Showing Posts For Rotted.2843:

Who needs maul anymore? (17k jaguar crit)

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843

There would it be.
… As I already said – it’s the most aggressive build that could probably be on Ranger today. But it’s not much reliable and is kinda vulnerable.

You could swap the Master’s Bond into Mighty Swap if you feel like it. You can also swap Quickening Zephyr for Signet of Stone if you are in competitive environment.

The burst comes out of sequence
RaO > Fire off Volley (stack Might on pet) > Activate Signet of the Wild (And Zephyr) > Rapid fire to stack might on pet some more > Swap to GreatSword and blast off Sick’Em + Stalk (Jaguar’s Stealth)

Then you have pet with around 22 might already and +40% dmg from Sick’Em and +20% from Signet of the Wild… 30% increased Crit damage from traits and Guaranteed crits from Jaguar’s Stalk for interval of 6 seconds.
If the enemy has any evasive / block / invulnerable cooldown ready – your build just lost all of it’s power.
If they don’t have – A full defensive Guardian is going to die in 5 seconds.

I’m actually using signet of the hunt for the 150% damage instead of QZ and axe/warhorn to stack the might(I find the longbow to be too slow). I’m also running 0/4/0/4/6 with zephyr’s speed to cast the skills faster upon initiation. Also you forgot about the 50% damage from the gs 5 :P

Who needs maul anymore? (17k jaguar crit)

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


Totally not a viable build, just for fun :P.


The Well Round Ranger (Celestial build)

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


With the new release of the celestial armor and weapons, I have decided to make up a celestial build that focuses on all aspects of damage.

Why use this build?
In PvE
Good survivability (20k health,2.5k armor)
Medium-high damage (115% crit damage, 50% crit rate, 2600 attack, 700 condition damage)
Focuses on condition damage, crit damage, and pet damage


Steady Focus (I): Nice bonus damage
Spotter (VII): Increases crit chance

Pet’s Prowess (I): A whopping +30% crit damage for pets, who wouldnt want this
Companion’s might (V): This trait is very essential to this build; it makes up for the 0 points into beastmastery
Honed Axes (IX): +10% crit damage with main hand axe

Wilderness Survival
Vigorous Renewal (IV): 15s of vigor with healing spring (ticks of 2s of vigor)
Hide in plain sight (IX) or Martial Mastery (X): Hide in plain sight is very useful in pvp but not so much in pve, choose the one you like best

Healing Spring
Lightning Reflexes
Signet of Renewal (This is optional, you can use whatever you want)
Sic ’Em
Celestial armor with divinity runes
Celestial trinkets

Celestial Axe/Warhorn, Greatsword
The axe and warhorn is mainly used to build might for your pet, build up bleed stacks with 2 (2 and 4 can build up your pets might quick but watch out for retaliation!)
Greatsword: Great defensive weapon and offensive, 2 deals good damage and applys more bleeding stacks, 3 is a good gap closer, 4 and 5 no need to explain this

A main damage pet: (Felines or Birds) I choose the jaguar because of the stealth
Another main damage pet or a canine: I choose the wolf for the great fear and ccs

20042 Health
2676 Armor Rating
2642 Attack Rating
49% Critical Chance
115% Critical Damage
696 Condition Damage
20% Condition Duration

19132 Health
2495 Attack Rating
40% Critical Chance
72% Critical Damage
605 Condition Damage
20% Condition Damage

Build Calculator;4wEFx-d2VDV-0;9V8E;1JTJ;006-04839;54wl0;2V19cV19c00Fe1fg9-7fmeq5rar5sas5t52uVIF310U

Demonstration of Companions might

Demonstration of Companions might with rampage as one

Using the build in a sPvP match

SOAC NA Prof Tourn - Live 1600 pdt

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


Name: Rotted Ranger
Accout name: rotted.2843
Rank: 18
Recording: Yes,
Yet another great tournament to come! Lets take the crown this time and show them that rangers are the best. #POWERRANGERS

SOAC Revenge Tourney - Great Work!

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


oh oops, i didn’t read the whole post clearly haha. I am available at Saturday too!

SOAC Revenge Tourney - Great Work!

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


IGN: Rotted Ranger
Day Available: thursday 5-11 pst
Record Capability: fraps
The last tournament was awesome! I hope that this one would be even better with the custum arenas

Arrow To The Knee: All-Ranger TPVP Event

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


That was quite amazing! You don’t usually see 5 rangers queue up for tPvP haha, we started out weak but we came out strong, winning our last two matches. All and all, thanks to SOAC for hosting the event. We all had fun and hope that there are similar events to come in the future!

Arrow To The Knee: All-Ranger TPVP Event

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


In Game Name: Rotted Ranger
Time Available: 5:30 PST-12PST
Recording Capabilities: fraps

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Rotted.2843


Just dropping this in here.

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rotted.2843


Name: Rotted Ranger
Profession: Ranger
Gear: Exotics and ascended
Experience: Run daily p2 and p3s, haven’t tried p1 or p4 yet
Time Zone: PST

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


Heres an idea. Instead of having a perma stow option, add an utility skill that makes the pet stick really close to you similar to the shout protect me. When activated, the pet could give you buffs while avoiding mobs. Furthermore, the aggro tables of mobs could be changed so that only you can aggro mobs when you are in range and pets can not aggro mobs unless they attack the mob. This could help a lot in dungeon runs and general pve.

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


My ranger with arah and human t2 cultural


Ranger LB Crit rate

in Ranger

Posted by: Rotted.2843


Has anyone noticed that the longbow crit rate has dropped considerably since the update? My crit rate is at 61 and I used to be able to hit about 7-10 crits in 10 hits, but now I feel like it is doing 5-6 crits in 10 hits.