Showing Posts For Seravorn.8139:

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seravorn.8139


This has some awesome suggestions! One thing ive always wanted was a PLAYER city. A city where players own houses, can own a business (they get a tiny commission from crafting stations or when a trader is used?), can develop new areas of the city, new houses, can put on a show even. Youve seen dance parties… why not a place for people to put them on?! You could have race zones, where only Asura or Sylvari can go, with special racial challenges and activities – would encourage people to get a character of every race too.
You could even have “player royalty” or guilds that fight it out to be the guild in control – like family controlled provinces in ye olde times. Would be nice if someone could do some stuff, and actually progress to be “high chancellor” until someone else came along and ousted him. They could design the city logo, or set fees on asura gates to some places that you currently cant go. Why should Ellen Kiel get all the fame and glory?

I sort of see this as a Lions Arch where the vast majority of citizens are players. where the city can literally evolve on a day to day basis as people invest in it, and as “policies” are handed down. It would be like an amalgamation of guild halls, home instances, and a living city.
Do i realistically see them doing this? No, not really. Do I think it would be awesome? Hell yea!

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Seravorn.8139


Its probably all been mentioned but a few thoughts i had on Horizontal Progression include:
1) Hard Mode Vanquishing to dungeons. You choose to enter hard mode when you enter the dungeon, and then the final boss of the path you choose doesnt spawn until you have defeated all other guys in the dungeon except in his “boss room” area. You could lock out parts of the dungeon potentially to make it slightly less time consuming. And obviously there would be no respawns. You could also include a Death Penalty system in line with GW2 just for these instances. And the rewards could include and ascended “champ chest”, which has a chance to drop good ascended materials, armour or weapons.
2) Mini-pets: These should be accessible form wherever you are i think, and not just at the bank. Too many times i have accidentally “deposited all” and my mini has just disappeared so now i dont even bother with them, which is a shame because they are kind of cool! Also on minis, there are some account bound minis which you can have multiples of which i think is a bit odd. You should only be able to have 1 risen balthazar priest, theres just no point in having more than 1 so they are a bit frustrating when you get them.
3) WvW “titles”. It might be a nice little feature if you could invest some gems, WvWXP, or Laurels into being able to “hide” your WvW title. I would attack somoene who i thought was not that experienced (they are just an invader), where i would run from someone whose title gave away their talent. If you could choose to hide your level from enemies that might be a neat little feature.
4) An obvious one: heart missions in Orr. Dont really need to explain that.
5) I feel like i dont spend any time in a lot of the shiverpeaks, and even less in ascalon. I would love to see a 4th dragon: an underwater dragon!
6) im not entirely sure how it would work but thinking back to GW1 again, if you could have a secondary profession that would just be awesome. This wouldnt need to be that significant, something like 1 slot skill could come from another profession, but not an elite. Or you can utilise the weapon skills of another profession for 1 weapon, and perhaps you have to spend some time and money to “unlock” the 2 3 4 and 5 skills, rather than just killing some guys to unlock them?
7) Guild halls / customisable home instances. This has been thrown around a lot im sure. But something superficial with which to display your prowess and achievements would be awesome.

8) I could go on but i will stop at this one: Scars. It has always bugged me that you can die a thousand times and come back exactly the same. It would be awesome if you could choose to display a scar on your character that people can see when you are not wearing armour. Maybe you can unlock them for doing very specific things – when jormags claw lands on you, if you take more than 100,000 falling damage, had 1000 deaths, when you spring 100 traps, if you get killed by the Fire Elemental in Metrica Province, etc, etc. There could be say 20 scars that you can earn, and earning them all gives you the “grizzled” title. There could be other options too… like unlocking a scar could give you one set scar (the Fire Ele gives you a burn looking scar perhaps), or it gives you a “scar point” which you could use to buy any of the small number of scars that you like. Perhaps you could choose exactly where you want the scar to appear too, rather than having it set in one place on your body for every character.
I think this would be a nice horizonal appearance touch that would get people out there trying to play the game in a different way, or at least get some different experiences.