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Icon proposition

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


You know those icons are fan-made, not proffesionally but they are made, because someone (in this case I) would like to improve game by some little “thingies” like icons.

Icon proposition

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


That one would be a “Mirage Cloak” effect for the skill with the same name


Icon proposition

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


So there isn’t a chance to add them or modify?

Mixing elite specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


So no weapon swap between elite specs?

Mixing elite specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


Maybe ANet will give more information about it near 22.09, or they will plan to do something with this.

Mixing elite specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


I have a question. If there will be any way for us, players, to combine specializations from Heart of Thorns with those coming in Path of Fire? Will be an option to occupy two trait trees, one for HoT specs and another for PoF specs? Can we “equip” two specializations? Or there will be a choice for elite specialization between HoT anf PoF one?

Mixing elite specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


I have a question. If there will be any way for us, players, to combine specializations from Heart of Thorns with those coming in Path of Fire? Will be an option to occupy two trait trees, one for HoT specializations and another for PoF specializations? Or there will be a choice for elite specialization between HoT anf PoF one?

Icon proposition

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


I have an idea for an icon, which would present “Health Threshold” e.g for Necromancer’s Rending Claws skill tooltip. Because actual one presents rather radius, than real enemy’s health threshold.

Icon in attachment


(edited by Sekhir.3514)

Icon proposition

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


I want to present an icon for Engineer’s Utility Goggles skill fact “Blindness immunity duration: 10s”; instead of displaying Utility Goggles effect, it would display my icon with a description “Blindness immunity duration: 10s”

The icon presents (my personal imagination) of Blindness Immunity for Utility Goggles, the Engineer’s skill. This would pop up, when skill is used by player.

What do you think about it?
Tell me


(edited by Sekhir.3514)

Revenant- Proffesion mechanic recharge.

in Revenant

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


Just because every profession has one doesn’t automatically mean revenant should have on aswell.

The problem with reducing the legend switch cooldown is (like Set mentioned) the traits you can proc through it. Using that in combination with empty vessel, would be a stunbreak on a 5-8 seconds cooldown (depending on how strong the CD reduction would be) without having to meet any special condition to use it (like Berzerk Mode for example).

It would also discourage smart usage of your energy, as you always start out with 50 after a swap anyway.

There are two things you haven’t noticed:
1- “Just because every profession has one doesn’t automatically mean revenant should have on aswell.” Right, but almost every profession has an ability to reduce recharge on their specific mechanic, like Death/Reaper Shroud for Necro, Steal for Thief or Attunements for Ele. They stand on “one place”. So that’s why Revenant is a bit on “second place” because he hasn’t got any “reducement” on his mechanic. I have thought about it in terms of his mechanic not in-game skill panel.
2- “The problem with reducing the legend switch cooldown is (like Set mentioned) the traits you can proc through it. Using that in combination with empty vessel, would be a stunbreak on a 5-8 seconds cooldown (depending on how strong the CD reduction would be) without having to meet any special condition to use it (like Berzerk Mode for example).” Again right, but here I posted two things. One is fact that ANet will decide to add this or not and select proper % for his cooldown, if they will post it in further update. Two is the amount of recharge. I picked 10%, because it would reduce cooldown between swaping legends by 1 sec (from 10 to 9). I didn’t said it will be umm 20% or something like that, because it would be overpowered and unbalanced with the rest of proffesions. Warrior for example with “Versatile Power” has an ability to reduce burst skills recharge so 10% for Revenant’s Legend Swap cooldown is IMO a fair amount.

Revenant- Proffesion mechanic recharge.

in Revenant

Posted by: Sekhir.3514


Dear ArenaNet,

I have noticed that every proffesion in the game has at least one ability to reduce recharge of the specific class mechanic (e.g. Steal for Thief or Virtues for Guardian). The question is why Revenant hasn’t got this? He also should have the ability to reduce recharge of his legengs invoking. I propose to give him in “Invocation” specialization in “Invoker’s Rage” a description “Gain fury when you invoke a legend. Invoking a legend reduces cooldown on the previous legend by 10%” OR “Gain fury when you invoke a legend. Invoking a legend recharge 10% faster”.

Would you like to add this in further game update? Of course you can change values if you are going to add this in the next update/updates. In my personal opinion it should be equality for each profession and not for the selected ones.