Showing Posts For Sekundes.2376:

Looking for a specific guild - Unplug DC?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sekundes.2376



I played GW2 about 3 years ago and was part of a cool guild named Unplug (Ruins of Surnia), I came back a few days ago and can’t seem to get in contact with anybody from back then.

Can anybody help me out??
If not then: lfg :p

oh yeah my ingame nick is Uursula, the necromancer from EU.
I can log in at least 2-3 times a week for a good run, the other days depend on what my girlfriend has planned or if football is on :p

I’m mostly for PVE, I just got HoT so I got a lot to catch up first.
But I’ll still be available to help lower level players out.
I also have a guardian at 80 and a level 80 Booster!

Thanks and see ya!

Sword/shield and Great sword

in Guardian

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


awesome, thanks for making this thread since I also enjoy using a
Sword/Shielt + Greatsword combo and I wanted to build my Guardian around that.

I do a lot dungeons/events and I want her to be a supporter:
buffing allies and keeping them alive longer.
I’m fairly new to being a guardian and I have 0/0/30/30/10 for now… maybe gonna change it if I find something that fits more =D

I also swap the sword for Scepter/Mace depending on the situation..

As for gear… im not quite sure what to use on my accessories..
I use PTV on my Armor,
Thanks to my necro I have already two PTV Ascended rings…
And I will probably go for vit/healing on the accessories and the sword/shield since I read that there is a DR on toughness… what do you guys think?

only noob necros DONT take reanimator.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


but the horrors are going to run around and desert YOU =D

AoE nerf - Are you kidding?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


I feel you necbro.
The feeling of seeing a group of 5+ enemies and then placing some marks and dropping some wells followed by epidemic was what I like (liked???) most about my necro, even tho I play a power build, based on a dagger mainhand – AoE (staff+wells) is what I would switch to on trash mobs in dungeons / events.

It would be a shame to nerf the marks and wells since its easy to dodge those.
making them kind of useless in a lot of situations since its just not worth the “risk” of placing them and them not triggering because of a dodge or a boss that does a leap/runs or whatever.

Acquiring fine transmutation stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you! But HOW the hell can some of you guys have so many fine transmutation stones??

I’ve checked a lot of threads about those stones and people go like:
“oh I spent 20 and still have 20 left hahaha”
“yeah I have like 30+ of those, never use them meh”

Can you please tell me WHEN you were finding that kitten-load of those from black lion chests, map completion, etc.?

Because I have two characters and in total I have received only 5 of those.
Thats it, and it was around the time when my first character was around level 5-20, so somewhere back in oct/nov.

Im mentioning this because I think that the way to acquire those stones got nerfed since then…

So again, can you guys tell me if you have gotten recently fine stones??

3g are peanuts, but spending it over and over again when I see other people who have sooooo many that they can neeeeever use them all- pisses me off….

What to buy with 800 gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


If you’re looking for space I would vouch for buying a character slot instead of bag slots or bank slots.

With a character slot you get…

-More space. If it seems inconvenient, use it to store items you almost never use (boosters, tonics, etc.)

-Another character. Try other classes. They are all pretty fun. Use for PVP only if you don’t want to level him.

-Possibility for birthday loot. In GW1 you were given presents on each of your character’s birthdays. It’s possible that making extra characters now will end up paying off later.

Additionally, if you want to do the math:
Character slots are 20 slots with 4 bag spaces that can contain anywhere from 4-20 slots each. (20-100 slots for 800 gems)

Bank tabs are 30 slots for 800 gems.

Bag slots are 4-20 slots for 600 gems.

hmm for me its 600 gems for +30-Bank slots
and 400 for each additional Bag slot…
Am I getting special treatment?? :O

Final Rest: Any chance of another hint?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


sorry fellow necbro,

But that weapon is still a mystery…

As you probably already know, this weapons existence has been discussed many times.
Some say: It exists, but is rarer than any other item in this game.
Others, like me, claim that it’s just not available yet.
“If it was, it should have been found by now.”

I will make sure to post a screenshot when I find it (LOL)
Just to restore the little hope you guys have left – until then: Scythe Staff it is!

IMO the scythe staff has the better weapon-size out of those two…
Final Rest (checked it via the PvP Locker as Gargoyle Scythe) seems kinda small compared to my Scythe Staff…

every item its own inventory icon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


I like that, but even better would be the possibility to “mark” items via rightclicking them.
For example if you have other weapon sets in your inventory or even a second armor set – to be able to mark them with some sort of color in the background of that item-icon or anything else to make it better visible that it’s an item that you want to keep and NOT to salvage or sell…

I know people who always carry two armor sets with them and almost everybody carries more weapons with them.

