Showing Posts Upvoted By Selana Firestone.6389:

Charr Pencil Drawings

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sera.2146


Thanks Gaile! <3

Here is another one that I just finished a few minutes ago. Eona Swiftpaw, one of my several thieves.

At this rate, I may do at least one drawing each of all my 42 Charr. XD


Mini -Origami- Bronze Llama

in Community Creations

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

So I like origami, sometimes have dabbled in miniature origami as well. This is a variant of anibal voyers horse done with a 2 inch square, llama is positioned in the classic llama dance finish or close too, did not really have a solid image to go off of at the time.

original model it is based off of

folded on colored foil origami paper

It stands on a penny, not my neatest of works but first I have tried a model of this complexity at this scale, with the foil side out(the foil grips your skin making it harder at times.) I have done it on a 3in square with the foil facing inward.


Lumi's Art Commissions!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Noisia.5618


Completed commission of an OC in digital~

I love her! She seems to have a story — do you know it? Somehow, she makes me think of Halloween… with the rather haunting look, the fingernails, etc. Hey, do you know her name?

Thank you

Her name is Taelus!
I have a referance sheet but i’m not sure if i’m allowed to ptovide it!
She’s a Draconic, her personality is optimistic and somewhat naive. She loves to explore the world.
Her markings are bioluminescent and her legs, tail and hands are plated with liquid metal.

I find her amazing too! Sadly i dont know her story.

The GW2 Card Game new expansion: Prophecies!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Hey guys,

I just wanted to point to this thread because if you haven’t seen Roam’s work before, he does a splendid job with the card game, and I think y’all will have a marvelous time with it, either playing or just admiring the way it’s all put together.

Go check it out!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Guild Wars 2 Fan Art by Skaven Zverov

in Community Creations

Posted by: Skaven Zverov.2984

Skaven Zverov.2984

Hi guys, long time no see! Was busy schedule lol

I am proud to announce my partnership program with ANet, watch me doing time lapse of Charr Engineer tomorrow on their channels

White Flash of Gunnar’s Hold – Hennera Silentwind [CORE]

Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Crycerasobs.7864


Kralkatorrik on a cracker, you are talented! All your drawings look so elegant and effortless. I can tell you’re gonna go really far. Man, I wish I could draw like that, I’ve been an on-again off-again drawer my whole life, so I have had a very wibbly wobbly learning curve to say the least :p If you don’t mind my asking, how did you learn to draw? Did you take classes, read books, observe the world, follow reference pictures, etc? Also, do you have any tips for someone looking to get back into drawing? (a purely hypothetical someone, OF COURSE :p)

Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ravel.5701


Did this to mourn what was left of my pride.



Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ravel.5701


I was not supposed to be drawing. At all. At any point. I will be in so much trouble. o-o

Either way, it happened.


Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ravel.5701


Are you saying that giving this picture to that nice minister, that really really wanted it, was a bad move?!

Lumi's Art Commissions!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Noisia.5618


I’m really sorry for the post spam, here’s my newest fanart of the Pale Tree~


Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ravel.5701


I have a thing for talking by myself it seems.)))) (Someone make them send back my computer already.)

So. If Su learned anything while being a spy in the vigil, is that things will more often look hopeless than not, and maybe they even are, but that it is better to stick around for an answer than spend your life guessing.


Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ravel.5701


Since I already overspammed everyone with Su, why not more of that!? Too late to stop meeeeee!!!!

Drew this a while ago, actually, but yea. Works. Right?! …right? (Feet are wrong)


Art stuff things

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ravel.5701


Drew my necromancer, Coleha, all flowery tho I am pretty sure he would really mind it. Also Su riding a bear.


(edited by Ravel.5701)

Dagger Doodles

in Community Creations

Posted by: DaggerXIV.9563


I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 in these last two months, since I started looking into some lore I ended up hooked on this game.

I also draw, I’m a self taught doodler.

This is my Norn engineer Kivaaris.
I though that after the loss of her ancestor’s artifact she would spend a lot of her energy in finding artifacts,documents and historical sites, and preserving them (hence why I thought she would fit well in the Durmand’s priory).

Also, she looks like a pirate. I think she’d love to have an airship.


Penslinger Art

in Community Creations

Posted by: Penslinger.8702


A tribute to our blade-storming, camp-crashing, three-man guild

[TAL] of Fort Aspenwood

Sullivan Creed (Norn Guardian)
Pawsitive (Charr Warrior)
Dizzt Penslinger (Asura Guardian)


PvP Vids Don't belong in Community Creations

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


For every forum member who feels someone’s videos should be in a different place, someone else feels they should be here.

The fact is, the profession forums are for discussion, and this sub-forum is for sharing player creations. That is why the videos are moved here.

