80 Ranger
I would have appreciated an official:
“You really should try classes: x, y, z because A, B, C classes are not more “challenging” and will not easily be able to play while experiencing content"
When I started the game. At least then I could blame myself for picking a Ranger.
Well.. so rolling a warrior is the only real option? Seriously? Sigh….
Well.. so rolling a warrior is the only real option? Seriously? Sigh….I really wish I could like WoW.. oh wait they nerfed the hell out of my fav classes there…
Well.. so rolling a warrior is the only real option? Seriously? Sigh….I really wish I could like WoW.. oh wait they nerfed the hell out of my fav classes there…I guess its TV
I don’t understand why you would buff Warriors even more though and nerf Ranger traps.
Would you guys even consider providing rangers a way out and trade their level 80 for a level 80 of any other class? I have played MMOs sine EQ1 and I am under no illusion that Rangers will ever be fixed.. its just not how these games work.
I also don’t have a bunch of free time to level up something else.. hell my Ele is only level 10.
Well. I have to admit while I expected lack luster I didn’t expect a trap nerf.
Well based on what I have seen in the patch notes and the game thus far I am guessing that unless you play a Warrior, Guardian, Mesmer, or Thief you really won’t be happy.
So, when the next big game comes out I’m gone. I’m really tired of being lied to. I played a Warlock in WoW and a Conjuror in EQ2 both of those experiences were sub-par. I hate leveling alts.
Why put a class in the game if you will not support it or balance it? Pointless. Only thing this does is create drama after people invest months in a character and find out it just can’t compete.
That makes the gaming experience un-fun.
Pets are pretty boring in this game, and I am talking about all the pet classes not just Rangers.
Right now I find Bears to be the most useful pet followed distantly by Felines and Spiders. Spiders do ranged attacks and are thus usually alive longer in Dungeons. Overall no pets are useful in dungeons really.
Ranger pets need an upgrade. In addition I agree with the poster that wants more “fantasy” type pets.
Well patch day = here
and.. no patch.
and.. no patch.I bet the patch goes in with no Ranger changes since Anet will find out that the changes might upset die hard Warrior and Thief players who don’t want competition.
and.. no patch.I bet the patch goes in with no Ranger changes since Anet will find out that the changes might upset die hard Warrior and Thief players who don’t want competition.Hopefully I am wrong.
and.. no patch.I bet the patch goes in with no Ranger changes since Anet will find out that the changes might upset die hard Warrior and Thief players who don’t want competition.Hopefully I am wrong.
The problem with WoW is the nearly 10 year old dated graphics.
GW2 is not perfect but its all there really is currently for “new” in the stale fantasy MMO market.
When the current patch is released we will all learn answers to the following:
1. Can new content be added in a way that makes sense to all facets of the playerbase: casual, dedicated solo, dedicated guild, wvw, and pvp?
2. Will the Ranger class be playable or will all the people that made a Ranger and played it to 80 need to re-level another class?
3. Will there be a future for WvW or is this just going to be SPvP and some PvE type of game?
The class is broken as is currently and considering how low the replay value is leveling additional characters is a lot more painful. My level 10 ele will take a good 3 or 4 months at this rate because when I can’t get a dungeon group on my Ranger who is max level with completed story I play him for a bit, get bored, then watch TV.
I play a level 80 Ranger and decided to try out a new class a week ago and created an Elementalist. Currently only level 10 but I have noticed that the class feels
“right” and makes more logical sense in so far as play style and skills then my Ranger.
The only issue I have is that even at level 10 I seem to be dying a lot. I have played casters in other games (EQ2 – Conjuror, WoW – Warlock) so I know how to play a light armor wearer in those other games.
My questions:
1. Does it get better at higher levels in regards to not dying as much.
2. It seems to me that Elementalists are in greater demand for groups in Dungeons at 80. Is this true?
3. I don’t WvW much but how does this class do in WvW? My ranger gets owned usually.
Best thing to do is first make sure you are level 80 and have at least “RARE” gear. The next thing is to look at your traits, I happen to be Mostly Marksman and Beastmastery with the rest in nature. Your results may vary but so far its working for me.
I go double bows.. but tend to stick to shortbow more. Don’t even bother trying to melee in a dungeon.. its a waste of time for a Ranger.
As for pets.. you need to use a bear, I suggest the Brown bear or Black bear. Your alternate pet should be the Lynx (or any cat). Swap between the two.
Remember, being level 80 and having at least Rares is critical here. Anything less and your just going to die a lot.
Good luck!
Honestly, I would not hold out much hope. Many of us are still playing because there are no really decent alternatives. I’m working on my elementalist alt a little and trying to finish my personal story on my Ranger in between the very infrequent dungeon groups, half of which are abysmal failures due to general balance issues and requiring better gear then you will get from the dungeon to complete.
Maybe I will be wrong and once patch day is done I will be happy with the Ranger changes. Being an MMO player for the last 13 years I doubt it though.
I have had this happen to me, just not as overtly. People will say “sorry group is full” People are asking the question: Why invite a ranger if I can get a warrior or thief (or really any other class)? Any class will do better anything the Ranger can do.
The ranger was fun to play until I realized how under powered the class is compared to other classes. I wish I had rolled a warrior, I’m currently working on other alts of different classes but the replay-ability of the game is a bit less then I expected so it will take a long time before I end up with a viable level 80 alliterative.
I really don’t believe we will see fixes but I sort of hope we do…
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