Showing Highly Rated Posts By ShadowMaster.5708:

Account bound legendaries? Please...?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


i would like if you could take a second to vote here on this poll about this topic:

So.. this has been discussed sooo many times! I think most people that OWN a legendary want it to be account bound and not soulbound.

I spent over 1k gold and 7 months on mine. But now… I can only use it on my necro and not thief. This limits my opportunities. I do realize i dont need my legendary, but i like it and i want to use it.

This is like you spent 7 months IRL working your kitten of to get alot of money, but everything you could spend the money on is clothes. Nothing else. Its stupid. Why limit the reward of hard work to one thing only?

Would it hurt if they became account bound? And now with the legendary rework, will they become account bound? Any Anet mod guy that can update me…?

(edited by ShadowMaster.5708)

So... everything in this patch is temporary

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Why anet? The whole new place inside Divinitys reach is temporary. If im not mistake all the new things like the arena will take place inside there. Not to mention the arena isnt instanced, so like thousands of people will queue up for it, so you only get to experience it once until its gone.

Why..? As someone said, if you keep giving us temporary content like this, this game will be dead as soon as another big MMO coming out (Wildstar being the biggest). I know ALOT of people moving to wildstar simply because this is just stupid.

You make people RUSH your content just to finish it before the time runs out and get the rewards. this is forcing us to play, something you SHOULD NOT DO since there is no supscription fee. i mean, with no subscription fee we arent forced to play, but it we are anyways. Since the temporary content.

You said like 2 months ago you will start giving us more permanent, but i think its bullkitten. Proove it, please