Showing Posts For RyuKaiser.7302:

I can't even.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


So… to get legendary weapons, we have to do PvE, PvP, AND WvWvW. To get our brand new specializations, we have to grind hero points, rather than getting to enjoy them during the leveling content. Dungeons have been abandoned, and the dungeon finder STILL won’t teleport the entire team into the chosen instance once assembled.

Not only that, but raids are completely locked behind a massive grind wall, even though the entire game was created on the principle that you didn’t have to grind just to enjoy the game, and get to see parts of the content. The game is also moving towards the Holy Trinity, even though the skills STILL reflect the “full DPS but defensive skills that can save your butt” philosophy.

… I’m sorry, but this is literally the worst expansion I’ve ever purchased. The game is having an identity crisis, and without a massive investment in time, I can’t actually EXPERIENCE the new stuff in the game. I was really hoping to get my thief’s Trickster Elite spec and level up, but this is not the case, and if I want my Legendary now, I have to do content that I don’t enjoy at all, even though you could have put legendaries for PvE, PvP, and WvWvW.

I’m just gonna stick with Wildstar. It knows what it is, has a functioning dungeon/party finder, and has different gear for different modes, making sure if you aren’t progressing one way, you can progress another. Meanwhile you keep stumbling and locking everything down. Thanks but no thanks, I can’t even anymore, Anet.

I don't want "everything" right now

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


I cannot fathom why people don’t want to play the game they paid 50 bucks for. Take your time, savor the content, and remember that it’s not a race. Masteries are account-wide, so you only have to obtain them once. People cried for difficult PvE content for two years, now they have it and they won’t stop whining about it taking time.

They’re asking for the classes to be unlocked right from the get-go so they can play a new way and experience the game in a new way, WHILE devouring the new content. They aren’t begging for free legendaries, or to immediately have access to everything, even though it’d be nice to not grind through weeks of bullcrap just to actually see the raids that they’ve been teasing us all with.

Anet should unlock everything from the start

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


Are you sure that you eat cabbage, or do you eat paint chips? Because that was the worst argument I’ve seen. I paid $50 for specializations I won’t get to use until 80, and not until a MASSIVE grind of hero points. Forgive me for not loving and adoring it, especially since it’s going to take so kitten long just for me to get to the fun stuff,now that they’ve abandoned dungeons.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


I’m sorry, I don’t like it. The Elite Specs look like so much fun! But I can’t play them because I need over 60 hero points just to unlock weapon usage, 75 for the next part, and so on. Really? I can’t LEVEL with my Trickster Thief and play him, and learn him while moving up? I have to wait and hope to God it MIGHT be fun and worth the hero point grind?

I can appreciate grind in an MMO, I really can, but this is ridiculous. You’re doing what WoW did: Locking everything behind atunements and other forms of grind just so we can get around and play the fun stuff. Wildstar DID THIS, and WHAT DID IT DO TO THE GAME? Yeah. Not a good story. No one wants Vanilla WoW back except for the people with rose-colored sunglasses…

Absolutely no reward last round.

in PvP

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


Is anyone actually reading what I posted? At the very bottom I said “EDIT: WE WERE DOING AN ARENA BATTLE, SO WE GOT ABSOLUTELY NO KILLS. THERE WERE NO POINTS TO CAP”. Yet half the posts I see here are telling me to capture points.

… Seriously people?

Absolutely no reward last round.

in PvP

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


I think you’re overreacting and hurting your argument by throwing in threats of quitting. Just think, how often is this really going to happen? Is it really worth freaking out about something that might happen in, at worst, one in 30 matches?

I do think you should get the same reward for losing, even if you get 0 points. But your tone is doing more harm than good.

Eh, I said I was fisting the escape button, but the uninstall button. I log out of the game in rage and vent here, rather than staying in the game and remaining toxic. Figured that’d the lesser of the two evils.

Absolutely no reward last round.

in PvP

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


Well, let’s see.

In War of the Vikings, if I knock someone down (IE, dying, but not dead), I get 100 EXP for it. That’s where the majority of it actually comes from. If I get hits on an enemy in most games, and they die/get knocked down, I get EXP for helping my team mates win, IE, assists. Since killing is so ridiculously hard in this game, I’d suspect that we’d at least get SOME points for at least trying to help our team out.

As for these elitist shenanigans: Save it. I’m not here to play Dark Souls, or whatever super duper hardcore game that you think this game is/should be. I’m here to play simple rounds of PvP, and try to have some fun while earning skins. Sorry if this isn’t hardcore enough for you.

Not to mention healing and buffs and other things also gets you points in games, which rewards you for working as a team. There are times on TF2 where the Medics have the highest scores.

(edited by RyuKaiser.7302)

Absolutely no reward last round.

in PvP

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


So, I was doing an arena battle room. For all intents and purposes, we were DESTROYED. 0 to 500. Now, thing is, I floored quite a few enemies (but naturally, never got the kills or a reward for knocking them down, thanks to the “brilliant” system of this game). At th end of the match… absolutely no reward whatsoever.

I’m going to be frank with you. The only reason I’m even touching PvP is because of the reward tracks. If I’m not moving towards this goal… then I see no reason to participate, and the PvP is pretty much the only reason I’m even playing at the moment.

Is it really too much to ask to get a reward for a knock down, so at least I can say “Oh yes, well, at least I did something” instead of looking at a big fat 0 and going “… I have no chopper back-up. Hit Eject” and fisting the escape button as hard as I can to the tune of the SWAT Kats theme? Because quite honestly, if I’m getting absolutely no reward whatsoever… I don’t see a point in it.