So for example I would mark
my berserker set “red”
and my tanky set “blue”
and my weapons “purple” or whatever…
consumables “yellow”
and items I want to transfere later to the guildbank “grey”

I would very much like that Arena Net

Should I make an new topic about this?
Tell me if you guys like that idea.

Staff *should* be melee

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


even tho I like the idea of having a two-handed meele weapon – I don’t like the idea of reworking the staff to it, which is an awesome weapon as it is with its marks (except for the auto attack, it should be faster or at least do more dmg for that speed)

And I know you were joking when you said that the dagger is the worst weapon choice for meele since it’s our best and only choice =D
I would just love for it to cause some additional condition…

But combined with an Scythe, your idea of a weapon would be awesome. So rather than reworking an existing weapon, Anet should apply that to a new weapon (Scythe.)

Necros -Dungeons&FotM -DS / Damage mitigation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


hmm is it really THAT hard to get a party for 10+ as a necro??

I’m in a guild that frequently goes to the fotm and I’m always a part of those parties so I don’t know how it is for a random generated party…

But I get what you mean.
DS is supposed to be that “panic button” that saves us from dying, it does well most of the time, still it fails to do that on powerful hits from champion/boss mobs.

Like I said, I have no idea on how to improve that, but I certainly don’t want DS to be too overpowered…
I barely use DS so all I would like is a good reason for me to do that, besides the few traits that go with DS.

Pristine Fractal Relics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


but… aren’t “10 pristine relics = 1 ring” from the vendor inside the fotm ??

Necros -Dungeons&FotM -DS / Damage mitigation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


well I like the idea, since there are a lot of mobs on higher fractal level who can one hit me (I’m a glasscannon) but I doubt that this will ever happen…

Your suggestion would make us able to jump down any cliff using DS and just stand up at the bottom of it like nothing happend because it only strips the LF bar =D

If you are a close-range fighting Necro in the fractals then you are just going to have a bad time during some fights…

And to be honest, I have no idea on how to help us stay alive from those 1-hit-kills without making DS overpowered…

Stealth Damage Nerf in the Patch?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


maybe you were in a downscaled state??

why would they do that to us… we are the communities favorite class after all =)

Spite/SR: Swap Cond Duration/Crit Dmg

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


I had nearly the same idea, but I think giving spite crit dmg would make the spite line too OP.

but maybe giving crit dmg to the blood magic line and healing/vitality to SR would fit better… maybe not vitality since that would make DS too OP =D

What is your gold per hr, and how? Post nerfs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


peanuts!, I just made 489173z2189 gold while writing this sentence.

common, seriously, 50g a day?
are you selling your soul on the TP or how is that possible?

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


Yes! That would be so good!

What's a good use for Transmutation Stones?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


Transmuting items is by far one of the best features of this game!

Building your perfect armor set the way you want it: with the stats and the looks you want.

The only thing I don’t like is that, Fine Transmutation Stones (for level 80 items) are too rare imo.. I had only 5, and tbh I don’t even know where I got those from.. probably completing maps / dailys.. still not enough to transmute a whole armor set. But I guess that’s what the gem-shop is for……..

I don’t know what class you are playing (armor type) but for my light armor Necro I can’t have enough of those, there are just waaay too many armor pieces that look ugly. I don’t wanna run around like a rich mans daughter/18th century maid.. (The AC & CM Light Armor Dungeon Sets) I’m a Necromancer! And I got that already with my town clothes.

That’s why they are usefull.
And I tell you, if these weren’t account bound – the price would be insane on the TP.

Any exotic rifle/pistol skin...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


well i don’t know about a glowing-effect, but there are a few weapon skins in the TP from the Halloween event which look pretty cool =D
maybe you should look it up.

Staff sound effect

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sekundes.2376


Well thank you very much!
I haven’t noticed that annoying sound until you guys mentioned it…

But its probably just a file that needs to be renamed in the GW install folder…
I will check it out later…

New Player Looking For A Cool Guild To Hang With

in Guilds

Posted by: Sekundes.2376



I’m new to the GW World (haven’t played the first one)
and I would like to join a Guild that is active and helps others players.

My focus at the moment is PvE, I’m trying to understand the game before I start PvPing…

I played quite few MMOs in my time (I’m 25!) so I guess I have decent experience on that part, but GW is new for me, so bare with me for the first few days/weeks =D

The Servertime: EU GMT+1 (I will be playing mostly in the evening/ at night)
The Server: Piken Square (I don’t know if the Server im on is important for a Guild in GW or not, anyone care to enlighten me?? thanks!)
The Character: I’m a Necro at around level 7 – nick is “Uursula”
The Player: I’m an decent guy… not really much to tell… I like playing with others and I love helping other players (as soon as I get a hang of it myself!)