Showing Posts For Shadowcaster.9281:

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Apologies, i got some of the sigils mixed up. The build proper here:

Basically, I am getting the axe and dagger as secdonary, swapped for life draining hits and allowing health steal every time i switch for on demand heals.

Let me know your views guys and remember, this is for SPVP. Thanks.

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hey Guys,

After looking around and trying to understand the game mechanics of GW2, I have taken immense liking to SPVP and would want to focus on this area.

As such, I have come up with a build that i think might be of use, though i notice i die pretty fast 2 on 1 with some survivability on 1 on 1. Focus of this build is of course, DOTs & Life draining mechanics via direct damage.


I got a few questions though:

Is dhummfire an important DOT not to lose for SPVP?
Versus Vampiric Trait, is it worth losing vampiric in favor of Dhummfire?
Any critique on the build per se?

Would appreciate the support on this.


New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


erm, sorry, but what are fractals? I keep hearing this term… is it like an instance dungeon? Also, does minion do damage over time damage? I am more into this for the gameplay if anything else.

Though giving my significant other groin pleasure does sound ncie

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hi All,

Am currently running a necro that i am utilizing for spvp and levelling up as per normal. Would like to know any recommendation of “damage over time”" like spec. And yes, in case you’re wondering, I am a WoW crossover, having played a warlock all my mmo life.

Would appreciated any help on this. Thanks.

Need Help on Build for SPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Are you solo queuing or running with a group? If you’re going in solo, you’re going to have a hard time in sPvP as a necromancer. We’re more of a support class that your team has to protect. Our lack of mobility skills and inability to avoid damage makes us a very easy target to take down. The minute we get focus fired by 2 or more people, we go down extremely fast, and there is really nothing you can do about it.

As for your build, its not the most optimal build I’ve seen. The necromancer life steal traits are pretty weak for sPvP since there is so much burst damage going around. The 10 points in spite as a condition spec isn’t going to help much either.

I would suggest this build. I’ve had the most success running this so far.;TsAAzCpoiyElIKbUuokRtqYUxcBA

Reaper’s Protection is by far one of the best traits to have in PVP. Its a base 2 second fear and has saved me so many times from warriors bulls rush and thieves basilisk venom. If you’re quick, you can time your Doom and Reaper’s Mark to stack the fear up for some pretty wicked damage. Like most other conditions, fear stacks in duration so don’t be afraid to use another fear if your target is already feared. Also remember that stability will corrupt into fear. Use that to your advantage for not only breaking bunker builds, but for added damage as well.

Looking at the build, I can appreciate the fact that you are taking death magic for the toughness… however it seems to be wasted points, due to the fact that i don’t have any minions under me?

Perhaps the abilities from 6-9 can be tweaked?

Need Help on Build for SPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hi All,

Ok, so I am currently running this build:

For spvp. The runes used are centaur, krait and Afflicted, 2 of each for the condition duration and sigils in off hands are hydromancy for the melee range chill application. Scepter’s rune is Agony and Axe’s rune is Peril for both the condition and Vulnerabilty damage & Duration.

Although it’s fun to play this with loads of switching, I tend to die often. 1v1’s aren’t really much of an issue, i cam handle most, but anything more than that and I am dead. Here’s what I am doing:

Start of with Auto attack Scpeter —> Stack 3 bleeds --> Spinal Shivers + Grasping Dead + Repear’s Touch + Feast of Corruption—> activate BoP, Corruption (if there are multiple boons on target and there always will be) & Epidemic —> Switch to War Axe + Dagger --> Activate Deathly Swarm to transfer conditions (at mid melee range) + Enfeeble —> Rending claws (War Axe auto attack) + Ghastly claws for life force.

If i get targeted:

Unholy Feast + Death shroud —> Claw + Fear + Life force Drain + Auto Attack

Can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong? I suck at targetting with staff and this is also one of the reason why I don’t run with Scepter/ Dagger, cause getting 2 targetting in a row is too much of a pain.

Is there something you guys can recommend?


Weakness vs Vulnerability for conditions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Whoops, forgot to mention the endurance recharge thing that War Mourner pointed out.

OK, so which conditions should I go for then which increase the amount of bleeding and poison damage done? Kinda lost on this one.

And by the way, thanks for replying .

