Showing Posts Upvoted By Selana Firestone.6389:

The Reaper (Fan art)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Morbidmic.4910


The Reaper: Necromancer’s Elite Specialization
My contribution for last Atomic Friday (Our art jam group here)
The theme was: RPG

Check out what the others did at

Hope you guys like it
Black Ballpen
Warm Grey tone Markers
Black marker
Unipin pens


(edited by Morbidmic.4910)

Much Love to the Culinary Cosplay Folks

in Community Creations

Posted by: Donari.5237


Quite a while ago this recipe appeared on the GW2 Tumblr and I permatabbed it because mmmmmaaaaaan did I want to eat it.

And then I forgot, over and over, to make a shopping list of the ingredients, remembering each week at the store “oh right, I wanted to get that.”

I finally remembered this week, and I just made it, and it’s the best thing to hit my tastebuds in a long time. I used 1 lb boneless ribeye, which made six skewers (bamboo, and I did soak the skewers for hours, and I still set off my smoke alarms) of 6-7 cubes each and exactly fit on my small broiling pan (no grill, had to broil). If you like peanut marinades on beef, you gotta try this.

(Suggestion)Exclusive body types and haircuts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vephar.8475


I feel like you just want to stare at boobs and butts.

Delete inactive character names, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287

  • So recently I had to change one of my characters names due to it being inappropriate or whatever – this is not a good opening line for your argument. If you had an inappropriate name, it kind of sets a negative connotation for the rest of the post
  • and after I got through trying about 50 different names, I realized that every single good name is taken. – so you were unable to come up with an original name in 50 tries? To validate, I created 4 new characters last night for Key runs, all 4 different names went through the first time
  • And to make things worse I know most of them are taken by people who have since quit the game. – This would be impossible to know
  • I think there should be a wipe of all names after 365 days of inactivity from the game. Simply give them the same name change prompt I got upon log-in once and if they decide to ever log-in again. – As ANet has said numerous times in the past, they consider it perfectly fine to put the game down for a while and come back whenever you choose, so this forced name change when someone comes back after a year would go against their own policy
  • Character names are a huge contributing factor to keeping active players around, it is great for bringing their own personality and style into the game. It is literally their identity. – can’t argue with this one, I agree wholeheartedly
  • Give the active players the ability to get the names they want, it is only fair. Why should inactive players get all the pretty names? – it is pretty much a first come first served basis. In the first hour of the Head Start, two names that I wanted were unavailable. Somebody just beat me to them. I had alternative names already prepared and picked one of those. Both of the alternative names went through fine, I just had to be a bit more creative
  • How do you guys feel? Same boat as me or not. Is 365 days too punishing, or not long enough? – So in summary I must respectfully disagree with your proposal

(Suggestion)Exclusive body types and haircuts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

the hell am i reading? play a norn then.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

(Suggestion)Exclusive body types and haircuts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paralux.6714


(facepalm) What’s sad about small breasts?

m e s m e r <3

Support France

in Community Creations

Posted by: CrossOvver.6372


Even the Norn supports France! You should too for a day.


Just a letter (HoT SPOILERS)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Patientnr.4823


Dear Marshal,

I don’t know what to say, and so I decided to write you a letter. I know you will never read this, but I just wanted to put things in perspective for myself, seeing as I still can’t believe what happened, and give my sadness a place.

I do not care anymore. My efforts to save you have been in vain and I feel I lost not only a brother, but a great friend as well. I saw your death coming, the moment I gazed upon your abused body. I just didn’t want to believe that after all you’ve been through, and after all we’ve been through, this would be the end of your story.

I remember when I was newly awakened, how you didn’t care about my lack of knowledge of anything. You were my older brother and happily joined me on my adventures. You saw me grow from a sapling to a strong commander, and I saw you grow from an expert of Orr and solitude to a leader of Tyria’s largest military organization. I like to think you are as proud of me as I am of you.

Without you.. I am not sure what to do. A gaping hole has taken residence in my heart and I find myself wishing to trade in anything -and anyone- to get you back. What use is there to go on adventures if I can’t talk about them with my dear brother, and then accompany him on his missions? I found joy in that, in you being always there, it felt secure in one way or another.

My dear Marshal and beloved brother, I wish you peace, wherever you are.

-Your Commander

Shi's Art Pile

in Community Creations

Posted by: BenjaminK.8792


Hi shilane!

