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The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadenmonk.7580


As someone who was thoroughly entrenched in WoW’s endgame throughout Wrath and Cataclysm, I don’t understand why anyone would want that in this game. If you want WoW’s endgame, go play WoW. Guild Wars 2 is a different beast and it’s an extremely young one at that. Let the game grow.

You misunderstand my argument. I’m sure if i like the mechanics of WoW I’ll go play it but I’m trying to point out some of GW2’s dull points and how they could possibly be better. My main purpose was to share my thought on how to enrich the game. Not saying that GW2 needs to be WoW altogether, just adding in some detail of what i liked about World of Warcraft in comparison to Guild Wars 2.

Yes Guild Wars 2 is in its early stages, i know that. Yes Guild Wars 2 is different. Some aspects of the game are to linear which degrade long term enjoyment of the game. Maybe Guild Wars 2 tried to do something different for endgame such as having exploration and Dynamic Events as part as endgame content alongside Raids and Dungeons, but if MMORPG’s original style, of leveling and then moving to Raids and Dungeons is introduced to a new element of exploration (through content you’ve already been through) it’s kind of tough to switch out of that want of Dungeon progress and acquiring better gear. I acknowledge what they are trying to do for endgame but exploration is something a lot of people will have to work in to “ideal” endgame.

Of course I will let the game grow but I expected a little more for a MMORPG that has been released after a branching of MMORPG’s in the past years. i.e. MMORPG#1 has created a wooden block, and here comes along MMORPG#2 after some time that has created a wooden block but added a few colors to it. If you get that analogy.

Why do you stay on games all day? I respond:
-I’d rather control the T.V. than just watch it

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadenmonk.7580


It’s not that people are accustomed to the “Worker” system in Guild Wars 2, it’s that they need more rewards to accommodate for the time spent playing the game. People who play MMORPG’s seek progression. Not only progression but progression at a reasonable rate.

Scenario, ill stick to the same work example you mentioned: If you’re going to work and receiving $1 /hr for hard labor you’ll start to think is it worth it? That’s what i feel like while trying to obtain gear for my level 80. I spent a lot of time in Guild Wars 2 dungeons only to get minimum rewards. The game is so time investing that i just don’t play all together. This is just my thought and PvE endgame is my interest.

Many players will enjoy the game for itself and take in the environments while trotting through the landscape but to most people that’s a waste of time if your time is limited and you have other things you need to accomplish out of game. A fair endgame progression (Gear, weapons, Gold) needs to be established and so you don’t feel like your wasting your time because time spent outweighs the rewards gained.

Why do you stay on games all day? I respond:
-I’d rather control the T.V. than just watch it

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadenmonk.7580


Reaching 80 to me is opening up the world but not opening up new objectives to complete. I understand what you mean by going back to previous content again but that’s just the same as re-running a dungeon on World of Warcraft almost. There is a significant amount of content and events that you may like in GW2 but it will still get repetitive. Going back to complete events don’t enough of a reward to players at 80 as far as my experience. I don’t have the motivation to do events I’ve already completed as the rewards are not worth the effort and most events are just killing mobs so it may have been fun the first time but lacks the second.

“Urgoz’s Warren and The Deep”

Although I’ve never played GW1 i would have expected to see these type of mechanics in this game if i had played GW1. Having environmental challenges sounds like it could make Guild Wars 2 dungeons my enjoyable.

I’ll assume by you saying, “There’s often a disconnect with the mobs and their environments” that you mean something along the lines that the mobs in GW2 are not strategically placed meaning that they just place a group of mobs together in the same vicinity without using a certain mob to their full potential. Elaborate if you will.

Why do you stay on games all day? I respond:
-I’d rather control the T.V. than just watch it

Make events more rewarding

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadenmonk.7580


They should make content more rewarding. In dungeons it feels like i waste of time time clear mobs, defeat a boss and get trivial rewards. I see the point your trying to make and i agree with it. When we hit 80 we still can explore and participate in dynamic events however we simply don’t get enough rewards. As you mentioned while playing with a friend and completing dynamic events we should get gear near our level since are stats are drop in lower zones and we’re pretty much to par as out friend, just different level. Also just a thought, to encourage 80’s to get back in the world maybe we could be rewarded Badges (Like you get in dungeons) that allow us to purchase gear. From various objectives such as reaching an achievement and completing Dynamic Events.

As for the being an 80, it shouldn’t be difficult to make money as it was at level 20. While looking through the Trading post I’ve seen items for 40g and up. I’m not mastermind when it comes to making currency on this game so i feel like I’m at a stalemate. But I’m not sure if they want people to buy Gems which convert to Gold so they can keep money flowing. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to make Gold.

Response to your EDIT

That would be neat, native and non-native weapons but weapon skills are relative to profession so having every profession able to wield any weapon is basically translating that ArenaNet would have to make profession specific skills for every weapon. Your not going to see a Elementalist performing a Guardian Leap with a greatsword.

Although a work-around would be having more than 5 standard skills for each weapon type. Being able to choose from 5+ skills for a specific weapon type and only being allowed to put only 5 skills on your left skill bar that you can utilize.

Why do you stay on games all day? I respond:
-I’d rather control the T.V. than just watch it

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadenmonk.7580


The Dead End of 80

While talking with my friend in-game i discuss with him about how my thoughts about Guild Wars 2, some good, some bad. Before you go ahead and think this is a flame war against World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2, it’s not. I base my arguments and comments off of my own personal experience that will relate to most people.

Beforehand sorry for my grammar as it’s 5:00 am and I’m not as focused.

-Me and my Friends conversation-

My friend and I are both 80. One day we had a discussion about why i haven’t been on in two weeks. He plays almost every day and for hours while it got dull for me a few days upon hitting 80. I responded by saying that the game is dull at 80 and i have no drive to continue and no drive to level to 80 on a different profession to be stuck at a dead end yet again. As the conversation reign i mention World of Warcraft (WoW). I played WoW before i switched to GW2. He also played WoW but he only achieved level 60 during The Burning Crusade and didn’t get the endgame experience WoW offered. So i gave him an insight to my views on both games and why i lost my drive to GW2.


While leveling up in Guild Wars 2 i loved it. The environment was gorgeous and the underwater gameplay was different and way above average of other games by far. Leveling is the highlight in this game by far and Guild Wars greatest perk. The leveling is different and less structured than WoW’s, accept a quest and turn it in. Although this quest system is alleviated it’s still not much different from WoW. You still have your kill task; gather task, and boss task, just not clicking on a npc. This system is somewhat of a relief because the game allows you to fluently progress throughout the game without taking a quest back to an npc to turn in and allows you to explore the game without bondage. This can be good or bad, sometimes i find myself doing an event repeatedly because i don’t have a structured progressing system. Task marked by the hearts on the mini-map are what i strive for in-game. Events popping up throughout your leveling experience are fun, but can get really repetitive and sometimes I feel forced to take place in events for the experience points.

Read the full Article here:

Why do you stay on games all day? I respond:
-I’d rather control the T.V. than just watch it

(edited by Shadenmonk.7580)