Edit: We were doing an Arena battle, so we got absolutely no kills. There were no points to cap.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


As some who still has to level up some characters, I am disappointed with the transmutation changes. Since transmutation stones only worked on items below level 80, it meant they were great for maintaining my chosen look while levelling up. They were also fairly easy to obtain, so I had a decent supply of them.

After the update, I am down to about 40 charges, which would be great if I didn’t have 3 characters below level 50 and if a single change of a piece of gear didn’t cost 1 charge.

Consider making it cost only one charge no matter how many gear pieces you change on characters below level 80. Or perhaps someone can come with a better solution.

There was a better solution posted up, using Charges to unlock skins for permanent use, so you could swap the look. Alternatively, separate Wardrobe look from your items, so you always look like that. This current system is built from the ground up to nickle and dime us all straight into hell.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


To be honest, I’m already sick of this transmutation bullcrap. I’ve kept this game on my harddrive despite not playing it very much. Why? Because it has potential. Because it is fun. However, if everything’s going to be tied to the godkitten gem store, then I’m not putting up with it. DCUO gives me this system for free, as does LOTRO, as does several other games. Hell, even Diablo rolled this out for a tiny in-game fee (though it could be better implemented).

I quit this game a few weeks after release due to the customization system. It was shown, to me, having the PvP locker visible to where you could pick your look and dyes, and actedvery much like DCUO. That’s the game I Pre-Ordered. Release day came and suddenly the game turned frelling korean on me. While I’m grateful there’s no monthly fee attached to the game, the other games I mentioned have none either, yet still find a way to get customization to me freely.

Here’s the thing: I’m all for buying skins from the gem-shop, alongside released content giving you different skins. I’m all for monetizing peakittens over pay to win. But if I can’t find some way to permanently make the gear I like look the way it does, even when I change gear, then screw it. I just spend several charges thinking this was the way the system worked, and incredibly pleased with the way my characters looked, only to find that every piece of gear now has to be changed.

You already offer a permanent hair change thing, right? Let me buy the customization system then. The people who want just one look can spend tiny amounts for the transmutation stones. Folks like me can spend a lump sum to get full access to the system. I would actually play this game again if I could just stop looking like crap…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


That would’ve been amazing, but unfortunately Anet would lose money if they implemented a system like that. They wouldn’t sell nearly as many transmutation charges.

Then I guess it begs asking the question: Why the hell would I use transmutation charges before 80, and why the hell do I have to suffer for 80 levels before I can finally look decent?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


So, I was under the impression that “Wardrobe” was separate from what I actually had equipped, IE, you can equip whatever you want, but your wardrobe/appearance, once you spend the charges necessary, will never change unless you opt to change it. Kind of like the system in LOTRO, where you have slots where you put said skins, and they overwrite whatever you’re wearing.

Is this correct, or did I get myself hyped up for absolutely nothing? I was actually very pumped with the idea that I could FINALLY set my characters to a look I enjoyed, and not have to mess with it, or have to fear looking like an idiot because I have a bunch of crap mixed in with good gear.

What was the justification for this nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


“Boss chests in dungeons are now limited to once a day. Champion loot bags and dungeon tokens from the bosses themselves will not be limited in this way.”

What problem did this fix? Why would you punish somebody (more) for being the fifth in a run to help their guildie fill out a dungeon run that they’ve already done once that reset cycle?

Because some players on this forum and likely in the game take it upon themselves to make it their business how other people play the game or make money. It apparently bothers them if you do it a certain way they do not want you to.

I assume it was, like many other things in this patch, meant to slow down the amount of gold players are making per day.

This game is getting more and more disney land themepark by every update, can’t wait for Arch Age…

Limiting gold income leads to higher gem sales, which is all they kittening care about.

Not true. Less gold earned means less inflation meaning less gold required to buy the items you want. The only people this really hurts are the people who spend significant time using this specific method to get gold.

And god forbid anyone spend some real money on a f2p game.

I’m sorry, I don’t think I ever got the memo of this game being f2p. It’ss BUY TO PLAY. Not Free to Play. That means I threw $60 at their head when pre-orders went up. F2P means you can download and play without buying anything.

What made anet turn against their Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


Because the trinity is for lazy people, that’s why. Lazy because they depend on Tanks and Healers, while everyone else goes DPS. This system makes it so EVERYONE is part of the fight, and has to care for themselves. You CAN run support if you want, and there are healing skills. I should know, I used to Staff Guardian in the WvWvW.

If anything, it reminds me of Phantasy Star Online. Everyone’s DPS, but can support others if they need to, and everyone is reponsible for their own butts.

New Transmute Costs Bad for Leveling Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RyuKaiser.7302


This was the huge turn-off for me, and why I quit playing entirely, save for some PvP. I wanted to look good while leveling, but it wouldn’t let me. They had advertised the game much earlier showing a system like DCUO’s, but with the interface of the PvP. I about squealed when I saw it. When I actually got it, however, I was less that happy with it, and simply moved on afterward.

Shallow? Yes, but I have a very certain look in my mind for my characters. If I can’t get it from this game, I will move on. There are plenty of games that allow me to change my look for free. LOTRO has it, DCUO has it, why the hell can’t any of the newer games have this amazing feature that allows you to customize your character?