Showing Posts For SaladSnake.4068:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068



5 Arcane Slivers, 5 PvP Glory Boosters and 5 PvP Salvage Kits is really poor award for monthly. This doesn’t reflect players’ efforts in it. 10 Arcane Slivers + 5 PvP Glory Boosters or 5 PvP Salvage Kits would be more reasonable reward.

Monthly PvP rewards must be improved

in Suggestions

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


5 Arcane Slivers, 5 PvP Glory Boosters and 5 PvP Salvage Kits is really poor award for monthly. This doesn’t reflect players’ efforts in it. 10 Arcane Slivers + 5 PvP Glory Boosters or 5 PvP Salvage Kits would be more reasonable reward.

(edited by SaladSnake.4068)

Gandara Vs Millers Sound Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


Bun Tata sendings a many kisses for all in this thread

looking for [Recipe: Fur Leather Helm]

in Crafting

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


i wonder how will it look like in game, too furrrrryyyyyyy for my charr to handle

And I’m just want that recipe for making things and selling them on TP

Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

in WvW

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


It’s technically not an exploit since at that area they cannot affect or hinder the scores from there. If they leave that spot kill them. If they stand there, they cant cap the camp and are just wasting their time.

Anyway its not fair. They can attack me, I can’t answer. I think this area somekind of mistake or inaccuracy.
I don’t say delete whole area I wanna just suggest shift invincible line a little bit back.

(edited by SaladSnake.4068)

looking for [Recipe: Fur Leather Helm]

in Crafting

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


if i had to guess based on the description and for some reason being unable to find the npc mentioned in it anywhere in the wiki i’d say its just not obtainable ingame or was removed/left out.

I don’t think so. B’coz every time i saw update about selling Fur-Leather items orders.

Augury Rock [FR] exploit users

in WvW

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


AR players become invincible in this area. Usually they use this exploit to attack other fraction players who defending camp. It would be nice if ANet fix this area in future patches. Until fix I’ll recommend report for all who using invincible area exploit like this.
Pic related


looking for [Recipe: Fur Leather Helm]

in Crafting

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068

[Recipe: Fur Leather Helm] (unlock)
Checked all 1-40 karma vendors here: but nothing. Where can I purchase it?

Recipe: Vallog's Demise

in Crafting

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


It’s listed in that link you provided…

1X Orichalcum Hook[s]
1X Orichalcum Setting[s]
200X Seal[s] of Beetletun

If you read it again carefully, u’ll see “Requires Recipe Item” What’s mean Without Recipe Item you can’t craft “Vallog’s Demise”. So… I need info where i can get one.

Recipe: Vallog's Demise

in Crafting

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


Ascended Gear is totally wrong idea. I don’t want another gear treadmill MMO.

But, if make Ascended Gear equal exotic stats only with infusion slot OR just make Ascended Gear only usable in the Fractals of the Mists(separate gear, like sPvP)
First “equal” idea more preferred in my opinion.

Of course both suggestions acceptable as long as Agony Condition appears in The Fractals of the Mists only.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


Item preview at trading post. Recently I had an idea to go to TP and buy some items just to change the look of my equipment. But I discovered that there is no preview.

Totally double This.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SaladSnake.4068


Confirmed. Same situation with me. For example, paying a few copper fee when 10-slot leather bag listed for 6s. But when someones finally buy it I get 5s40c. Undocumented Second tax?