Showing Posts For RoosterBrewster.2183:

Player to Player trading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RoosterBrewster.2183


A P2P trading mechanism is needed for people selling high end mats or exotics since supply and demand of that item is not very stable. Putting it on the auction does not guarantee a sale so it’s not worth posting due to losing 5% of the listing price every time you have to relist the item.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: RoosterBrewster.2183


Even without DE’s, it seems like every area has very fast respawn rates. This makes exploring caves by yourself really difficult and annoying. I can spend 20-30 seconds killing a mob and then when I am engaged with another mob close by, the first mob will respawn and join in. Eventually I get overwhelmed since I can’t even leave combat. This becomes even worse in the Orr zones where every mob has stun or pull move or underwater where mobs take 5 times longer to kill.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoosterBrewster.2183


I don’t understand what’s so social about spamming LFG in map chat. I think a dungeon finder would make the whole dungeon experience more social since it would allow people to group up quickly and actually do dungeons. It would also be better especially if the dungeon finder grouped you with people from the same server so then you can actually keep in touch with people you have played with. In WoW, you often grouped with people from other servers so once you finished a dungeon you were never going to see them again.

At the moment if you want to look for a group, you have to go the zone the dungeon is located in and spam the map chat. You don’t have the freedom to go to any zone while you wait to get a group together. If we aren’t going to have a dungeon finder, they might as well make a LFG chat channel that allows you to automatically spam “LFG dungeon” every minute.

Lion's Arch hidden area / daily loot chest

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoosterBrewster.2183


Is it just me or does the camera get stuck way too often in those narrow spaces? It took me about an hour and half to get through as a Norn just because my camera would get stuck in the walls and wouldn’t allow me to turn or move.