Showing Posts For Sacropedia.5941:
I noticed this about a year ago, maybe more, and thought for sure this must be a known issue, widespread, soon fixed. But clearly it hasnt been resolved, so on the off chance you don’t know about it, here’s a mention:
The CSS rules for articles under the News section on the website are incorrect, and the main content is set to display: none, causing it to be hidden.
Specifically, there is a “Display: none;” rule for an important element.
You can find the element on the page by going to:
body > div#content > div.article > > > div.gw2-c-1 >
under which is an element <div id=“backtotop”>. This id has a rule to it which states (abbreviated because wall of text):
::content a[href^=“…”],
::content #share-links,
::content .post-share-panel,
::content a[href^=“…”],
::content #backtotop,
::content .facebook-btn,
::content .cookiebar {
display: none;
This can be fixed manually by pressing F12 on the page, finding the aforementioned and adding the following rule:
display: block !important;
Without “!important” it won’t work.
I do hope this gets resolved, as even with a complicated CSS there are easy fixes, and this does mean I’ve stopped reading any of your news articles (and they used to be so good too).
Kind regards,
Hello all readers,
I’m Sacred, one of the officers of the Legion. Being one of the few EU-based players still on a EU-server, I wanted to take a moment to talk about that.
Operation:Union is an amazing project for finding people to play with and our hope is only that it will keep growing and stay useful as a unifying point for the whole Guild Wars 2 community. :)
That said, it is a fact that many of our original European players long ago decided to transfer to NA-servers. However, I want to let every European reader know that you shouldn’t be afraid of participating in the project just because of this.
I am a very active player on a European server and I will gladly play with anyone who wants some company or help. Also, the European players on NA-servers are still playing from European time-zones and will be available in the guild chat to give advice on anything you want to ask. So please, don’t feel like joining the project would equal transferring to NA-servers, or being alone, because that’s not true! ;)
Finally, to anyone who has heard about the Legion before, maybe checked it out but didn’t feel like it was for them, I would definitely suggest checking us out again as we have recently implemented a couple of changes and may be more to your liking now. Hopefully our updated structure will make the project and the guild more accessible and attractive for you and the entire community!
Hope to see you all in-game,