Showing Posts For Ruby.7960:
Agreed! It might look bad to implement this rule for the Pro League games, but it looks worse to leave it how it is.
Thank you!! This is very necessary.
I’m Ruby and I really wish Anet didn’t name these divisions after gemstones. >:l
I loved Huttball! That being said, a lot of what made it fun was the verticality with platforms above and below you. A lot of classes could leap or pull opponents, so the ball could ping pong around like crazy. I don’t think GW2 could easily recreate that, but environmental hazards could still be fun. Overall, I don’t know if the classes are currently balanced in a way that would make capture the flag fun.
If Anet can think of a creative and enjoyable way to implement it, though, I would be all for it!
The best I can think is to spectate/re-join if you’re in hot join and relog if you’re in anything else.
I’m in the same boat as everyone else: Greater New York area, verizon, blah blah. I did the VPN thing and now it’s downloading just fine.
EMP does stuff.