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[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Roman Leviticus.7935

Roman Leviticus.7935

WvW all weekend with [LaZy], took some towers, sieged some keeps, defenders smashed, invaders squished, fun all around, join us in the festivities.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Roman Leviticus.7935

Roman Leviticus.7935

Why LaZy??? Because we are anything but…’nuff said!!!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roman Leviticus.7935

Roman Leviticus.7935

Main Guild : The Imperium of Lazy Nation [LaZy]
Server : Dragonbrand—→Kaineng

Second guild : Imperium of Lazy Nation [LaZy]
Server : Dragonbrand—→Kaineng

Third Guild : Lazy Nation [LaZy]
Server : Dragonbrand—→Kaineng

Fourth Guild : Insert Witty Guild Name Here [LaZy]
Server : Henge of Denravi—→Dragonbrand

Fifth Guild : Guardians of the Imperium [LaZy]
Server : Dragonbrand—→Kaineng

We are having lots of the same issues as everyone else. The main one being we can not raise our guild cap, hence the creation of other guilds. Several officers have tried daily at different npc’s (Lion’s Arch, Black Citadel, Rata Sum, Eternal Battlegrounds, etc) to no avail. A support ticket was submitted once discovered (which was day one of the headstart) with no reponse as of yet. Another member submitted the ticket and I will reply to this thread with the info once I have retrieved it from him. Upon hearing that other guilds were able to raise their caps we changed servers in hopes of resolving this issue. We did so understanding that we would lose the current influence accumulated as well as all the upgrades we achieved up until that point. You can understand our disappointment and frustration when we discovered the same problem on our new server. We would like to know when this issue will be resolved and if the influence that was accumulated on all 5 guilds can be restored to the main guild once we are capable of increasing the cap.

As for other issues? Our guild panel as well is not working properly, i.e. members representation not reflected properly, upgrade queues disappearing or showing wrong completion times, members being shown on different servers, tomes of influence not giving the influence, etc.

We understand that you are probably inundated with support issues but your assitance in these matters would be greatly appreciated so that we can enjoy the game in the way it was intended.

Thank You,
Roman Leviticus (LaZy NATION Board of Director)