Showing Posts For Rungard.3762:

Boss Fights, No healing class, is there any point to this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


i think one of the biggest problems with the dungeons is the effect spam and viewpoint. Many times you just cant see the “hint” you need to “dodge”. It is a major problem if dodging is the only way to survive. The feild of view also does not help because the camera is centered around the waist when it should be just over the head. How are you supposed to see an animation when your either in the way or your zoomed out so far you cant see the animaltions properly.

both of these are easy fixes. Allow the effects to be turned off or massively reduced, and put in a verticle slider in the options to put the camera pointing above your head so you can use some of the closer views to see the animations.

Boss Fights, No healing class, is there any point to this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


i think that the GW2 system is actually superior and smarter than the old trinity style. People should be looking at this system as an infant with lots of room to grow rather than writing it off as a failure.

give them a chance to work on it and add to it.

i would like to see the following added:

active block for a 66% damage reduction (66% endurrance cost) and 2 sec stability (uses the same pool at dodge and active parry (for those without sheilds) with a 33% damage reduction ( with 33% endurance cost).

Temporary stat shunts for 30 seconds with 60 second cooldown (ability focus): Ability to shunt stats at a net loss ( 60% of original to support 40% of original for dps) to or from power/precision to vitality/toughness and to or from condition damage/crit damage to healing/ condition duration (CC). So if you shunted 500 power/precision you get a temporary bonus to vitaility/toughness of 60% of that or 300 for 30 seconds. The opposite transaction would give you 500 vitaility/toughness for 40% or 200.

(edited by Rungard.3762)

How to have raids in GW2 without upsetting the PVP/PVE balance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


Firstly i dont like raiding in other games like everquest or wow. I feel they are more greed based and not comunity based so i have never supported that playstyle. I do believe however that there is a way to have raids in GW2 without horribly disreupting the games balance, or even affecting it at all.

What i would propose is to have a raids, but instead of the raids dropping personal equipment, all the rewards would be on a guild level. This means that when you drop boss x you get something useful for the guild as a whole rather than the individual.

I believe this would ensure that that style of game could be supported, but would not have an effect on the gameplay because the same rewards could be earned in other ways such as pvp.

Combat Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


While i think the system is pretty good, i do feel that it could use a few tweeks as per below:

1) Battle Stances: ability to shunt stats either to power/precision (offensive) or toughness/healing (defensive). You would only get a 66% bang for your buck so you would lose 400precision/power for 275 toughess/healing if you chose the defensive stance. Like weapons you would get a timer to switch back and forth and stances would only last 30 seconds with a 60 sec cooldown.

2) Tactical stances: ability to improve condition duration at the expense of condition damage and vice versa. Same as above the cost is greater than the gain (66% return) with the same cooldowns.

3) Active sheild block/weapon parry: Use the same mechanic as dodge, but they use less endurance and have less effect. You could block 3 times with a sheild but a sheild can only block 66% damage. Likewise you could parry with a weapon 4 times but could only block 33%. Some times you dont want to dodge and a second option would be nice.

4) i think healing is kinda weak compared to dps. I would try to improve healing by 5% and if that doesnt do it try 10%. I just think it needs a small tweak.

just some ideas to flesh out the combat system.

(edited by Rungard.3762)

vertical slider in the options section for the camera

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


ive added a couple of pictures so you can visualize whats needed. Keep in mind this is an asura, the slider would be needed to adjust to have the norns head in the same position if possible.


(edited by Rungard.3762)

Guardian: Swap Shield skill 5 with Focus skill 5.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


While i agree, i secretly believe you just want a combo finisher for your sword and sheild.

everyone loves area might

vertical slider in the options section for the camera

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rungard.3762


there is a horizontal slider already, and i was wondering if we could get a vertical slider. I like to play the game zoomed in a bit and the character takes up most of the view.

if we has a vertical slider we could move the camera up a little bit so it would make the larger races more playable for us zoom in folks.

I understand this is not an issue for those who zoom all the way out, but for the rest of us it would be nice to have this option to make the gameplay a little more comfortable.

(edited by Rungard.3762)