Showing Posts For STE.8612:

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


End of the Matchup. Thanks a lot to SFR and Piken for the good fight this week.
It was really great. Keep in mind that GW2 is just a game and it is ridiculous to fight on the forum about who is the best, the blob, the zerg bla bla, “qui a la plus grosse”= “who has the biggest one” (may be, bad translation).
The only important point is to spend good time, if it was the case, you have won, if it was not the case, play Sim online or at tea parties with your sister.

In any case, well done !!

Steahan (GANG)
Motto: Pick up is beautifull

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Friends, I think we are talking about WvW. Some of you prefer the fight on the field and GvG. I can understand it, but, WvW is several kind of situations.
Sometimes, WvW looks like PVE, sometimes looks like PvP, but if you want only fight on the field versus the same amount of players in front of you, you have made a mistake, this is not GW2. This is not the arena net choice.
If you want, GvG, ask to the best guilds in GW2. I am not an expert of GvG but, for sure, ZDs, WL, IRON or others good guild will be available, may be.
I am a Vizunah member, a normal player who likes what arena net propose to us. Arena net don’t propose to us to play only GvG. It propose us something very different that may be, some players don’t like. Sorry but it is not vizunah fault
The game is 7 days, night and day. We want to win so we organise our team in order to be present all the time.
In the futur, may be, WvW will be closed during the night and during my diner also
In this case vizunah will change his organisation, because normal players like me, play in order to win and believe me, we enjoy the game as well.
To conclude, I would like to underline one point. On vizunah TS, nobody speak about the skill, nobody say that we are better than the other, (except may be young guys, 14 years old, so not relevant). On the contrary, often we say things like “at the present time, it’s difficult, we have good guild in front of us, please need help, need more people, etc…”
And when it’s difficult, we try to loose less points possible until the moment when we will have the opportunity to gain points. Sorry but this is the GW2 WvW rules even if you would have prefered something different.
Considering what you say, “Aurora glade don’t want to play the points”, I think you don’t play the same game than the other servers on the top. Sorry for that.
In any case, It is just a game, so see you on the field to have fun with good spirit)

Pick up is beautiful

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Thanks for your answers
Oren and Buri, I can understand your point of view and then your arguments are good, but, as I see it, the goal, is the final score. Yes it’s true, I play for fun but I want to win the match also. For example, I don’t play a football match, thinking “I don’t care the result”. Of course I agree with you, it’s just a game and the most important it’s to have good time, but I prefer to win.
Regarding the coverage, I know that vizunah organise the coverage. There is some discussions about that between our members, and some of us accept to play during the night because of that.
Regarding your sentence “We don’t sit behind arrow carts that often either”, my POV is that arrow cards is a part of the game. We have to take advantage of everything in order to win. There is no shame to use it. I have not created WvW rules, I use them.
You are right Beri, It’s clever to have several sets.
But really after one year versus a lot of servers, SFR, Deso, Elona, Piken, Baruch I can make some comparison.
Yes sometimes, often if you want, Vizunah lose fights, because sometimes of course we are bad also. And sometimes we have in front of us, better players than us.
But the comparison, may be don’t include good guilds like Dawn and VCY, but basically, the fights are harder versus, piken, deso, SFR and so on…
Please beleive me, I don’t tell that in order to be arrogant or unpleasant, It is really what I see.
On TS some vizunian commanders told us that this week, may be they will cancel raid organised if your main guild are not present. Because they think that without your main guild, there is no challenge.

Have a nice day friends, and thanks again for your nice answer. Sorry for my bad english also


Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Hello Aurora Glade and Kodash.
First of all, congratulation because even if vizunah is very numourous, you fight again and again. Your gamers are very brave.
On saturday, there were some good fights thanks to your efficient guilds, but I would like to underline 2 points, espacially to Aurora glade friends:
- first, even if you have gamers efficient in 1vs1, keep in mind that theses guys are most of the time useless in WvW fight.
- second, full berserker is nice for good damages but you die very quiclky. I do not want to create polemic about “who has the biggest blob”, this is not the point, but often the aurora glade blob is also very important. Nevertheless there is no match versus vizunah, you died very quilcly because your pick up are for sur, “berserker gamers”.
Vizunah is on the top because we are numourous?
Yes, may be!
But we are numourous thanks to the good spirit, the good organization and also because we have gamers who like so much WvW. These guys play during the night or very early on the morning. Then our commanders, are very involved for the Vizunah server. That the reason why, vizunah attracks a lot of gamers.
I confirm, we don’t have canadian, but they are welcome if they want to join us
We have a lot of belgian and one italian, the famous Shayana (forza italia). On in all, we are vizunian.
To finish, Guild Wars 2 is a nice game and we all need good opponents to spend good time.
So, thanks a lot for your good spirit in game

Ste and Caro (necro – mesmer)
Guild: GANG
Motto: Pick up is beautiful

Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: STE.8612


Thanks a lot, Desolation and Seafarer’s rest, for the good fight this week.
For sure, to spend good time we need good opponents and this is always the case with Deso, SFR, and also with Elona and Baruch.
We have to keep in mind that GW2 is just a game. Next time you will win again because, really, you deserve it.
See you friends, on the field
name: Ste/Caro
Nationality: Vizunian
Guild: GANG
Motto: PU is beautiful