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I hate personal stories. Did I fail the game?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


I’d like to see a secret mission, like the cow level in Diablo, where we get the option to kill Trahearne in a number of horrible manners. That’s the only scenario in which I think I could stomach interacting with him again.

At the very least in the future, refrain from making us the sidekicks to a character not fit to lick our boots.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


Forcing players to engage in an activity they don’t enjoy, doesn’t just affect them.

I absolutely hate doing dungeons/fractals, but if I really want those 10 shines for the monthly I have to do them. Sucks for me right? Well it sucks for you as well, if you enjoy that content. Next time you’re putting a group together in game or off the gw2lfg pate, I’m going to be there with my hand raised. I won’t care if I’m properly geared for dungeons, I hate doing dungeons. I’m not going to bother learning the dungeons beforehand, I’m not going to invest time into content I don’t enjoy. Do you really want to be stuck in a group with people who don’t want to be there? Sucks to be you.

Forcing people into content they don’t like, affects everyone. Instead offer multiple paths to the monthly. That way the dungeon/fractal crowd doesn’t have to carry people who aren’t interested. WvWers won’t get stuck waiting in a queue while pvers forced to pvp grind out their monthly. Let everyone do their monthly in a way that makes their playtime enjoyable.

Multiple paths= Greater enjoyment= greater/longer commitment= cash for anet

Flame & Frost launch time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


I don’t understand why this dev update their activities mainly on Twitter and Reddit..

but not in official website.

Ironically that page doesn’t even mention the Flame and Frost update, kind of proving the assertion BlackPaw made :p

Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


The Dirty Dozen:
1) Would you prefer ascended gear to be the last tier implemented for the remainder of GW2?

I would like it to be the last tier in terms of power. New variations in affects or gear specifically for certain types of gated content (like fractals) is fine, as long as it doesn’t provide a benefit outside of that content over normal gear.

2) Would you prefer ascended gear to be equal to exotic gear in all statistics except agony resistance?

There is no need for ascended gear as a new tier. Exotic gear should be bis. Don’t like running dungeons to grind gear, and if I did I’d be playing ANY OTHER mmorpg.

3) Would you prefer the level cap to remain at 80 for the remainder of GW2?

I would prefer that levels after 80 don’t offer anything more than a skill point. No stat increases, no need for gear grind, just a meaningless number.

4) Would you prefer if WvW was set up on an equal playing field similar to PvP?

No. What I would prefer is that Anet look at WAR’s pvp lakes. I think the wvw maps are too big, and there is too much emphasis on the big numbers. Add incentives for holding smaller areas and resource camps. Allow us to starve opponents by controlling resource lines. Give a role for melee characters. Currently only real viable way for warrior to play wvw is with a rifle.

5) Would you prefer if WvW / PvP / PvE had separate skill functionalities?

That adds a lot of work for the devs. I’d rather that the developed separate skills entirely for pve/pvp rather than try to make a single skill fit both game styles.

6) Would you prefer if Magic Find was removed from the game completely?

Don’t care one way or the other.

7) Would you prefer if Magic Find was divided equally amongst all party members?

It would be nice if magic find affected your entire group or even nearby players.

8) Is GW2 too ‘Grindy?’

Depends on how they handle ascended gear. If I have to repeat the same gated content over and over to get the next tier of gear, then yes too grindy. If they keep their word and offer multiple options for acquiring ascended gear, then the grind level is fine.

9) Does GW2 need less RNG?

Whoever came up with the gambling crucible should be fired and banned from ever working in the game industry again. I’d also can the people behind the market boxes.

10) Has the Trading Post [and all its users/farmers] positively impacted the economy?

Seems fine to me for the most part. Keep an eye on inflation. Prices in GW1 got pretty out of control.

11) Do you have as much faith [and/or enthusiasm] about the game [and/or company] as you did before launch?

I was a GW1 fanboi and that enthusiasm transferred over to GW2. However tossing the manifesto in the trash ruined my trust in Anet. Flat out don’t trust anything they say at this point. They have to earn back my trust by demonstrating that they’ll keep to their word in the future.

12) Do you reasonably expect [many of] your primary concerns to be addressed in early 2013?

While I don’t trust them right now, I hold out hope that the backlash against their straying has been taken to heart, and they’ll get back on the path they laid out.

