.
Again Im like 99% sure it was a mob (but again a mob in a explorer mode dungeon, maybe it was story mode, but either way a dungeon)