Showing Posts For Rooms Of Ruin.1965:

That guy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rooms Of Ruin.1965

Rooms Of Ruin.1965

read point 1…

“This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc.”

This has absolutely nothing to do with someone getting killed standing around afk. The enemies in the open world exist for the SOLE PURPOSE of killing people. How they reach their target makes no difference, whether by accident or on purpose. Go report the devs who coded the AI I guess.

Let me solve this problem for you since it eludes you:

1. Hit I, double click on your HoM portal stone, go make your tea.
2. Click the PVP icon, go to HOTM, go make tea.
3. Click M, WP to the town of your choice, go make your tea

or alternatively you can:

1. Stand around in the hostile world where people are actually playing, get caught by a stray mob, die, waste devs time with senseless reporting, go complain on the forums…

That guy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rooms Of Ruin.1965

Rooms Of Ruin.1965

I hate “that guy” who afks by nodes (or anywhere else in the open world), then complains about dragged mobs. I guess we should tailor our node farms to 3 iron ingots an hour to spend more time killing every little level 5 creature to accommodate what should be done in town.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rooms Of Ruin.1965

Rooms Of Ruin.1965

I cannot see my fireball through the chaos of Tequatl battles anymore. During the finger phase, I can’t tell if I’m locked onto the correct finger half the time and have to keep double checking my icon to see if I’m actually firing or am out of range. I certainly can’t see where to position myself to take advantage of alacrity fields. This unnecessary change is making battlefield awareness in zergs worse, not better.

Mesmers using fans?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rooms Of Ruin.1965

Rooms Of Ruin.1965

(edited by Rooms Of Ruin.1965)

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Rooms Of Ruin.1965

Rooms Of Ruin.1965

Honestly there’s a very simple reason I voted Kiel,…GW1 wasn’t the rose-tinted version you now remember….I dislike you, the slobbering GW1 fanboi!

Being a slobbering GW1 fanboy is the sole reason I hate Charr so much and voted for Kiel. Stop clutching on to your stereotypes.

In my opinion, humans are – as always – a rather boring race in this MMO

Fixed it for you.

(edited by Rooms Of Ruin.1965)