(edited by Sanguinius.1427)

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


Loved GW1. Aside from UO that is the game I’ve logged the most hours in. I was disappointed when they chose to discontinue developing the game, but grew more excited as GW2 came closer to launch. A month after GW2 launched I wished that they’d stuck with GW1.

Doesn’t have the excitement, complexity or sense of exploration that the first game had. Despite the changes in scenery between most of the zones, they still feel very similar, and those “wow” moments when I came across a beautiful scene in GW1 are lacking in GW2.

I might be able to overlook GW2’s shortcomings and hope for improvements in the future, but I don’t trust Anet anymore. Their terrible communication and the disastrous way they’ve handled ascended items, combined with their not so subtle emphasis on the gem store, has pushed this Anet fanboi away.

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


I don’t think I’ve played more than 30 minutes since Sunday, and even over the weekend I barely put in 2 hours.

I keep checking the forums hoping that something will change, or that at the very least Anet will open up a line of communications with us. Instead I’m seeing threads closed, empty pr statements and terse warnings to leave off the discussions of ascended gear.

Even their most recent pr blog post about the near future leaves me stunned over the emphasis on dungeons. If I wanted to grind dungeons/gear I’d play ANY OTHER game. This game was supposed to be different, and that isn’t just me making an assumption or blindly hoping. They flat out told us, multiple times, that this wouldn’t be one of those games. They claimed to understand gamers because their gamers themselves. They repeatedly pointed to the first GW emphasis on content rather than gear/dungeons, to back up their word. Yet just 3 months in they’ve pulled a 180.

The discontent over the recent changes so far has spread to multiple gaming outlets and even amazon user reviews, with the score for GW2 dropping a full point. Just wait until the media runs with it. Gaming media and even mainstream media trumpeted GW2 and joined GW fans in building the game up. You think gamers can be loud when they’ve been betrayed? The media loves nothing more than to knock others off pedestals. Ignoring the outrage isn’t going to make the problem simply go away.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


Lotro already tried this route and it didn’t work
Lotro dev blog on Removal of Radiance (similar to Agony)

“As you can see, our intentions were good. We wanted to do something new for the game and not create a new grind mechanic that ultimately resulted in running the same content over and over to acquire a “key”.

Somehow, this is exactly what we ended up making. None of us were pleased.

How could something like this happen? If intentions were so noble and the idea was so sound, how on Earth did we end up with a “key quest” instead of a system?
We knew that the system had potential and we clung to that belief. We could make it work. Quietly though we began to realize that the horse we rode into town on was not really a horse. It was more of a cardboard cutout of a horse, poorly painted with watercolor paints – and it was raining.

We simply pushed too hard to change the fundamental pieces of our raiding game too quickly and without enough communication across teams. We cut corners to get the system to resemble the desired implementation and found ourselves struggling to justify our decisions.

Clearly, continuing on with Radiance was not our best decision."

My question is, if (1) the devs don’t like end game tread mills or gating, (2) the players clearly don’t like either, and (3) its been tried and failed by others, when wtf is going on?!

This points to the need for a test server. Test servers don’t only allow you to find bugs, they also offer a controlled environment in which to test new ideas. If we had a test server, they could have seen the reaction to ascended gear and scrapped/changed the idea before kittens hit the fan.

As it stands, its too late to change course in the short term. I doubt that they could adjust ascended gear in the next 45 hours, so this is going forward like it or not. In the long run they should simply state that the two accessories will remain as is, but announce that ascended gear is scrapped and that existing armor/weapons can be infused (like gw1).

Whatever they do, if this game is to remain successful they need to open up communications, keep their word, and get out in front of issues rather than throwing things out last minute.

You are not in a guild!!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


This has happened to me a few times. Relogging seems to help on existing characters, but if it is happening on a new character it seems to take around a day to correct itself.

Question about extra inventory for bag.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


Bag slots you buy only appear for that character. If you want extra bag slots for another character you have to buy them again. Price in the BLC is a bit steep I think for a slot per character.

November Patch [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


I’m thinking the update may slip in a turkey or two. Perhaps a pvp mode where we fight over control of foodstuffs, and maybe the island will be a sort of “cow level” filled with monstrous turkeys.