Showing Posts For Ryo Hazuki.8503:

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

I just wanted to stop in and say that the game is dead. I logged in and there is no one there whatsoever. I encourage everyone posting/reading on forums to log in and see for yourself. it is completely empty, but all 10k+ of you should log and in see for yourself. I’ll be waiting, and the 10k of us online will be able to see no one is there. That will be our proof.

Rubbish, it’s not dead at all. I was on last night and my server was quite busy, plenty of people still joining in for DE’s etc. Certainly not as bustling as launch but that’s obvious.

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

From my PoV it’s doing pretty well. I played religiously for the first month, I clocked up hundreds of hours. But after starting University, I began to play less and ever since November I have returned each time new content has been added. I played a fair bit over Wintersday. And returned each month for the current F&F content. I’m definitely a casual player, I don’t look into builds too much and hyper-analyse mechanics.

But every time I’ve come back, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and most importantly, I’m seeing players everywhere. I am a player who thrives on a busy server, if it’s empty, it really puts me off, I hate the eeryness. But I’ve not experienced that yet so I just keep coming back whenever I can do.

Hopefully this continues for years to come, GW2 is one of my favourite games of all time, in fact it sits just below Shenmue 1 & 2 for the Dreamcast, so I regard it quite highly.

Thank you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

Glad you’re all enjoying the game. Our developers have been working really hard over the past few weeks (many with very little sleep/no weekends) to fix the major issues as they could, and they’re continuing on making fixes. We appreciate that you all took the time to drop a little note of thanks.

Work a little harder on fixing a bugged out Mistfire Wolf skill for those of us who PAID extra!

Or at least give us an update on what’s going on with the situation and an ETA for a fix, or a work-around ala refund.

Good grief, it’s one little tiny thing in comparison to the whole game (which is massive, just think about all the code and servers used to run this game). If I was you, I really wouldn’t be that bothered, and I think it’s a bit disrespectful that you worded your post to an Anet member like that when you simply could’ve asked nicely.

Fortunately 99% of people in this thread are appreciative enough to look past the odd bug here and there, in a 2/3 week old game! -.-

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

Yeah, 10s/hr. By which most of it gets depleted with waypoint travelling, salvage kit buying and mat buying.

A) Stop using waypoints, as much as possible, use the asura portals if you can, explore the world, it’s worth saving all that waypoint money. I dread to think how much I spent on the WP’s in the first few days before I realised.

B) You shouldn’t be salvaging everything

I’ve made about 30s in the past half an hour from drops and knowing what sells well on the TP. This is whilst progressing in the game and not purposely farming.

Remove Trading Post Vendors from cities

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

I imagine it’s to prevent people from buying things in ridiculous bulk etc etc… the tedious trip will prevent people from doing this.

Thank you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryo Hazuki.8503

Ryo Hazuki.8503

I would also like to say thanks too! I played WoW for a bit, got bored. Same with rift, got bored. Played through all of GW1 and apart from EoTN and enjoyed it somewhat (which I am going to buy and play when I’m not completely hooked on GW2) but the MMO genre just had something missing for me as a whole.

Without me knowing it, you have addressed all those points! I never feel left behind for not playing 24/7 (despite clocking up over 100 hours already), I never actually feel like I’m grinding although I essentially am, the world is so immersive and in-detail that I often get side-tracked on the way to a storyline quest – a couple of times I’ve been exploring for like 2 hours inbetween the quests. I never look at the level bar thinking “Ugh, how long is it until I get to level 30”, the community is friendly and not imtimidating (so much so that it’s allowed my knowledge of MMO’s to flourish whilst playing the game).

I could go on forever but it’s just, for me, made MMO’s so much more fun and less of a chore that other games in the genre make it seem. Add the quirkly features: jumping puzzles, vistas, POI’s and the library inside the Priory, which is amazing and you have my favourite game since Shenmue for the Dreamcast in 1999. It’s taken 13 bloody years!

At the risk of writing out a fanboy style essay: your company also deserves our money, you listen to the fans, keep us updated and it genuinely feels like you care about the fans, the players, the game, the brand as a whole and are not just in it for the money. Although the profit you make is the game-breaker, as you’re a business, as a customer we don’t feel used as a pawn for that. And in a consumerist world, where big businesses rip people off left, right and centre – it’s the most refreshing thing ever.

Bravo, Anet.