Showing Posts For Scarlette.6593:

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


wasted almost 4 hours on this, on 3 different occasions, 2 dc’s and then a new build
im so angry right now.

Devil Horns

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


Devil horns are able to be forged in the mystic forge, since they are free they create unlimited revenue albeit very slowly.
ive tested this and it works, ive deleted the items ive gotten back (only whites and blues) but still i do not think this is intended

Karma Boost

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


have you checked your mail? and if you have maybe your mail is full so delete a few then check again

cheapest recipe to make lvl 80 rares?

in Crafting

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


I dont think you can obtain those weapons from combining, otherwisee there would probably be a bunch more since people are gambling on their precursors

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


omg its the guardian’s summon as a gs that’s so cool

any estimation on total price?

cheapest recipe to make lvl 80 rares?

in Crafting

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


buying them straight out at the tp is cheaper.

ATTENTION: 36,000 Mithril Ore + 18,000 Elder Logs +22,500 Large Fang = 1,500 Level 80 RARE Greatswords........ + Mystic Forge = ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

in Crafting

Posted by: Scarlette.6593


you did 375 initial forges, you have 73 exotics meaning there were a further 95 attempts from all forge rares you recieved. The droprate is around 1 in 500 so it is not exactly surprising you didn’t get one, and also you got around the 1/6 exotic back ratio meaning you weren’t unlucky at all, thankyou for contributing your loss but theres not much sympathy to give cause if you were smarter or more conservative you would have just sold all your blades and bought the precursor, but you were greedy right? You wanted more than one and you took that chance. You gambled and you lost. You don’t see many who actually made precursors release such figures as this is because they likely got theirs in under 100 tries or so, and what are they doing now? Probably laughing at how lucky they were.

now to spread the word to everyone casinos are bad, oh wait, it stops no one.

Official Response: Drop Rate of Legendary Precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Scarlette.6593



i don’t understand why everyone is complaining its been a month and a half into the game and if everyone were to obtain 1/4th of a legendary, than in half a year everyone would get one. Those who complain about the price going up, there is no way it’ll get exponentially higher as tests have already been run with the ‘4 rares’ system and found on average you get 1 every 500 forges, that is around the zone of 400g, which is what they are going for right now, get lucky or not the gs in particullar are the most pricey because everyone wants one, and no not everyone deserves one.

How about you all go gather ALL the other required mats and leave the precursor for last, i don’t understand why that is so hard. Prices AREN’T stable yet so stop complaining about how they grow, once there is more established tests and knowledge on how to obtain one then just sit tight and go for all the rest of the mats required.

And about the RNG system, there is RNG everywhere, real life and games, do people who thow a few bucks into lotto and win deserve that money? maybe not but it’s still theirs regardless, think about all the money people gamble at casinos and how much they make or lose. Why do people gamble? Because it’s fun.

I’m 100% sure if any of you were to get a precursor from a random chest or forging a couple of rares would instantly shutup.

it is a game, that really closely emulates how things work in life. NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE EVERYTHING, the rich get richer, thats a known fact from living in this world. How do most of them get rich? They take a gamble and it pays off. Look at Steve Jobs for christ sake.

Maybe stop complaining and go do something about it, it’s not like you’re gonna ask God to make money easier to come by, so why do you need to make gw2 ‘life’ much easier? Leave the system as it is, it is honestly the most realistic emulation of the current economy, people manipulate prices all the time just deal with it. once you make it up there im sure all you’d want to be thinking is how to make more. Greed. yes that’s what drives people at the top to keep going and it’s no different in game.
And the people who bot will eventually get caught, takes time, not like when a drug dealer starts selling dope they’d instantly run into the wall. They will make a small fortune there is no doubt about that but eventually it’ll all be taken away from them so just keep trying if you want the legendary, farm everything else first, maybe wait a few months and check the prices then, guarenteed it’ll not rise as fast as now and will eventually stabilise.

Legendaries aren’t meant to take months, they’re meant to take years for normal people, sure hardcore grinders and ‘nerds’ get them within a few months, because they spend probably 5x as much time on it, not complaining and actually making progress on it, and eventually they get somewhere.

Realise this, everytime you make a gold, you are closer to the precurseor, whether it be 0.01% closer or 0.001% closer, its still PROGRESS.