Showing Posts For Sane.8201:

Tower of Nightmares: Sylvari connection?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Sane.8201


“Working in secret, the sinister reptilian krait have created the Tower of Nightmares with the help of the Nightmare Court and some other mysterious benefactor” –

So yeah, we’ll have Kraits (who, as lore says, make no alliances due to their religion and xenophobism, but….Scarlet! And everything ridiculous and clunky explained) and more Black Salad. Seriously, we’ve been getting same crap for like months now. Plants, sylvaris, Trees, “mysterious seeds”, technic fetishes….
Arena Net has to be full of people really interested in modern gardening.

Holy kitten this, I’m sick of the Sylvari as the main point for EVERYTHING. I understand it’s part of the lore, but i just don’t find them interesting at all. I’d rather have something with the Dwarves or maybe Moredremoth

I personally disagree with random chance mechanics

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sane.8201


I’d rather have the pets in a minipack like they did with the Halloween ones, or perhaps put the minis in the sock/sweater/hat NPC so we can buy them there. RNG for minis from a chest that costs real money is a bit too much for me. I’ve already spent plenty in the gemstore over the last few months the game as been out, it just feels like they’re trying to suck every cent out of the player for cool stuff.

Is there any information on Wintersday skins?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sane.8201


We already have icicle daggers in game… so I’d want a candycane that someone fashioned into a sharp point.

This. I’ve wanted this since launch. My thief needs candycane daggers!

Buying gem packages in the TP..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sane.8201


If you want only a very specific number of gems, you can always use the currency exchange.

Not all of us have enough gold to buy the amount of gems we require.