Showing Posts For Ryce.8310:

Best Class For Tagging in Orr For Loots?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ryce.8310


So right now Dynamic Events in lvl 80 zone is competing against bots and farmers who spam high dps aoe damage in order to tag mobs to get loots. Does anyone have any suggestion which class would be the best for doing that? I heard people say Ele class would be the best for it because of all the AoE skill they have but some say cast time makes it hard. Other people say Engineer since grenade are instant cast and does insane damage. Any ideas?

Getting Zero Loots in Big Events

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryce.8310


Orr mobs doesn’t drop much crap for me anymore even when I’m not capped. Like a 5 min invasion event, I probably get like 5-10 loot from dead bodies.

Getting Zero Loots in Big Events

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryce.8310


Doing events in Orr while massive amount of horde spawns and I get zero loots for hitting/doing the event. Is there a require damage you must do on the mobs in order to get loot? Or is it a number of hit?

LF PvE Guild Maguuma Server

in Guilds

Posted by: Ryce.8310


Looking for a PvE guild in Maguuma Server that has lots of active members and does lots of lvl 70-80 events and dungeons.