Showing Posts For Salty Red.6791:

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salty Red.6791

Salty Red.6791

so its a day after the update. I’ve done a world boss, and my guild has been split up on different maps. Why isn’t your guild the HIGHEST priority when it comes to mapping together? As a guild leader I want the guild to be a community, and share experiences together. Why am I, and others in the guild, limited to a party of 5 ppl ( all in the same home server and the same guild) as the ones that are to be grouped together. I DON’T care about anyone else that is not in the guild. I’m glad to be killing with them, but they don’t count when it comes to my community experience.
What will happen on guild missions, when we get the Haunted Langmar’s Estate? As a guild will we show up on the same map? Our guild missions will be in different maps, and from what I understand another guild has already ran into this problem.
ANET, you need to make guildies sticking together for events and community the highest priority when it comes to the megaserver map selections. Otherwise, why don’t we just run solo?
This would also alleviate RP guilds problems, they could stick together a lot easier.

getting rid of non-active guild leaders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salty Red.6791

Salty Red.6791

my “guild leader” is not active, but I’m no.2 in command. How do I get rid of him so new members stop asking where the leader is? Please whisper Elden Newlance if you have any advice.

how do I equip axes, picks, etc.....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Salty Red.6791

Salty Red.6791

I have bought my axes, scythes (reapers), and mining axes. But, I go to equip them and it wont let me. Can someone please give me some hints.

Also, the more I read forums, the more questions I have. First time mmorpg. First time with a complex computer game.

when you pick up an item, say, off a kill, what does it mean if its consumable, a trophy, etc…… If I double click the consumable does it just nourish me for a time?

What does it mean to be soulbound or account bound? How do I access the bank, I read a forum on it, tried it and got totally lost.
I know its a lot. if someone just answers some and someone else answers some it would be a lot of help. Its frustrating when people in the game wont help with questions.