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Are we going to get more Lightward weapons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


They did the same with Berserkers Ebb and Berserkers Flow. Beautiful skins, but very, very rare and only the sword and warhorn.

Maybe they are picking and choosing skins for certain weapons now

The warhorn is a recolor of The North Wind (Tempest elite Warhorn)

But there has been a number of skins released only as parts of a set, such as the Ley Guard Revolver and Seer’s Warstaff. Perhaps more to come, but of interesting note is that they all begin with the Berserker prefix.

DS:Noxious Pods vs Others

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


Doing DS is inefficient for getting spark,oil,dust.

Umm, duh. Dragon’s Stand doesn’t need to give sparks or oil or dust. It gives exactly what it should, the others are just bonuses. You should have to play each region to get their specific item, not just play one. Your complaint has no basis, as DS was never designed for getting spark, oil, and dust and never should be.

Adventures, do they need changes?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


One thing that would be nice is adding an icon to the map for Punch-o-Matic and the Scrap Rifle Field Test.

While I agree that some need to be scaled back, scaling all of them is a foolish idea. Gold in Salvage Pit and in Drone Race is stupidly easy. I’ve actually never gotten anything less than gold in Drone Race. Beetle Feast is likewise very easy if you actually bother using your skills.

Some adventures you do significantly better on after obtaining certain gliding masteries. Flying Circus is the main one. After Advanced Gliding, it is very easy to get gold. Higher gliding also helps for Bugs in the Branches.

So yes, some adventures should be scaled back, but not all. Requiring a silver is a perfectly acceptable requirement for items.

Shooting Gallery: Get rid of some of the excess clutter blocking shots, and make the targets a lot more visible from a distance. Reduce the number needed by 5-10.
Tendril Torchers: I personally never do this one, but making tendrils respawn a little faster would help.
Salvage Pit: Don’t touch
Flying Circus: Don’t touch
Bugs in the Branches: Make the stone pillars sticking out easier to jump on. It’s not actually that hard if you figure out the route.

Fallen Masks: People complain about this one a lot, but part of doing well is knowing which jumping mushrooms go where. That being said, it is still similar to Shooting Gallery in randomness and hard to see masks.
The Floor is Lava: We know the floor is lava, but could it not kill us so fast? Adding some more time would be great.
Wings of Gold: Don’t touch (seriously, it’s not that hard)
Fungus Among Us: MAKE THE 2 SKILL WORK. And add one or two more speed mushrooms in to help, as the mushroom moves so slow.
Sanctum Scramble: This one is by no means easy. However, I think this is actually perfectly balanced. If you learn all the places to cut corners and utilize your skills, you can get gold. All three of your skills are incredibly useful. One thing I found to work is to play on the lowest graphics settings so I got no lag whatsoever.

Beetle Feast: Don’t touch
Ley Line Run: Don’t touch (use your one skill on all the glowy circle things and your 3 to get ahead. There’s a glowy thing on the left side of the platform right before the last series of jumps)
Drone Race: Don’t touch
Scrap Rifle: Make the rifle overheat a little less fast, put in more chak, and make them deal less damage.
Punch-o-Matic: This needs a lot of fixing in every way.

Year of Asc Part 1 Achievements not counting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


The profession achievements and the initial “beginning” one don’t count towards the achievement on purpose. You actually have to do the Mystic Essence and the 15 days of playing matches. Not a bug.

64-bit Client Beta FAQ

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


I copied the 64-bit client over to the Guild Wars 2 folder, ran it, let it do its thing, and then it popped up wanting to download 340,000 files (Aka the whole game). I’m not doing that, so I hit cancel, tried it a few more times with renaming and whatnot, reinstalled the client, still didn’t work.

So I tried to go back to the 32-bit client just to get back in game. Only to have it do the exact same thing and want to download 340,000 files. My Gw2.dat folder was in the same one as the executables the entire time. But now, instead of being 25+ GB, it’s 78 MB. Trying to install the 64-bit wiped all of the game data stored on my hard drive. So now I have to reinstall the entire game.

On 300 kb/s internet >.>

Also, it isn’t simply stored somewhere else. My SSD was close to full, and now it has 20+ GB free space. It was wiped clean. And the Gw2.dat file is not in the Recycle Bin either. The 64-bit client pretty much wiped the table of all the data I had, then tried to reinstall the game.

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


I find it interesting that no one has mentioned the biggest problem I experienced with Rebound: It doesn’t effect the elementalist themselves.

Now regardless of how good a skill it would be otherwise (and, granted, I might have just experienced a bug), this makes it absolutely useless in solo play, and barely usable as a niche effect in dungeons/raids. The heal/buff need to affect the caster as well as targets around them.

Rate the Elite specs!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


So because I’m a stats nerd, I decided to figure out the average ranking based on everyone in this thread. I assigned each rank a point (1 getting 9 points, 2 getting 8, etc.), then averaged those. The highest average you could get is 9, lowest 1. Then, the ranking is:

1) Druid (8.4)
2) Reaper (7.2)
3) Herald (6.7)
4) Chronomancer (6.6)
5) Scrapper (5.4)
6) Berserker (3.8)
7) Daredevil (3.4)
8) Tempest (3.3)
9) Dragonhunter (2.1)
My own opinion would have to be

1) Druid
2) Tempest
3) Reaper
4) Scrapper
5) Chronomancer
6) Herald (I’m hesitant to give this a high rank because we don’t know how well the Revenant works over time without its elite)
7) Berserker
8) Daredevil
9) Dragonhunter

Guilds during the Beta Weekend

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


Previously, beta characters couldn’t join guilds or represent a guild they had on another character. Which, while slightly annoying, there wasn’t a large demand for. However, since we’re going to have raids that we all want to run with our guildies instead of pugs, is there any possibility of gaining access to guild chat/guild panel for this beta weekend? Otherwise it will make coordinating the raids much more difficult.

windows 10 minimize/alt-tab crash nvidia

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Serenawyr.1523


I’m still having this problem, except I get one alt tab. A single one. After that, my screen blacks out and alternates between being lit up but black screen, and off. Waiting does nothing. I have to restart my computer every time.