Showing Posts For Sadtv.9183:
This just leaked, [TL]’s comms:
1st Rekz push:
“Ok Shield Generators 1-5 go,Arrow Carts 1-7 Go! Ele Statics 1-11 Go! Wells 1-13 Go!”2nd Push:
“Ok Shield Generators 6-10 Go! Arrow Carts 7-13 Go! Ele statics 11-23 Go! Wells 14-29 Go!
Wow they didnt even have to call the ballistas? Thats some real skill
40+ in our ball and 30+ pugs? We had 23 on in guild and some people were stitting in LA or in HoT kitten. Mesmer clones and ranger pets dont count as people bro sorry.
Edit: guild roster is 39 btw when everybody is on (which is basically never)
(edited by Sadtv.9183)
TL is right guys they were good fights =)
Was super fun killing the OS and TL queue blob with 20 people until they decided to start running away from every fight and start hiding behind shield generators. Lets do it again some time <3
Skill unlocking is a little bit of a pain, but if you level high enough (not sure how high, 20+ maybe) all skills you haven’t unlock take much less kills to unlock. Every toon I have had this happen to has only taken 1 kill per skill to unlock it (even the 4th and 5th skills), but I am not sure if it scales or not. So if you really don’t want to unlock all atunements and weapons early just pick one weapon and use that until a higher level.
Arcana is in my opinion the best elementalist trait line by far. Even ignoring the attunement recharge reduction and boon duration (which you seriously undervalue), it has some of the most useful major traits. You can get by well with only 10-20 points in arcana if you really want to, especially using staff or dagger/.
Since for some reason some people don’t like speccing into arcana, perhaps a better solution other than removing arcana all together is to reduce the base recharge of attunements by 30%, and make arcana reduce the recharge by an additional 30% at 30 points.
Alberel Leonhart.9640You realise the health return when using it is part of the bug right? The game treats vapour form as a rally and then deals you damage when it ends to down you again.
The mesmer and thief both have comparable 2 skills in their downed state and they don’t have this penalty. It is a bug. Don’t try to argue that it isn’t.
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean its a bug.
Mesmer’s 2 teleports you to a random place, not always to safety (sometimes you still get stomped), theif is only 600 range. Since base in combat movement speed is 210 you can move farther than the theif by just running. You can dodge in mist form too, which is much faster than combat running speed and causes you to move much farther than a theif. Their 2 abilities also don’t make you gain a large amount of health in some cases either. Know other classes before you make claims about them.
It isn’t an issue. Yes it sucks that if you use vapor form too many times you basically kill yourself, but if you wait to use vapor form until you are just about to die you gain a lot of health when you fall back down again. Not to mention that any class would probably be dead already by the time you use 2 vapor forms and kill yourself. The only way you should kill yourself on accident is if you are using a #2 ability as you go down which pops vapor form (which imo should be prevented by adding a very small cooldown like 0.5s to vapor form when you first go down). Just watch your downed penalty before using vapor form, if it’s red don’t use it.
Honestly vapor form is the best downed ability by far atm. Being able to get up for 3 seconds from downed state is ridiculously helpful, even broken in some cases. The #2 downed ability for other classes in most cases only is useful as a stomp interrupt, not a stomp interrupt + get up and run to safety.
I think your best options for staff going off your listed builds are (not neccessarily in this order) are Power Mix, Full Soldier, and Power Tank. From my experience power is the best damage stat on a staff build. Since all your abilities are aoe I do not like relying on crits since each ability either only hits once or enemies can just move out of the aoe to only take one or two hits. Like you said in your last post, I agree that 30-35% crit chance is a good place to sit around for scepter and dagger/ (because you can attunement swap for fury on hard hitters), but for staff crit isn’t completely necessary it seems like. My favorite from those three builds is Power Tank. Because of all of your self-healing, toughness is a more valuable stat that vitality in most cases for an elementalist.
You might also consider cleric armor with knight jewels for staff, with some kind of tanky crest/rune. It makes you very survivable and tanky while doing decent damage and also being a good support build. That is my favorite staff armor.
Like drkn suggested, 30 water and arcana with 10 in earth or air is also a great trait spec (I prefer 10 air because it works better with scepter and dagger/ imo, which I use most of the time). Elementalist traits are very player dependent though, so use what you think works with your playstyle.
I do not like carrion armor or condition damage builds at all on elementalist because it forces you into using only earth or fire to deal any respectable amount of damage, and even then it is still just not as good as an engineer, mesmer, necro or ranger condition damage build.
I also do not like full berserker armor and jewelry on elementalist at all because we are already the squishiest class in the game. I would not even recommend using even your armor or jewelry as all berserker unless you have at least 10 or 20 points in earth and/or water.
(edited by Sadtv.9183)
Here is why condition damage isn’t ideal on elementalist: condition damage is best for classes that can stack various conditions (especially bleed or confusion, since they stack intensity).
Can elementalist do this? Yes, but only in dagger/ or scepter/ earth form. And even then, you are limited to only bleed. You could switch to fire to apply burning on top of that, but then you are locked out of earth for over 10 seconds and you will stop stacking bleeds. Switching to either air or water would kill your dps entirely since they do not have any damaging conditions. Elementalist is best played using all 4 attunements and all their abilities, so using only earth and fire is not a good limitation.
