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Bots in same spot for three days now. Report feature broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


Im not sure this applies, but hey, if they read it and do something about it this is probably better than the ingame feature which clearly is doing nothing.

Bots in same spot for three days now. Report feature broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


Is the report feature broken? Or is this just being ignored? I mean, Hey, if I can get tons of loot while sleeping, is this acceptable now? Or are only the chinese black marketeers allowed to get away with this? Oh and most of the bots have chinese names, so thats not just discrimination, hey, they picked the names.

So what is it?

Why don’t you check it out yourselves. Tarnished Coast, Penitant Waypoint in Cursed Coast. They’ve been there autoattacking for days. DAYS. They’ve been reported by countless dozens upon dozens of people. People joke about it in /map because it seems its being ignored

(edited by Scolopendra.9763)

Popping noise occuring randomly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


This is happening here to. Random intervals. Sometimes in a row. Sometimes really loud. Have volume turned off to listen to other stuff most times too so volume controls are not effecting this. Never experienced this in any other game.

Warrior - Sweet Revenge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


Not working on Risen. Which is stupid because theyre a common dangerous enemy. >.<

Whisperer weapons, September 6 patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


2 days? is that all? and its just a skin >.> i understand the default skin is plain and bad, but faction weapons were meant to stay faction weapons, yes they screwed up, but 48 hrs? i spent a week getting yellow grades just to have them vanish in the forge, thats bad,

Your issue has nothing to do with this issue. Not all of us lost just time over this change. Some of us lost money, real money in some cases. Not to say your issue isn’t also serious.

I honestly don’t see what the problem is reimbursing people because of mistakes made on their end, especially after they’ve admited to the mistakes.

An “oops, sorry” doesn’t cut it when you dip into someone elses wallet.

Karma To Silver bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


Id say its a minor exploit, if at all but if you feel its exploitable, report its use to “”

Whisperer weapons, September 6 patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scolopendra.9763


The Whisperers skins are intended to be only acquired if you join the Order of Whispers, but unfortunately a handful of the skins were set up in core loot drops. In the other night’s patch, we fixed this bug and converted the existing weapons into the intended skin. If you acquired the weapon through the intended means (joining the Order and purchasing the exclusive skin), those weapons were not affected by the fix. Only the ones that were erroneously dropped as core loot were affected. Apologies for the mistake! If you loved the skin, I highly recommend selecting the Order of Whispers through your personal story and you’ll be able to acquire it again.

In that case please fix the icon use for Whisperers weapons that was drop as loot, because they are still showing Whisperer’s icon instead of normal icon. Because this change was never communicated properly to us players I wasted my coins buying Whispered weapons through the trading post only to receive a normal weapons.

We are working on updating the TP right now.

When I hit level 80, I had enough saved up to get a pair of axes. I picked two which were great for me stat wise, but they looked awful. ( Like level 1 axes. ). Okay, I thought, I’ll just shop for 2 other axes for looks and use fine transmutation stones.

I did such, and had two spiffy looking axes. ( I could have gone with any other of several graphics options. By chance I picked the Whisperers. Not for any other reason really ).

But now my axes look AGAIN like level 1 axes, after I spent the money to obtain two whisperer axes AND two fine transmutation stones, only to the very next day have this change put into place.

Please. This is your screw up. Don’t punish me by costing me currency and items. A refund of some kind should be in order here. At least for the fine transmutation stones which are roughly equal to 80 gems / $1 USD.