Showing Posts For Serosen.2650:

The gem system for the online store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serosen.2650


It needs to go away. I’m not sure when developers decided this convoluted, double transaction system was a good idea but there’s too many games doing it nowadays. What would you do if you walked into a department store, picked up a pair of jeans then walked over to pay for them. But when you did they told you ‘Oh no you have to buy our JCBucks to purchase items. Go on over to the JCBuck line and buy them in bulk then come back!’

You wouldn’t buy anything. I know I wouldn’t buy anything, and I won’t in GW2. Why? Because it complicates a simple system like a monetary transaction. What’s worse is that Guild Wars (1) just lets you buy things from their story with real life monies. You know, the way micro-transactions are supposed to be.

On top of ridding yourselves of convolution you’ll find that people are more willing to spend money in those small increments than in larger quantities that the current system requires of you. Why? Because people feel better about multiple small number purchases than a few large ones. Personally, I know I’d be far more inclined to make more of these micro purchases than blowing fifty dollars on gems that don’t even equate to the same amount of money you’d be spending.

While we’re on the topic, it’s not clever of you to make the gem versus dollars amounts of the items uneven so that people are left with unusable gems. It’s stupid and you’re insulting your consumers.

Just do yourselves a favor and change it.

Moa Breeding

in Suggestions

Posted by: Serosen.2650


This is obviously a suggestion referencing Chocobo breeding from FF7.

I support this idea.

Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serosen.2650


You make money the same way you do in any MMO. You play the market, buy low and sell high. You’d understand that if you weren’t an entitled socialist frenchie communist cow kittening hill-person stuck up teat suckling kitten.

I think I have enough adjectives. This game was fun.

Greatsword mobs 1 hit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serosen.2650


ill get fraps and record it, it must be something wrong srsly. Im getting low on Keyboards :<

Sounds like you doctor needs to write you a prescription for some chill the kitten out.

Game wide announcements for big events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Read the first post again.

Game wide announcements for big events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Serosen.2650


You guys have put a lot of good work into this game. Alas, much of the great event content is missed due to poor access. I hereby suggest you add a mechanic that ‘announces’ on the world map when big events are happening so people can go experience said content. This way people are getting the most out of their over-world experience.

EDIT: Let me clarify. What I’m suggesting is that an icon pop up on the world map whenever a big event occurs in a zone that lets you know it’s happening. Then you can port to that zone and join the event. I am not suggesting a new consumable or mechanic to get there.

(edited by Serosen.2650)

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Reading what has been posted I wanted to come back with just a couple of points for rational discussion. Before I say anything though, I want to make something VERY clear. I am not saying pets right now are perfect, they are not. They need work. F2 responsiveness is better but not where it needs to be. It has some AI / pathing issues that need tweaked. I love my pets but at the same time I do not have my head in the sand about the issues they have =D

Now, having said that I want to revisit the trait / passive buff / stowed buff thing that I think that many of us that are against this idea are opposing.

Are there times that I wind up in a situation where I do not want my pet underfoot? Absolutely yes. Should there be a mechanic rework allowing me to put my pet away so that I am not having to deal with it then AND not have it pop out if I stumble over a rock? Yep. Not trying to take that away, it is needed. Should I get the damage that my pet would have generated “added into” mine? Nope. I made the decision to not have it.

Passive bonuses for when the pet is not attacking. This I will give just a LITTLE leeway for, but more than that I will give a little free ranger advice (and a bit of a confession). In WvW is really the ONLY place where this should have an impact, because in PvE if I am on a ledge and my pet can not move to what I am fighting I am going to get the invulnerable anti-exploit check. I would not mind to see a “Master’s Bond” type of buff with this in which my pet could generate added bonus damage or something if I am defending a keep or on a ledge in a choke point. HOWEVER we already have a version of this that you can use right now. It’s called pet diversity =D

To explain, I really ONLY run 4 pets, ever. My wolf (Shadow) and lynx (Green Eyes) are my land pets, while in water I use my armor fish (Chauncy) and shark (Wakefin). That’s pretty well it. In WvW though, if I am on the walls of a keep I switch to a red moa and one of the devourer or spider family. I use the moa for the frenzy screech and the spiders for ranged attacks. I would RATHER use my standard animal companions, but if they can’t attack I can choose to switch em up and still benefit from my class mechanic. Maybe people have not really thought of this, maybe they have not found a pet they like, but while I am not CRAZY about a devourer and have ZERO “attachment” to it, using it is better than having a lazy cat laying at my feet =D

I am sorry that some people feel that they can like all other aspects of a “pet class” except for the pet and want to completely remove what makes that class “stand out” and that is simply a choice. It’s like I have said, you CAN do so, but if YOU are choosing to ignore an aspect of the class, it is no one’s fault but your own.