Classes that do well with condition damage, like pistol engineers for example, can easily stack a large amount bleeds on auto attacks and get much easier access to other conditions like burning and poison to add even more to their dps.
You could play elemenatlist with a condition damage build, but you would be sitting in earth auto attacking almost all the time except for maybe starting fights in fire to apply burning. That would be pretty boring in my opinion and you would probably not deal as much damage as other condition damage builds.
At the end of the day, conditions do play a big role in elementalist damage, but they don’t work particularly well with a condition damage spec and a condition damage spec doesn’t compliment our class mechanic.
Stop Drop and Roll is a great trait considering chill destroys elementalist due to the cooldown increase, and burn hurts really bad which is not a good thing with our low hp. Not only that but both conditions are pretty common (especially burn). Dodge rolling does not have to be only for dodging attacks, and you can still use it for other things like curing chill/burn and easily have enough endurance to dodge attacks that need to be dodged if you think before you just randomly dodge around.
The elemental surge change you want is pretty terrible tbh… having abilities that activate on their own is a pretty lazy and annoying idea. True, elemental surge isn’t as good as evasive arcana in most cases, but it is still a good trait. Chill and immobilize are strong conditions (their effects aren’t reduced against many bosses). It is a good trait in builds with more than one arcane spell.
I don’t really think that the attunement system is flawed. It’s different that engineer sure, but the entire class is different than engineer. I also don’t understand why having to keep track of your attunement cooldowns and being forced to make tough decisions on when you switch attunements is a bad thing…doesn’t that just raise the skill ceiling? That’s good right? Ele is a pretty powerful class is played right…the fundamental mechanic is fine.
Conjures though, I think they need work. IMO, they are pretty crappy right now. There are some okay combos with lightning hammer and haste just so you get the blast finishers…but that’s really all I can think of. The fact that you get locked into the conjure’s weapon skills and then lose them until cooldown is up if you want to use your normal skills is terrible.
^ This. The decisions for when to switch attunements isnt even very tough. Just prioritize your weapon skills over utility skills. What I mean by this is for example if you are getting hit and need to heal and water is off cooldown don’t use your #6 healing ability, switch to water and use those skills. When you need to heal again you will still have a healing ability available in every attunement, so it doesn’t matter if water is on cooldown or not.
Attunement cooldown is also fairly short when specced into the arcane trait line (which is an amazing trait line). Some people may see the required 10-20 minimum points as a class issue which I can understand (although I don’t really agree), the solution for that may be lowering base attunement cooldown, and making the arcane line decrease cooldowns by less, to roughly the same amount of time as now at high points.
What people don’t understand as ele is that, with the exception of scepter air and a few dagger attunements, using auto attacks severely hurts your damage. Except in cases where you can only auto attack (i.e. to not draw aggro from aoes), auto attacking can and should be avoided by using every other ability in the attunement and switching to another. Only auto attack when the condition or effect it provides is useful at the time (such as using fire scepter AA to burn for fire grab). Ele’s have 16 other weapon abilities. Use them all, their cooldowns aren’t very long and as long as you didn’t completely waste them on nothing you will usually not regret using them later.
2. Elementalists require far more effort/skill/learning to reach similar but mostly lower levels of success compared to other profession.
Of course a class with a mechanic like the elementalist has is going to take more effort and skill… The point of attunements is to have a wide range of abilities that you can use for a wide range of scenarios. To play at the best level for any class you should know what all of your abilities do and when to use them. Since elementalist has more abilities, it is inherently harder to play.
As for your “Blobby” scenario, if you want to play like a warrior and only use a few abilities all the time then just play a warrior. And you are grossly under exaggerating the damage and survivability of an elementalist. If you seriously have this much trouble against a normal mob you should try equipping your armor instead of leaving it in your backpack while you run around naked.
(edited by Sadtv.9183)
Fire grab: reduce recharge to 40s, decrease cast time to 1/2sec
The cast time decrease on this is frankly not a good idea. It could even end up being a nerf because it would be harder to swap attunements in the middle of the cast time for the extra 20% crit chance from fury.
I’ve been playing the Warrior and Ele now to level 28. I’ve read specs on the best levelling theories. However I’ve made my decision to leave the Ele until its fixed.
Comparing single mob fights:
Warrior: 5-7 secs
Ele: 20-25 secsMost of the spells are bugged, especially that I’m playing with a Sept/dagger. Starting as Air, push backs are bugged and the lightning bolt dash is bugging most frequently.
So now, its back on the warrior. I’m going to check patch notes in the future, but I’ve enjoyed this profession. When they rebalance it in PvE and fix most of the bugs. I’ll probably come back and try again.
What are your takes on the Ele? are you having similar problems?
Neither of those skills are bugged… Ride the Lightning moves to intercept your target so if they start standing still or moving a direction you won’t hit them, that is all. Not exactly sure why you think Updraft is bugged.
If you are taking 25+ seconds to kill a normal mob you are doing something wrong. The only class (I have played every class multiple times in both beta and live) that can even come close to killing things as fast as my ele is warrior. You can’t play ele like other classes in the game and just sit in one weapon/attunement all fight. If you actually use all your abilities and attunements you kill things very fast.