Just wanted to tell you that i greatly admire your art! Awesome stuff amongst it; especially the way you capture the “spirit” of certain characters by movement and facial expression is fantastic!
Do you do solely commissions or are you sometimes also sitting in front of the graphic tablet, drawing what comes into your mind… If yes, please share! Would be nice to see more from you!

kind regards

[COMPLETE] Forsaken Soul: A Tangent Askew

in Community Creations

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287


Void, empty, alone, abandoned to despair.
Floating in a sea of nothing, soul’s vessel sallies forth.
Consigned to that which can have no fathomable existence.
In the coldest depths of oblivion, hope glows ever bright.
Undaunted, hero’s essence begins anew, Weh no Su.

Author’s Note:

This is the beginning of Book III of the Forsaken Soul Novella entitled “A Tangent Askew”. If you have already finished Book I & II and are looking to start the new chapters, then you are in the right place.
If on the other hand, you have not yet read both the first and second book (linked below), the third book will be extremely confusing.
The previous Books can be found here:
Book I – Forsaken Soul: A Path to Enlightenment
Book II – Forsaken Soul: A Path Familiar

Please Note:This will be the Final book of the Forsaken Soul series. I will be releasing at least 1 chapter per week and would expect this book to run between 20 – 25 chapters in total.

If you find this Book III continuation of the Forsaken Soul Novella enjoyable, please put your (+1’s) on This first post of Book III to better reflect your approval.

Table Of Contents:

Chapter 0 – Sight Within Sight
Chapter 1 – Weh No Su
Chapter 2 – The Adolescent Years
Chapter 3 – A Royal Decree
Chapter 37 – A Proud Father
Chapter 38 – Called By Name
x21.0137- ????
Chapter 39 – Hopes And Dreams
Chapter 40 – Fade To Black
Chapter 41 – Skip In Time
Chapter 42 – What Future Holds
Chapter 43 – Friend In Need
Chapter 44 – A Friend Indeed
Chapter 45 – Search For Enlightenment
Chapter 46 – First Is Trust
Chapter 47 – Council Of Elders
Chapter 48 – An Ancient Answer
Chapter 49 – To The Vale
Chapter 50 – A Weapon Reforged
Chapter 51 – Time Is Nigh
Chapter 52 – Déjà Vu Too
Chapter 53 – Fare Thee Well

Forsaken Soul: A Tangent Askew

In the beginning, there was nothing.

It was not the nothing you would experience as a lack of symbols on a blank page, nor the nothing that you would find as an absence of substance in an empty room. Not even the nothing as one would expect in the vast void beyond the stars. No, for in essence, they all imply either directly or not that nothing exists in relation to something.

This nothing in contrast, is that which exists without a complementary counterpart. This is the nothing that cannot be measured, quantified or experienced. This is the nothing purely beyond conceived thought and far removed from the bonds of reason. And it is from this infinite, utter lack, which our story begins.

In the beginning, there was nothing- and then, there wasn’t.

How this happened is volumes above the purview of this story; so let us just assume, for all intents and purposes, it just… did. Let us call it a miracle if you like, for something from nothing is truly miraculous indeed. In all that encapsulates that which is not, a consciousness was born.

Now for those of you who exist in a world of something, I am challenged to define the inconceivable consciousness in the absence of stimuli of any kind. Like trying to describe color to one blind since birth, there lies no frame of comparative reference.

Yet the consciousness did exist; though it just did not know it, as there was nothing for it to yet know. Without form or structure, without desire or purpose, the slumbering consciousness endured, unaware. And so it was, and was and was, and then something new appeared.

It began as a speck, a pinpoint of a thing smaller than small, utterly redefining infinitesimal. Now you would think that something so ridiculously miniscule would be far-reaching any capability of notice, but the consciousness noticed. In a domain of nothing, something or anything, no matter how diminutive, was in fact, a very big thing indeed.

The speck started to grow. Now not in size mind you, for the speck had no length width or height and so size was immaterial. No. The speck’s existence in the nothing realm grew in power, and as size did not exist to the little speck, its power grew massive. And so began the existence of the first speck of time. Though it had no knowledge of its own being, the miracle, was now fully aware of the speck and so it started to observe.

