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References to popular culture in GW2 (possible quest spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.1736


Right after you wake up as a sylvari there’s a “one does not simply” line. I forget what it is specifacially but it has to do with dragon fighting

The line is, “One does not simply awaken and rush off to face a dragon!”
This line made me laugh on my first sylvari.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.1736


I really loved Cantha, not only for its rich flavor and cultures, but I also miss the lush music and story! Please bring Cantha back, maybe even as soon as the next expansion?

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Safire.1736


1. Tengu – With such a fascinating culture, music, and appearance, combined with the originality of this race as a whole, it seems to be a slam dunk.

2. Stone Dwarf – So much potential for additonal lore and plot twists here. Besides these, dwarves tend to be overly generic in games (Scottish/Irish drunkards who love smashing things and making fools of themselves), but GW2 has done a phenominal job with taking sterotypes and completely shattering them in a good way. Let’s do it again, ANet!

3. Quaggan – Once again, such a culturally rich, original race! There is no match to their pacifistic culture yet in the game, and a shapeshifter mechanic could make gameplay and aesthetics much more interesting!

Other possibilities and why they are less likely in my mind:

1. Centaur – While very cool and still screaming to be done in many MMORPGs, centaurs are quadrupedal. This makes animation attempts a lot harder. Plus, with the cultural reconciliation needed between them and humans, it would be too similar to the Charr plot and hence feel repetitive.

2. Kodan – Talk about a cool race! The primary reason these would not be used would be their cultural similarity to the Tengu and Norn (feeling like some kind of hybrid culturally). Additionally, their culture and the fact that they are bears, sad to say, would get HUGE criticism and accusation because of its similarity to WoW’s Pandaren.

3. Grawl – Though these guys are comical and would offer a primitive culture to play, Grawl just lack an element of interest that so many other races have.

4. Hylek – These are not so far-fetched. The primary reason they would not be included, as mentioned in an earlier comment, would have to be the poison immunity that would be difficult to balance with other game mechanics, though a solution to this might be making a racial skill that grants poison immunity when activated.

Guild Wars 2 Tabletop RPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.1736


Interesting question!
I personally rather like D&D 3rd edition and I think it might work, I am also a fan of White Wolf Storyteller system but I’m not sure how that would work here.
It would probably be best to make your own system.
What made you think of GW2 as a pen and paper RPG? I am interested in how you would approach it. take the same classes and basic story line? Please elaborate

I think the basic framework used by D&D 4E is very conducive to adaptation of the GW2 mechanics. Also, with the annihilation of D&D 4E with Wizards’ new D&D Next being more of a return to the original systems with significant adaptation potential, there are those of us who are huge fans of the card game-esque mechanics to the powers system and a resultant void that would be ideally filled mechanically. Furthermore, rather than D&D’s arbitrarily useless alignment system, a GW2 tabletop RPG could utilize the Personality system they already have and perhaps replace the mental skills sets of D&D with a separate list that could both be trained and also receive inherent bonuses based on personality. This would allow for character growth demonstrated by more than just roleplay aesthetics, and it would give meaningful consequences to playing or not playing according to one’s personality.
Having been a dungeon master for several different types of groups over the years for multiple game systems, not only would adapting a current tabletop RPG system’s mechanics be doable, but this could also potentially be a HUGE market for ArenaNet if they seize it quickly due to the sudden (sniff) discontinuation of a solid, fun gaming system.