Showing Posts For Rukiel.4920:

Gandara v Fsp v Ag

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Thank you for some good games o/

Here is our short video for this matchup

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Piken Square Vs Gandara Vs Augury Rock x3!

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Thank you everyone for great matches so far Here is our newest video from this matchup o/ So far we have loved this matchup. Our guild events have been full of action and we have had few amazing guild vs guild sitations in open field In this past 3 weeks we have learned lot from our opponents, thanks for that

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)

Gandara Vs Piken Vs Augury Rock: Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Even this is new “matchup”, i’ll throw here our last week short video from our events

Thank you again for last week challenges and fun

Week 10 Matchup

Good luck in this matchup and lets have good spirit and fights

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Post Your Build Thread

in Guardian

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


I’m mainly running wvw and this have worked for me


Valor V, VI, XI
Honor II, XI and i change 3rd one a lot III, VIII, IX

Gear is soldier with lyssa runes
Ascended soldier backpiece
Knight accessories and neck
Ascended cavalier rings

Soldier weapons GS(sigil of fire), Hammer(sigil of rage), Sword, Focus, Staff(sigil of life)

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Well here is link to our guild’s youtube channel

[DYE] Gandara

And here our latest video

Week 9 /2013 Matchup

Just normal WvW action from our guild. Sorry no GvG :P

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)

Gandara Vs Kodash Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


[DYE] Thanks everyone foor good matchup. Was fun and challenging

Here is short video from our journeys like we do every matchup

Week 9 Matchup

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Post Your Stats!

in Guardian

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Well, here is my stats without foods/oils and in overflow


Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Thanks for everyone!

Had again nice fights with both sides

Week 8 / 2013 Matchup

Good luck in next battlefield and remember to have fun

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Another lvl80 ready with final look, only need right gs anymore


Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Well, seems that we wont do 3rd main run for this matchup, so we like to thank you both servers for good matches

Riverside, you guys really wanted to keep those keeps on monday Haven’t seen so many ac until that day, but in the end we got both

Good luck in next matchup!

And here short video of our journeys

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


maybe this is noobish but i just started playing last week, i was just wondering what armor groober has? i see he is lvl 23 (im having a brain fart, i think it was that) im about to hit 20 so if i can look that, that would be awesome. thanx to whoever can help.

There you go

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Well, here is my mesmer. Kinda dark theme ^^


Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Riverside VS Gandara VS Aurora Glade [EU T4]

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Well, here comes the reset of matchups.
[DYE] thanks everyone for matches for this week
There was good challenges sometimes +1

Gandara vs Riverside vs Aurora Glade

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Thank you very much for good matches Aurora Glade&Dzagonur! Even i only played on saturday after reset, i have heard good things of matchup Couldn’t make own video after this week, but we got one from our guild leader on saturday event, thanks to him

[DYE] 19.01.12

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


[DYE] Thanks everyone again for matches
Especially thanks for Piken Square giving us real challenge that we really had to do only main runs and leave alts outside for wvw
Just bad thing was that you quite often outnumbered us 1:3 this week but oh well, more fun sometimes when just laughing before last push even we knew that we will wipe
Here is short video of our gameplay, if someone havent been against us or with us :P


Had no idea how to embed video, got just wall of text in preview so there is only link now ^^

siN would gladly accept, and as Intigo pointed out, im pretty sure a lot of guilds @ Piken would, we are like that.

We got couple good fights when we saw mostlyonly u guys near water camp and lake tower about two days ago +1 for that ^^

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


[DYE] Thanks everyone again for matches
Especially thanks for Piken Square giving us real challenge that we really had to do only main runs and leave alts outside for wvw
Just bad thing was that you quite often outnumbered us 1:3 this week but oh well, more fun sometimes when just laughing before last push even we knew that we will wipe
Here is short video of our gameplay, if someone havent been against us or with us :P


Had no idea how to embed video, got just wall of text in preview so there is only link now ^^

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Armor set done, still trying to figure out my weapons skins


Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


you are probably the worst server we ever met

I only represent myself on these forums

‘We’ speaks as a majority, and you represent yourself, dunno if troll or just sad or every Piken has this opinion in general.
Plz don’t escalate this any further, or we are gonna have another bad thread which will not help anyone.
By that I mean don’t reply to this post or that kind of tone in general.

And finally, one of the most important points, which is also available for every sub forum: be polite and respectful towards each other. These forums are meant to be constructive, and while we understand that a bit of zeal can sometimes be necessary in the spirit of competition, please keep in mind that all inflammatory, rude, and disrespectful posts will be removed. So let’s reserve the energy to fight on the in-game battlefields and not on our forums.

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


1,5 week holiday and finally back in business. We thank you very much for everyone who was playing with us two days ago and today And was good to see how Piken tried everything to keep us on 3rd place. 3rd round next. lets see how everything goes that time, maybe its piken’s turn now after Gandara&Augury [DYE] thanks everyone for matches

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Finished look of my thief


Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rukiel.4920


Just came to say that love this build and going to follow more this post and cool videos

First i thought that ele is just glass cannon and hard to master, but overall this has been most enjoyable class i have been playing so far

Me and my guildmaster(guardian) have had very good laughs and epic fights when we push trough the zerg and others following and taking confused front line

Officer/Commander Of Finnish [DYE]
Gandara EU
[DYE] Youtube

(edited by Rukiel.4920)