Showing Posts For Sanruz.6815:

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sanruz.6815


Three necromancers of mine


“Death is only beginning”

Stop blaming other players, plz

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Sanruz.6815



After reading one too many posts insulting players for failures, Ceridwen finally loses it. You have been warned.

Who’s responsible for an event (specifically the marionette) failing?

I’m responsible, you’re responsible, we’re ALL sodding responsible. Yes, everyone taking part is at fault. Co-operation is the nature of this event.

Why are we all to blame?

There are several reasons, which include but are not limited to, the following (mentally tick the one which most applies to you, or tick all that apply if you feel you are deserving of more):

*Assuming people have played the content before, that each and every one knows exactly what to do at all times. Because they must have and must do, because you do!

*Assuming you have no part in educating the people on your run with exactly what to do. Your failure to communicate your knowledge has grossly let your side down. Give yourself a pat on the back for your non-contribution! Excellent.

*Assuming that it’s okay to insult and belittle people in-game and on forums when there are failures. You lower morale, and in doing so, set yourself and others up for future failures. Well played, you.

*Assuming every player has a maxed-out character taking part, just because your own character is!

*You think everyone should have the event down perfectly after one or two attempts because you have? If you think they should, well done! That’s another assumption and you are clearly a professional. Someone should be paying you for your time.

*Yes, players who fail may well be at fault too, but immediately shifting blame when you DO NOT know exactly why things happened the way they did is lazy reactive thinking. I say thinking; I probably shouldn’t because that doesn’t appear to be involved in the process at all. Assumption!

*Of course, all of that said, turning up and not knowing the minutiae isn’t a crime. Asking isn’t a crime, and it’s better than keeping quiet and contributing to the failure. If this is you, there’s plenty of help and guides now available, so do your best to get stuck in. If you still fail, try to identify what YOU did that was wrong, and arm yourself with better knowledge for next time. That is, if the people from the above reasons don’t make you want to kill yourself or drown kittens instead.

Enough reasons, I need to go and put the kettle on. But to sum up:

Why on earth do you think it’s acceptable to berate other people? How does this make the experience better? Do you feel better for it? Is your life that terrible that’s what you need to do to feel good about yourself? If so, that’s why events will fail. Well done, you.

Owning up to responsibilities probably shouldn’t happen in an online game, but here’s a learning opportunity for all.


goes to kettle

awaits flames… but not from kettle

+1 For this one. Sums up everything nicely

“Death is only beginning”

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Sanruz.6815


1. Fix lag
2. Discourage zerg playstyle
3. Encourage solo/small group playing

“Death is only beginning”

(edited by Sanruz.6815)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Sanruz.6815


1. Balance
2. Game modes
3. Leaderboards

“Death is only beginning”

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sanruz.6815


I haven’t really understood this “necro is rubbish” thing. I have played necro since the start of the game and havent had ever any problems which I couldnt have solved in some way. In pvp I actually liked that there were less necros before the patch which buffed us. And usually if I have problems in pvp it is more because I didnt do enough well rather that because my profession is so bad.

“Death is only beginning”

The reason that pve players don't pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sanruz.6815


Personally I like pvp, because you dont need grind items, you dont get any advance by being played it longer than someone else (except experience), zerging happens but usually it is only good way to loose and well because it is pvp. In spvp and tpvp you actually have feeling fight with real players. For comparison even I like to do WvW also sometimes, it doesnt have nearly same feeling. I find quite rarely smaller scale fights there where you actually had to think what you do. In big WvW fights on the other hand it is that and same would opponents be engines or other players, it is lag and it is mostly using as many AoE skills as possible.

One thing I dont understand within critisism of pvp is this lack of rewards. Is it really so nowdays that none likes actually just play game because it is… fun? Personally I dont care a thing even pvp lack real rewards. I play there because I just like pvp and have fun time there, specially those times when can group up within guild. I dont need any rewards from that. It is enough for me to have some good time and help my team as well as I can.

Anyway I dont think they should change pvp too much from its current state. Nor I see reason why pvp should be made tempting to pve players. There is nothing wrong that not all pvp or pve or play WvW. And in my opinion it is only good thing that all these three are quite different from each others. You choose what you like to do and do that.

“Death is only beginning”