Take a situation where someone creates a video that features one of every profession. Should they post it on 9 sub-forums? I don’t think so. So this spot should be the “go-to” spot for videos — no matter the subject, no matter the profession, not matter whether they are guides, gameplay videos, or music videos with gameplay underlying them.

And quite frankly, I am not a fan of a forum member calling moderators"overzealous." They’re doing their job properly. So let’s understand that there’s a place for everything, and respect that everything should be in its place.

I’m open to discussing this, but ask that you consider all the alternatives. For instance, where does that cross-profession video go? Things like that need to be considered, so we don’t have a lot of cross-posting, because posting in a bunch of forums reduces the visibility of actual conversations. We also don’t want to have a flood of videos that push actual conversations off the forums. (Which is sort of why we have a fan art forum to begin with. No one loves fan art more than I do, but I know it’s best in its own place and not scattered across discussions.)

Maybe the answer is as simple as a sticky post in each profession forum, “Put your videos here!” I’m open to that as a “for instance” of how we can best handle this situation.

Looking forward to input on this, and thanks.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

PvP Vids Don't belong in Community Creations

in Community Creations

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Like the title says, I’m not a fan of ANET’s over zealous moderators moving Class Related Game Videos to this sub section.

Personally speaking, I main a ranger and if someone wants to put up a ranger vid, I like seeing the video in the RANGER forums. /Shocker, I know.

PvP gameplay videos and fan art don’t belong in the same forum.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Tears in time

in Community Creations

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


I can’t say the intention is all that clear. When it was in General Discussion I was confused whether it was in the game already and I missed something or you’re trying to make a point, or it’s just a fun imaginative creation.

All it did make me do is finally getting my rift stabilizator mark II. (because I thought I missed something)

But if you wanted make a point, then don’t be super subtle about it.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Drawings, Paintings and Sketches

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sekiann.6945


So I’ve been getting back to Drawing… This is from my guild leader’s request to draw Tyria’s map so that it can fit a desktop.

So… Let’s share art!


Sweet Dreams

in Community Creations

Posted by: seinka.4823


I’ve started playing GW2 only recently, but I’m completely mesmerised by… ehm… Time-Travelling Butterflies of Doom!

So I’ve created this little pillow to keep me company off-line.


[ART] Reunion with apples! (spoiler alert)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Altie.4571


Why do we love Tybalt? Because he’s not this overpowered great hero, he was just one of us, trying to be the best little spy he could!

We are Tybalt

(coming from an eternal Charr hater… FOR ASCALON!)

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

[ART] Reunion with apples! (spoiler alert)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sanaia.6271


So 2 days ago I finished this little 4 panel fan art comic about the recent events in the LS3 story “The head of the snake” and forgot to upload here too xD.
It really hit the feels for me and many others and so I decided to do this little tribute to them.
[Spoiler alert] The comic does contain spoilers in a way for anyone that didn’t do the story yet.


Art stuffs

in Community Creations

Posted by: setius.3498


After some long time here is some more


Charlie's Art Corner (Commissions Closed)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Charlie Dayman.1489

Charlie Dayman.1489

Trying to do something for the fanforge – just another excuse for me to draw more GW1 related lore stuff. Also some color/render practice of my Norn Lobelia’s daggers.

Been doing a lot of color studies lately that have been helping a lot with palette, mood and form.


(edited by Charlie Dayman.1489)

WTB art commission :D

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hello, Weo weo. It’s really nice of you to ask about this. We are fine with you posting such a request here. It seems a really logical place to ask, right?

While I personally suggest that in-game currency is the better choice than direct (real world money) payment, we generally have no problem at all with commissions.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Art sub ?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Inauratalux.3271


Very nice! Love the perspective.

I agree, it is an interesting perspective. Well done!

aHHHH ThAnKS gafvksfghfgrjkghdfsgyu <3<3 I do my best with my phone art ;;w;;‘’’

Still no bagpipe on this game

in Community Creations

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


Seriously! We need that! But then, Neo, maybe you and I are a small percentage of people? I have heard that for many, bagpipes are not a pleasing sound. Some call them “wheezebags” and other not-so-nice names. I personally love the instrument!

What kind of uncultured swine doesn’t love bagpipes??

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

Game Update Notes - April 1, 2017

in Game Release Notes

Posted by: Mark Katzbach

Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager



  • Alacrity now grants 200 to all stats, and speeds up skill recharge by 150%.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented random number generation from being affected by wishful thinking.
  • Random number generation is no longer random. It is now seeded by account name.
  • We have added a Gem Store item that will allow you to change your account name for the low, low price of 2,000 gems. There is no limit on the number of purchases.
  • If you plant Caladbolg in the Grove, you will gain a new Mini Trahearne Backpack. With careful feeding and attention, he will grow up to accompany you on your adventures.
  • Additional beard skins can be unlocked after purchasing Wide Rim Glasses and Shoulder Scarf from the Gem Store.
  • Sylvari now regenerate 1% of their health in sunlight. Requires water.


