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Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


I want to start with comparing a top server to a bottom ranker server as I recently transfered from blackgate to fergs crossing. On blackgate wvw was packed, too crowded for me. we took and then defended objectives and players worked together. On fergs crossing its door hammer. you dodge the enemy zerg and knock down undefended doors as they do the same thing. the exception is eternal battlegrounds but on borderlands you avoid fights and cap undefended towers all night.

I believe the core problem with wvw population balance ties in to the fact that as players we try to find the simplest way to meet a goal or gain a reward for our actions. What motivates the player. Loot, look how many people grind away hours farming for loot. You cannot argue the level of control you have over how a player plays simply adjusting loot tables.
I have a few ideas.

First I would love to see opposing players names in 2 different colors representing what server they are on, so I can quickly prioritize my targets in a 3 sided fight. Change wvw colors from red, blue, green to 3 colors NOT used in pve like yellow, purple, orange. This should be simple enough to do, and a long time ago I used to pvp in EQ1 we had 4 teams and being able to see each side in a battle was awesome, made for some interesting fights.

Next, the team with the top current population on the map should have a bonus to the loot dropped by the players of that world. Want players to team up on the big team, reward them for it. We follow the loot. You will of course have to tell us who this bonus is on at any given moment.

Without a defending force a tower can fall in minutes, this is a major problem as no one enjoys standing guard. What happens is no one stands guard at all so no one makes it to the tower to defend in time. Gates (and walls so thiefs can stop perma stealthing inside) should only take damage from siege and not from players as zergs just mow them down. guards should stand inside the keep and man siege until a player kicks them off of it, bad ai using siege is better than no one using it. Players should be able to purchase additional guards to man siege as well as the current upgrades. Maybe even a system to allow the claiming guild to dictate a priority system of what siege to man, a simple priority list so they stay off the treb and use an arrow card when theres a group at the gate. I honestly feel an undefended tower falls so fast that we are overly rewarded for avoiding the enemy and trading towers back and forth. You gain karma and wxp faster trading towers than fighting to defend them. Also a greater variety of guards for the additional purchased ones would be interesting, allow the purchasing guild to pick between the types.

Overall I feel that if you reward the player more for attacking the top world on a given map, and defending rather than going on the offensive you will see wvw change. It will be more balanced and fun. Fun is what is going to draw more players on lower servers to play it, and in the end make them servers worth transferring to when your tired of ques in higher tiers. And that is the only way to balance the population without restrictions, give the players a reason to go and a place they will want to go to on a lower tier server. I hate my new servers wvw population, I truly miss players who had winning in mind as team mates but it was too zergy for me in kitten

take this a little further and provide some balance I would even suggest reducing the rewards for capping towers and keeps as well would be getting rewards for defending them now too.

One potential problem is that increasing the defense of towers and keeps will make it easier for a big server to hold them, that is why it is key to this to make sure that the big server has bonuses attached to killing them and capping their towers. Give me bonus wxp, karma, and better loot rolls against the top server and thats who I am going after.

Imagine a group of players with yellow tags, and a group with purple tags besieging a keep belonging to the orange team. Then fighting each other over the cap after we take out the walls, guards, and players. Now that would be fun. But it rarely happens with all red name tags.

bank suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


I love the collectibles bank tab however there are a few little changes I feel would make the regular bank tab so much better. Today I found i had the need to re-organize my bank, all 7 tabs of it. Without the ability to drag and drop tabs above/below each other I was forced to close tabs I was not using and try and remember which closed tabs have what in them. I found myself wishing that I could not only drag/drop tabs above and below each other but also wondering why I cannot name them. I would love to see the ability to stick a name on the same line as the arrow that opens/closes each tab. I would also like to see the ability to deposit gold returned. I can no longer hide my money from myself so I am spending it all. Also I have a number of items in the bank that say “soulbound to another character” but I dont know which one. things like wxp boosters and usable items. I would love to see it say “Soulbound to [name]” These small changes would, in my opinion, make a very large impact on the usability of the bank and encourage players buy more tabs for organization.

-nameable tabs
-drag/drop tabs to change order
-ability to deposit gold again
-say which character an item is soulbound to

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


I would love to see race change as an option and wouldn’t mind one bit if my personal story was reset in the process. If even give up my cultural armor. I personally am not happy with how chart armor looks, the tail picking out without a spot drives me insane and I as a result hate my warriors appearance. I’m just returning to gw2 from 6 months off and am very disappointed this is still not an option as I had hoped it would be. No I won’t re-roll my time is not unlimited but I would gladly pay 1600-2000 gems for a race change as I have probably spent twice that trying to get my chart to look like I would like.

Gallery of LIT torches?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


has anyone found a gallery for torches yet? This is really great but incomplete still. Looking for something to go well with my mesmer who has the pink glowy thing going on with mist weapons for the other weapon set.

Seven Mirror - WvW Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


In your latest video you said you moved some trait points around, could you please outline the changes and why you went with them. Also why the switch away from using staff as your second weapon set? would you still run staff solo and not in a group?

Also ty for the videos, they are great to watch. Would love to see one you narrate the fights with what your thinking/doing in each. I keep rolling it back to watch your skill bar and see the order you do things lol

2 mesmer clone bugs (staff-trident)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


Did some testing in spvp with the mesmer trait Illusionary Elasticity (bouncing attacks have one additional bounce) I used clones for the staff and the trident and came up with 2 interesting problems.

Trident Clones: without trait the #1 attack hits 3 times, with trait 4 time. this is for myself and for my clones. so the trait functions on trident clones perfectly. However oddly enough trident clones casting Siren’s call (#1 skill) also seem to apply confusion where the mesmers casting of the same spell does not.

Staff Clones: without the trait winds of chaos hits twice for both mesmer and clones. With the trait winds of chaos cast by the clones will still only hit twice, winds of chaos cast by the mesmer hits 3 times though. (works on mesmer cast but not clone cast version)

So the trait works with trident clones perfectly, and does nothing for staff clones. Im not sure which way the bug is going as in should it work for both types of clones or none. I am hoping it should work for both as it is a major hole in my condition build currently. Also the trident clones have the tool tip wrong and are not displaying the confusion or as I suspect, they are not supposed to be applying confusion with every hit.

These test were performed on heavy target golems in the heart of the mists on land and in the water respectively.

(edited by Ryodan.3157)

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


Thank you arena net, perfect timing on this I had just told my guild I wasnt going to play anymore because the game actually was hurting my eyes and causing headaches. This has almost entirely fixed that problem. I am now moved far enough back from my character to be able to deal with the not-so-smooth camera movements when your turning.

Field of View / camera distance hurting my eyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryodan.3157


When I first played gw2 in all 3 beta weekends and a few of the stress test I always had sore eyes and headaches. The camera and the turning just felt wrong. Well when the game came out I played it so much I did get used to it and thought that was the end of it, however It seems that I have this problem again after taking a small 2 week break to beat a single player game. No game no matter how good it is, and GW2 is great, is worth my eyes hurting just to readjust to its funky field of view / accelerating camera turning. So unfortunately I will not be able to continue playing GW2 untill a field of view adjustment option is added. In addition an option to allow the zoom to go farther out would be a big improvement and allow for a more comfortable amount of in game peripheral vision. This may be the easier of the 2 solutions to this problem, hard to tell since I have no means to try each option and see if it works for me.

This is not a problem I have had in any other games, and i practically live at my computer (playing games) when not at work. Its also such a shame that I cant enjoy an amazing game that I literally looked into daily for more than 3 years of development over a simple little camera adjustment option that should exist but doesn’t.

Thank you