Showing Posts For SanDanV.2951:

Watch this and share your opinion please.

in Thief

Posted by: SanDanV.2951


I see the point. A 3 second cast that roots you in place with an animation that is as easy to notice as the sun is worse than a permastealth back stabber.

11/9 Sigh SBI vs. BG vs. JQ again....

in WvW

Posted by: SanDanV.2951


I don’t understand this post. As a warrior I have actually hidden in a tower before as the mindless Zerg jumped over the wall and b-lined to the next point. 90 percent of the time they find you in the corner but 10 percent of the time unorganized groups fail. If that was a Mesmer you know what would have happened.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: SanDanV.2951


I have waited for an entire week to play a balanced match and I wake up this morning to SoS ROFLSTOMPING. WvWvW dead on day 2 of the week. Looks like a great time to level my Monk…. sad.