Showing Posts For Sangkharun.6492:
I appreciate the replies everyone made and thank you for them! Ya’ll were helpful and maybe in a months time I’ll put it all together.
When I post a LFG for a dungeon, I always specifically put “No elitist kitten bags.” at the end. Group usually fills pretty fast lol.
What server do you play on?
I’m on JQ. Toons name is Délaina :d
That doesn’t mean they are bad people.
I strongly disagree. It’s perfectly fine to play the game the way you want to. It’s another thing altogether to be rude, callous and mean-spirited to other players if they don’t share your world view.
The word “bad” doesn’t even come close to the correct adjective to describe these folks.
If you join a party that is tailored for speed runs and you refuse to take part in that, then you deserve a kick for wasting everyone’s time and being selfish.
The groups I’ve joined don’t specify all the time, which brought me here to the forums to have a discussion. Some players would ignore set message, but I don’t like wasting peoples time.
Thanks guys, and I’ll check out the dungeon mentors. =)
I just started playing ~3 1/2 weeks ago. I’m happy to say I finally hit 80 and am excited to play with the big boys, but unfortunately the ‘big boys’ aren’t playing too fairly when it comes to dungeons and even world events. I’m not the type to ask a lot of questions because google is available, but every so often I will ask a question about current events happening or ask what I need to do in a dungeon because there’s really no time before everyone goes rambo or leaving the new guy (me) behind not knowing what to do leading to more questions causing frustration amongst the group members, following my toon getting removed from party.
Now, I’ve met good players in game that are just really nice who don’t need their kitten stroked every 5 minutes, but this ‘end game" content seems to have a following of superiority complex type players who don’t leave any patience. It’s just go go go!
I fully understand people power through runs, but there are new players with great potential out there, who with a few minutes out of an experienced players day, could excel and be more than what a “new guy” stands for in most players minds.
Out of frustration I came to the forums because I don’t want to feel like I’m a disposable player and I’m sure many other people feel the same. I don’t want to think I need to apologize for starting the game late and that there’s no hope in my playing catch up with the long time group of players because thats not enticing enough to continue playing.
Its a great game and I had so much fun leveling and meeting new people, that I want to continue playing and supporting GW2 and I can only hope that anyone reading my post (heartfelt rant) will start taking the time out of their gaming and help a new player when the time comes.