You can roll an elementalist and only run one attunement. That is absolutely your option. You are not going to get the damage / control of the other 3 “folded into” your fire build, nor are you going to get access to a weapon swap to compensate. You can run an engineer without either turrets, gadgets, or a kit. Your pistol damage is not going to be raised to compensate. You can ignore the Virtues on a Guardian, but you are not going to be able to say “If I choose to disable ALL my virtues I should get burning on every single attack to make up for it”… life just does not work that way.

Ranger is a pet class. Pets are our “thing”. Trying to remove our “thing” is not going to happen in a manner that will warrant an improvement in another area. A mesmer can never summon a clone/phantasm/etc, but that is not going to benefit them, and fact is if I did not enjoy that play style why in the world would I not play a necro or an ele?

You wrote all this to make point “Tough kitten Rangers are a pet class”? Well, here’s a counter point. Food for thought: If a suggestion is made that changes class mechanics to facilitate the option of a slightly different playstyle, but won’t necessarily outshine, outperform, or outdo the original inception, then why do you care so much? Is it a purist thing? “X” class was made this way so therefore it must always be like that? Here’s the thing. I don’t want pets to go away. I just want the option to forego the pet and still be viable. Because I love the Ranger, just not the companions.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Pets and their usefulness was not really the point of my original post. Pets do need a buff to survivability and I hope they get it. The suggestion to make pet-less builds viable was in response to my dislike for the pet in general. I don’t feel like I should be punished for disliking one aspect of the class while enjoying everything else. All I want is the choice.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Ranger in this game is a pet class. You may disagree, but in GW2, pets are what make a Ranger a Ranger.

Pet perma-stow has made the rounds several times, and as I have said elsewhere, if you choose to ignore having a a pet that SHOULD be your choice, just like a thief choosing to only have a single sword vs having an off hand. However, just like the thief losing 2 skills, Arena Net should not be responsible for undoing your “self nerf”.

If you enjoy the ranger but do not want the pet at all, use a hawk / crow on passive and ignore it. They take up VERY little screen space and will not be impacting your play that way.

However, it is ludicrous to expect a complete revamp of the class AWAY from what Arena Net intends when other classes offer a play style similar to what you are wanting. Try a thief or a warrior if you want a pet less ranger, but don’t expect Anet to completely change the dynamics of an entire class to fit your expectations when they have SO many other things that need to be addressed.

It doesn’t require a revamp of the class. It requires one trait somewhere that lets you gain a bonus while the pet is stowed as well as making stowing pets permanent (meaning they don’t come out in combat unless you call them out).

Permanently Stowing Away Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Warriors get traits that benefit them for NOT using their Adrenaline skills. Why shouldn’t Rangers get something similar for NOT using pets?

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


A build that is not petcentric and benefits from Signets. Pretend now that you have a 10% bonus to your stats while not using a pet. Yes, you lose utility but I would personally enjoy something like this.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


30 points into Marksmanship makes Signets affect you.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Yes, they come out when you enter combat.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


You’re either completely missing the point or trying to convince me that I should love pets like a Mormon going door to door. And it doesn’t matter if other classes can use bows. I love the Ranger weapons skills better than any other class. It’s what attracts me to it. If I had the option of foregoing the pet, if I chose to, I would never play another class. The suggestion is just an option for people like me.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


I disagree. The pet doesn’t make the Ranger unique. It makes it clunky. And it’s fine if you like the pet. I’m not trying to take it away from those who enjoy it. I’d just like to enjoy the class just as much. My personal hang up is the pet.

EDIT: The way the weapons work on the Ranger is great to me. I love the traps, the signets, the Spirits. Basically everything a ranger does I like. Just not pets.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


Irrelevant. I don’t like the pet, I don’t like managing the pet, I don’t like having to constantly keep track of the pet. I like everything else about the Ranger. I’d like there to be an option to stow the pet in favor a stat increase to the Ranger. Something along the lines of the White Lion from Warhammer but not as over powered.

The Pet-less Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serosen.2650


I like nearly everything about the Range. Except the pet. It would be nice if there were an option, a trait perhaps, that lets you forego the pet in favor of a stat boost of some sort (or some other such mechanic).