The more the miracle observed the speck, the more the world began to change. The first thing observed was that the speck was there and the consciousness was here. In the nothing world, two uniquely individual things must by their very nature, be separate and such a separation created a distance between the two, thus into the world of nothing, length came into being, solely defined by the difference between the two dissimilar things and the world became one dimensional. Now once the first dimension formed, continued observation quickly spawned the following two, bringing us now to a comparative frame of reference for those of you from the something world.

Now in this brand new world of something spawned from nothing, both entities thrived. The speck, being now infinitely powerful and without awareness, seemed perfectly suited to exist as a zero dimensional thing in a three dimensional world. The miracle though, was not content, for it was now sentient and with sentience comes a need for understanding.

It pondered. How could a zero dimensional something, exist in the Miracle’s three dimensional world and then came the first epiphany; the speck was the creation, the beginning of all things but itself. And with Miracle’s realization the Universe was born, cradled by Time.


(edited by Yalora Istairiea.6287)

If Guild Wars had a movie....

in Community Creations

Posted by: Takireo.8329


^ Didn’t think about those guys. They’re basically Guild Wars 1’s Destiny’s Edge.

If it followed those guys I’d hope we see some of Eve the necromancer. Who, despite being on all the Prophesies cover art, we barley see.

Who knows, maybe they could drop a Pyre Feirceshot cameo to foreshadow the Eye of the North sequel too!

Hope you’re writing this down Anet!

If Guild Wars had a movie....

in Community Creations

Posted by: Takireo.8329


We’ve seen the Wow trailer and can pretty much tell where they’re going with that.

But if Guild Wars had a movie, what do we reckon it would be based on? And what would you want to see the most?

Would it be during The Searing? Set between the games? Based on one of the Novels maybe? Or skip to GW2 timeline?

So long as it involved realistic looking Charr I’m happy.

(Hint hint Anet, movie in 2020! You can do it!)

Community Showcase Live: Halloween 2015 Edition

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Episode #2 of our fan-art live stream — Community Showcase Live — aired on October 28th. We had a blast featuring so many incredible artists and hope you’ll enjoy watching the program on this link:

Thank you to everyone who shared art with us! This month’s show featured an awesome collection, from sculptures to cosplay, videos to digital art, plushies to computer hardware, and beyond!

Please note: CSL is now officially a monthly feature. Lizzie and I will have a show in mid- to late-November, and then again in mid-December. We’ll announce the theme for November soon. December’s CSL will have — perhaps predictably — a Wintersday theme.

So…. keep creating!!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

[Halloween] His Moment has Come.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Dear Heavenly Dwayna,

I laughed so loudly my co-workers told me to muzzle myself.

Well done, Neil, well done!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

talk about buyers remorse!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Killyox.3950


I for one am really happy that new maps are so…platformish

no regrets

Why do people feeld they MUST get what they want HERE AND NOW?

Who just carved a Halloween Quaggan?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Steficorn.1026


And here’s last year’s that I never shared. My mad king pumpkin. =D


Charr Warrior Illusion Knitting

in Community Creations

Posted by: skaia.9582


My first try at illusion knitting! Original Charr artwork by ArenaNet, knitting chart made by myself. Basically, illusion knitting is a technique that makes the knitted pattern (or image) invisible when viewed from the front, but it will start to appear if viewed from the side.

After finally seeing the project completed, I am mostly happy with it, but I see there are some ways in which I can improve my chartmaking. A complex subject such as this will read better if I remove stray pixels/stitches or group them in the larger color area to make them either stand out or disapper completely. Also, the midtones don’t read quite as well as I thought they would, so they might need some extra dark edging or accents.

Still, overall, I really like the way it turned out! From start to finish, I worked on this for a year and a half, on and off.

Finished size: 117×85 cm

Original post on tumblr


[Art] Scribes of Calamity Commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: Rioko.2647


Ahhh! jumps with you I’m so happy you like it! And thank you very much for the recommendation

Maguuma Magic

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


You had me with “Stalking the Canyons.” I mean, as a ranger, that’s just perfection!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

[Art] Scribes of Calamity Commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: Rioko.2647


Hi Slayer! Here is your finished commission. I didn’t put any background because I felt it would ruin the cool color contrast. I hope you like it! If you have any file quality or zoom problems just let me know and I’ll try to get you a better file! Thank you~


Cheesy GW2 jokes here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clerigo.9475


Once upon a time, when all Tyria was at peace, the great 3 orders decided they would make a contest to determine which race is, once and for all, the mightiest.

