Showing Posts For Sauronych.2407:
Still not fixed? I don’t want to ruin the Christmas mood, but this and the world being empty because of everyone farming Fractals for Ascended gear are the issues that should’ve taken priority over cute Wintersday events.
Since the required changes are relatively big, we now have to wait at least a month till the January update, probably much longer seeing the pace at which they are fixing their game. Unbelievable.
Seriously, it was so easy to do this fight right and they managed to screw it up. I suggest ANet does the following:
- Make Zhaitan 10 times bigger. Seriously, just scale his model.
- Add more flying ships around Zhaitan. At least 10-15 should be visible attacking him simultaneously to make it epic and believable.
- During the first phase the players fight trash mobs on-board just like they do now. When they kill all mobs in the current wave, they go to the turrets and start firing at Zhaitan, except the camera pulls out so that the ship looks about the size of your character at max camera distance, which eliminates the problem of the dragon being “too big”.
- Make the shooting part more engaging by giving players more skills and reasons to use them. You already had reflective shields in previous airship fights, why remove them for the final one? Have Zhaitan shoot some projectiles at the ship or add some champion dragons that would attack it from time to time. Of course it would be nicer to have totally new cannon skills and new mechanics associated with them.
This would already make the fight much more fun, and it’s at this point that ANet will probably stop if they ever decide to redo it. However, in a perfect scenario, a second phase should also be present, where Zhaitan crashes to the ground as a result of the first phase, allowing you to get a little bit more personal with him. The players + Destiny’s Edge could climb his body trying to reach his head and blow it up (or just attack it as usual), while the troops, asura lasers, golems etc. attack the dragon in the background, creating a sense of epicness.
The FXAA shader they are using in GW2 is awful (soooo much blurring) so its well worth the risk to me, personally.
I agree the built-in FXAA’s blurring is awful (which is why I’m trying other methods), but I don’t think using the injector is worth the risk, not in an MMO anyway. If we were talking about a multiplayer FPS then sure, I wouldn’t care all that much about getting banned. However, in an MMO that is supposed to last years I don’t want to risk losing my character.
It’s a harmless little tool that brings an amazing-looking and very efficient method of anti-aliasing into almost any game simply by placing a couple of files in the game folder. The question is, can it be potentially treated as a hack/cheat by ArenaNet and get my GW2 account banned?