Showing Posts For SasukeAg.6705:

Triple Trouble Bug/Can't reflect Eggs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705



Can we get an update about this bug/issue?

The event now is nearly impossible to complete.

Thanks for your time.

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705


this patch does not fixed the problem…

No daily reset
No world boss rewards for kill the boss (right screen floating chest) and no big chest.

6 or 7 day now… still waiting for a solution.

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705


Just did the Triple headed Wurm (which will be the last time for a while now, as the timers have made it very difficult for me to do it) and I got no daily reward for the event. Not sure what else there is to say… Feels really annoying to get rewarded for doing events.

Saturday it happens to me… no boss big chest for me… pretty hard and we are talking about THW.

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705


Seems the mega patch was released i am not able to get rewards from world boss, dungeons, and my daily is always stuck.


[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705


I get NO daily chests from World bosses, None of them, Along with getting no Daily chests from bosses the “loot” chests that shows up for Karka Queen on the ground doensn’t even show up for me.
This has been happening since the patch, Since bug reports wont be answered I don’t know WHEN or IF i should ever log in again since I don’t get any loot for anything.

this is happening a lot to me…
i don´t have daily reward and i can´t loot anything is really frustrating.

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705


I have the same problem since the 1st megaserver patch.

Like all people i am waiting for a solution.

Sorry for my bad english.

I hope they fix this soon.