  • Fire Attunement now sets the caster on fire until water attunement is cast.


  • A new bomb cannot be placed until all existing bombs have exploded.


  • Reduced longbow skill range to 600. Increased range of projectiles fired by shield skills to 1,200 to compensate.
  • Morality system added for guardians. Failing to remain virtuous will cause you to lose access to your Virtue skills.


  • Due to time fluctuations, Alacrity can no longer be applied to chronomancers.
  • The following mesmer weapons can now only be wielded in the off hand: sword, scepter, staff, and greatsword.


  • Minion skills now require corpses. Flesh Golem requires multiple corpses to cast.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed professions other than necromancer to talk to ghost NPCs.


  • Ranger pets now require food. Failing to feed your pet will cause them to leave your kennel.
  • Rangers can now dual-wield short bows.


  • The Legendary Assassin Stance skill Phase Traversal now creates a portal that other players can use to follow you.
  • Fixed a typo: “Facet of X” has been changed to “Faucet of X.” The functionality of this skill has been updated to reflect its fixed name.


  • Stealing from NPCs will now aggro town guards if you are seen.
  • Shadowstepping no longer functions in areas with no shadows.


  • Warriors can now triple-wield weapons by slotting a third weapon into their helmet slot.
  • Phalanx Strength now applies Fury, Regeneration, Protection, Aegis, Resistance, Vigor, Swiftness, Quickness, Alacrity, Spotter, Stealth, Super Speed, and Fire Attunement in addition to Might.


  • Infantile mode is now available for all raids. Bosses have 50% reduced health and outgoing damage. Loot from the boss chests consists of two blues and a green.
  • Elementalists now gain a -20% outgoing damage enhancement when setting foot in a raid, until they leave.

Spirit Vale:

  • The Vale Guardian now splits into six colors instead of three.

Salvation Pass:

  • Slothasor is tired of the constant interrupts from his naps and will now enrage, dealing 500% outgoing damage each time he wakes up.

Stronghold of the Faithful:

  • Glenna insists she is not your puppy and will now sometimes refuse to follow players.

Bastion of the Penitent:

  • The Mursaat Overseer now has new chess pieces added to its encounter.
    • Jade knights will instantly stomp any player that is downed.
    • Jade bishops will dash in unpredictable diagonal patterns across the room, claiming all tiles in their path.

Lion’s Arch Aerodrome:

  • The trading-post merchant has been crushed by boxes again. Look for his return when his lawsuit against the Black Lion Trading Company inevitably ends in dismissal.
  • The technician in the Special Forces Training Arena has finished collecting her data and as such does not require adventurers’ aid. She has left the zone and will no longer spawn golems. She was last heard muttering something about DPS meter elitism.



  • Extended our dishonor system to anyone who says “get good” in chat.
  • If a thief kills another thief, they receive 5 minutes of dishonor.


  • Now when ArenaNet claims an objective, all players inside the objective are invulnerable.
  • World-linked all worlds in NA to Blackgate and every world in EU to Far Shiverpeaks.
  • Killing members of Yak’s Bend will now count toward the Yakslapper title.
  • The tides have risen in the Eternal Battlegrounds. All combat is underwater.
  • The team that controls Stonemist may now send invaders into other worlds’ dungeons and raid instances. Invaders will be represented by a red glow.
  • Epidemic target cap is now unlimited in WvW.
  • Siege adjustments:
    • Removed trebuchets.
    • Removed catapults.
    • Removed shield generators.
    • Removed ballistas.
    • Removed siege golems.
    • Halved damage on flame rams.
    • Doubled damage on arrow carts.

Still no bagpipe on this game

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Seriously! We need that! But then, Neo, maybe you and I are a small percentage of people? I have heard that for many, bagpipes are not a pleasing sound. Some call them “wheezebags” and other not-so-nice names. I personally love the instrument!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

How to get the Bee Dog cat in SAB with video

in Community Creations

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

This is super helpful, and it’s in the right forum, no worries. Players looking for a guide would check this forum, where the community projects are housed, rather than in GW2 Discussion.

I will be mentioning this post on the next Community Showcase Live — I know players will really appreciate it!

Actually, I never check this forum for guides; I never look here to see if anyone needs a guide. I only check “players helping players” for either scenario.

I’ve always understood “Community Creations” to be about things like CosPlay and great art and design-your-own-weapon and contests. Not about anything directly relevant to the game.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”