Unfortunately, neither of them will do that.

If you have an equal opportunity to apply vulnerability or weakness, I’d say use weakness. Reducing the damage done to you helps you last long enough for all your conditions to tick their damage completely. The increased damage from vulnerability won’t be all that noticeable, since your direct damage will probably be sub-par in exchange for higher condition damage.

I see, thanks for the explanation guys… so it would make sense then to use the War Axe / Focus off hand, since the weapon skill reaper’s scythe applies vulnerability can stack with axe’s main hand skills (which also apply vulerability), unholy feast for the cripple and top it off with Spinal shivers from focus for the slow.

With the target pretty much in place, Switch to scepter / Dagger off hand, grasping dead, enfeebling blood (both apply weakness and bleed), followed by blood – putrid curse

Sounds good it think.

Thanks guys.

Weakness vs Vulnerability for conditions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


I’d call Weakness a defensive condition, while Vulnerability is more of an aggressive condition. Weakness lowers the damage a foe can output (50% damage reduction on 50% of their non-critical attacks) while Vulnerability increases the direct damage (not condition damage!) that a foe takes. (Up to 25% additional damage.)

Unfortunately, neither of these conditions really interact with bleed or poison.

OK, so which conditions should I go for then which increase the amount of bleeding and poison damage done? Kinda lost on this one.

And by the way, thanks for replying .

Weakness vs Vulnerability for conditions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hi All,

I was wondering if someone an explain to me the difference between Weakness and Vulnerability? And which of these are good for my bleed and Poison conditions? I am currently running Scepter / Dagger with a staff off hand and am finding it a hassle to out down all the marks.

The idea is, i would rather evade and leave a mark of blood everytime while speading my conditions and then switching weapons to an Axe / focus combo, though some are suggesting warhorn.

So your inputs would help me a great deal understand which could be best for my playstyle.


Confused about a proper condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Thanks for the reply dranor. I assume shroud stomping means death shroud pwnage then?

Also, is there a link you can show me as to what talents are taken in this build?

Thank you.

Confused about a proper condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


is there something wrong with my question? How come there is no response yet? Bumping this thread in hope of a response.

Confused about a proper condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hi All,

Ok, so I’m coming over from WoW as a new necromancer and am very interested in doing a “dot” based build and my main focus is SPVP, which i realize is GW2 version of a regular BG (battleground, for those non WOW players).

From what I have read so far on various GW2 wiki’s, pages and forums, it would seem this this is pretty much a condition build (cause that what dot’s a called here right?). So stuff like bleeding and poison will come into play then i assume.

So, one of the first things i do after hitting level 12 (that’s when i found out about SPVP) is enter mists and tried out various combination of the builds i had researched. Although my primary weapons of choice still remain as scepter/dagger, I have always had issues with a staff secondary. Applying marks on moving targets is a pain + it leaves me vulnerable whilst having to stand and channel necrotic grip.

I then came across nemesis video of the following build:;TUArAGBcCYXxsCA

I tried it out and it seems good for a while, though i realize it doesn’t leave much for survivability. The gear is the standard SPVP gear you get when you enter mists complete with carrion amulet.

Here’s my opening so far:

Mid range against a group : Find a single target and execute the following:

Blood Curse—> Grasping Dead -> Enfeebling Blood-->Poison Could —>Bip--> Epidemic—> Consume Conditions —> Blood Curse--> Swap Weapon set & focus on single target within goup—> Rending claws—>Unholy feast—>Ghastly Claws

Rinse and Repeat till enemy death

Against a single target (Usually one that singles me out):

Blood Curse—> Grasping Dead -> Enfeebling Blood-->Poison Could —>Bip--> Epidemic—> Consume Conditions —> Swap Weapon set--> Wail of doom—> Unholy feast—> Enter Death Shroud—> Doom—> Life Transfer—> Exit DS—> Locust Swarm and Run away.

Rinse and Repeat till enemy death

Can someone tell me if I am doing this right? Or is there something that can be improved?

I also notice that the surviavbility of this build relatively sucks, but the damage output is high, which is probably why I can see the highest damage for bleeding and poison is usually mine in a SPVP scenario. Is there something I can do about this? Am i using DS wrong (since it provides invulnerability for the duration)
