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Huge greatsword buff

in Ranger

Posted by: Roman.5783


In much the same way that a Warrior Greatsword lacks a pet.

lol you are correct, warriors dont have a pet, in fact, they dont even need a pet. Probably because they arent horribad.

Real question is why is the GS even usable by rangers? Also, we arent pistol and rifle usable by rangers?

Reason ranger is kitten and solutions

in Ranger

Posted by: Roman.5783


First of all, I would like to say that even with all the flaws, I still enjoy playing my Ranger and will continue to play as there is hope. Now, with that out of the way…Anet created, possibly, one of the least thought out classes of all time.

I mainly play pvp. In sPvP the ranger CAN be actually really good. If you know when to fight and when to avoid combat, you can easily rack up 200+ glory. Play more of a support role and you’ll be getting points for almost every kill. Spread those bleeds around! In tPvP, however, it is one of the more lacking classes which you can quickly come to realize after seeing how rarely its used.

I believe the first and biggest issue is the abysmal trait tree. When I began making my first build for pvp, it didnt take long before I was scratching my head in confusion. One of the most popular builds atm is the “trap” build. Anyone who has used this knows that the two most useful traits for traps and condi builds are in the precision/crit dmg tree… Not sure if anybody caught that. I’ll say it again. To make a condition damage/trap build, you must trait into the precision and crit damage tree. Starting to get it now? They are almost completely unrelated. Too make matters worse, precision and crit are almost useless right now for Rangers. Previosly it may have been slighty OP but now its hardly viable.

The solution to this is not easy. The trait tree needs an overhaul for sure but they must also make sure that everything is balanced at the same time. They cant simply remake the rangers traits.

Next is the weapons. We are playing a RANGEr so it is a little silly imo that we cant use the rifle or pistol. Even more rediculous is that we can use the greatsword. So…no, you cant use range weapons that, lets be honest, just makes sense, but you can use a huge great sword that makes no sense…

The solution for this is also not that easy seeing as how these are things that really shouldnt be issues to begin with. What Anet should have done was give us the rifle, scrap the great sword, and make the axe a melee weapon. That would would give us more viable ranged options (you know, cuz we are range…rs) without losing any melee.

Next is the pets. This is a little bit of a grey area seeing as how pets usually suck/take a long time to properly work out. The first issue I had was the interface. Its bad. It will (im sure) get much better over time. Anet wont leave it like it is now. Next is the AI, which hopefully will also improve. My last issue is having pets and spirits. imho they should just get rid of spirits. Buff, improve, dont completely screw up our pets and you wont have to give us spirits as well. I see them as basically just a cover up.

Rangers should have three viable builds. A BM build that has slightly more survivability, a condition damage/trap build, and a more glass cannon crit build. Right now we have half of a condi/trap build. It works, but barely seeing as how half the build is in the crit tree. Without major changes to the traits and weapons (possibly utility skills as well) I dont see anything changing anytime soon. They can “balance” all they want but it would do any good without those. Hopefully anet takes steps in the right direction with the next patch. I have faith, however, it will be unlikely that we will see any of those changes.

Please comment with any constructive ideas you may come up with.