Showing Posts For Sakagami.3825:
I’ve only PVP/WvW a bit weekly, but I can see the problem with RTL is that we can escape a fight whenever we want without any risk involved and almost no way to counter it. But, the way they fixed it just shows laziness IMO, since all they need to do was tweak a few numbers.
What I’d rather see is maybe a 1s cast-time and keep the 20s CD with some flashy casting effect, so that players can at least try to counter it. And, maybe add a 50% chance to reduce RTL cast-time to 0s just to add a bit of randomness to Air attunment and keeping the way it used to work 1/2 the time. But, anything’s probably better than a simple and ridiculous 2x CD fix. ;(
9/10, I like her expression. It looks realistic and mature without the glowy eyes.
Here’s my guardian.
I actually like the way they hold it, it makes them look agile and ready to fight.
I’ve only PVE through this game so far and have found that underwater combat to be the most frustrating experience. Monsters seems to have aggro range of miles and you get swarmed easily. They summon minions that do more damage than the summoner. And, you do a lot less damage compared to being on land, which only makes you feel like dragging them up to land where possible. I’m not asking to make this aspect of the game easier, but I don’t think underwater combat should be so easily overwhelming.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Or, am I just playing my Guardian class wrong? ;(