Showing Posts For Sangrael.1698:
Durmand Priory, The Vigil and the Order of Whispers - Whats the difference?
Posted by: Sangrael.1698
Priory –
Whispers –
Vigil –
Not lucky, he just picked one of the two heavy armor classes. A warrior with 15 points in Defense and Healing Signet can regen through almost everything while dishing out large amounts of AoE damage. Warriors and Guardians are easier in PvE content, but I don’t think anyone would argue that GW should be balanced around PvE.
So did you design the game for the players, or for the devs? While I had zero problems on my warrior and I typically did missions 2-3 levels early, my ranger struggled a bit and I would have over leveled a bit for some of the more difficult missions to compensate. Also, you have to walk to each of the mission locations, so while the level 80 could steamroll the content, they’re still having to babysit the lower level. And the only people doing that would be people with multiple accounts (more money for you) or people power leveling friends so they could run more content with them. Since there’s no sub, I can’t see a downside to either concept. If anything I would love to be able to help my friend’s level faster that way, since we’re all middle aged, most married, and the majority don’t have as much free time as I do. I fail to see a real downside to disabling sidekicking in personal stories. Those who want the challenge would still do the missions early or at level, and those struggling would do them later with a level boost to help. I fail to see how forcing casual players to seek help to finish their “solo” player missions is in your best interest.
I’d agree with the consensus. I was enjoying my ranger, and had established my rotations and trait setup. Then around level 45 you start running into hordes of Risen Thralls in story missions, and they zerg you, completely ignoring most NPCs (probably because NPCs do little to no damage, so they have no threat). I did end up finishing my storyline, but I had to completely change how I geared and trait’d so that I could effectively tank the mobs. I can’t imagine doing those missions on a clothie with one third the toughness and no pet to absorb damage.
I can’t imagine this is overly complex, but it would be incredibly helpful to those of us on less than stellar connections. I have a 5mbps connection, but it’s wireless, so once every few hours my net will drop out for 10-15 seconds. When that happens during a mission, I get dumped all the way out and I have to start over from scratch. Really annoying during the longer missions, especially the one involving the Temple of Lyssa. While I realize it’s my net to blame for the d/c’s, I’m not sure why the game isn’t automatically saving my quest progress anyways. It obviously has a checkpoint system, since you can restart from death at one.