Norn were drinking, sylvari sleeping, but Humans, Asuras and Charrs didnt even had a minute for thinking.

The challenge was simple: a male rabbit was to be turned loose on the open fields of Kryta, and the force that would faster find it, would emerge victorious.

Millions came across all corners of Tyria to witness, from commoners to kings, and so it begins.

The Humans were first. Gathering the might of Seraph numbers and will, they roamed the land from river to hill, and finally brought the rabbit to justice in just 5 hours.
The crowd cheered and Seraph honour was intact.

Next the Asura. These creatures, opposite of tall, seemed to not be worried at all. Their greatest minds of the College of Dynamics were at work. Combining their intellect prowess, they managed to construct a female rabbit robot that lured the male rabbit into a trap, and so to be captured in just 1 hour.

The crowd was in awe. “Impossible to beat”, was being heard all around.

Next the Charr. Like a raging thunder, the Bloodlegion rushed into the field, cursing and roaring, their infernal machines tumbling down the hill. Catapults, ballistas and trebuchets by the hundreds…it was tragic to see.

The crowd laughing.

After 15 minutes. the Bloodlegion appeared in front of the order judges.

“How can this be?” , “Impossible!”…

The Charr Tribune, standing proud, waves this all beaten up Quaggan to the judges.

A minue of silence that lasts for an eternity, and the Quaggan says:

“I confess, im a rabbit!”

“When in doubt, choose change.” Leung
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams

[Halloween] Mad King Thorn sighted in HoT

in Community Creations

Posted by: Clerigo.9475


Me Like it and wouldnt mind to have it in a big flag in my front yard.

Scare some postmen off…

“When in doubt, choose change.” Leung
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams

[Halloween] Mad King Thorn sighted in HoT

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


That’s great, correllis! Thanks for posting it here!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

It's an image of a charr engineer!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Really amazing. I had to do a double take it’s so realistic!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

It's an image of a charr engineer!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Andrige.5609


Drew this image last december and showcased it on reddit. Took a while to complete since I was trying some new rendering techniques, but happy with how it came out.

Full-res image (10.000×6.000) if you want to look at it like super up-close.


Artists -- We hope to spotlight YOU!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update for clarity: You do not need to post your submissions on Tumblr. I’ve given the tag in case you wish to do so there, but you are free to post here. Posting in our forum gives us the permission we need to be able to feature you on a future Community Showcase Live show. So please, artists and creators, use whichever medium is best for you. Or both!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Artists -- We hope to spotlight YOU!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Clerigo — you make a really good suggestion. I think broadening the audience of our request is a good idea. I’ll post about our future plans and our hopes for even more cool fan-created art over in GW2 Discussion.

AegisRunestone — at this time, hosting fan fiction isn’t something we will be doing unless it was extremely brief, like a short poem or a short short story. But sure, Lizzie and I can discuss fan fiction as a possibility down the road. Thanks for asking.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Irenio CalmonHuang


Irenio CalmonHuang

Game Designer


Hey all.

Now that the Beta Weekend Event is live and you’re able to check out the Druid please post constructive feedback here.

Character Select Redesign

in Community Creations

Posted by: Silvatar.5379


Being able to see all my characters on the screen at the same time would be awesome. This is my main issue with the current layout. The other changes you suggest are great as well. Hopefully someone from Anet will see this.

- Needs more warriors

Artists -- We hope to spotlight YOU!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra

Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead


I believe you have one of the best attitudes toward your community, and it makes me as a player very proud to have you and other considerate members on the dev’s team. That being said, I know not everyone has a Tumblr (myself included). Would it be possible to post artwork on Facebook or other social media, hashtagging the GW2 Fan Submission?

Thank you.

~Selana Firestone

Hello, I run the official Guild Wars 2 Tumblr site.

Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, we cannot accept submissions on other social media channels like Facebook or Twitter. You would need to submit through Tumblr or on the official forums.

In order for us to spotlight your work, you can submit your work on Tumblr in one of two ways:

  1. Direct submission to our Tumblr site:
  2. Publish a post on your own Tumblr site, using the hashtag “#gw2 fan submission”

Important note: you do NOT need a Tumblr account yourself to submit content using method #1.

Does that help with your question?

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra