(edited by Shadowcat.4397)
Showing Posts For Shadowcat.4397:
…and you should have 3k hp like Phantasm have
I sey NO for next usless From. Most of Trasformation skills are week, why do you want to get usless elite skill?
At first glance, a 2.5 second and 4 second base torment sounded really OP to me but I realized I was thinking too much with Runes of torment/koi cakes etc for 100% torment duration. In PvP, I think it’s actually fine for the scepter and any non PU build would rightfully deserve some buff to scepter auto.
However, 5 seconds of torment on clone attacks in a clone death build that could roll in dire gear… with just scepter 2, clone on dodge, MI, and auto, a torment build could quickly (~4 seconds) hit 18 stacks of torment and start to maintain 20-25 depending on spamming a heal for torment and if the scepter CD traits actually work with Scepter 2 post patch. Then factor in clone death traits. If using rabid gear, add ~6 bleeds with the clones. The scepter auto itself and a duelist(if more bleeds wanted instead of torment) will still hit for some power dmg and the dps of this build can start to reach 8-9k solo with little ramp up time vs moving targets. I usually tell people to just walk away from condi mesmers but
It’s not going to be easy to walk away from this. Acquire a givers weapon or sigil of malice if you want to drop the 2 domination for more chaos/inspiration. Dire or rabid for more tankiness or bleeds. This is going to cause whining in WvW which goes back to my prior concern of this will cause nerfs in the end.
Oki but you know, that you can do that combo with staff clons. With staff clons you will have less torment, but u get burning(that do more dmg then tormen), bleeding(that do more dmg then tormen), and Vulnerability. In your example you need only clean 1 conditions, but with staff you need to clean 4 conditions.
You dont need new scepter AA change to do that combo and it will do more dmg with staff clons but i dont see now conditions mesmers killing evryone in WvW or sPvP.
Why new AA will not be OP:
With 0 cd we got:
Staff Clon do 1s Burning its (328 dmg) or 5 s bleed (it is 42.5*5 = 212,5 dmg) or Vulnerability (0 dmg) what give (212+328+0)/3=180 dmg/hit
Scepter clon do 2 s Torment it will be 31.875*2*2=127,5 dmg/hit if target is moving
you can have staff clon (180 dmg) or scepter (127 dmg) now tell me how staff clon is not OP and scepter clon will be? LOL
Staff AA was not nerf from day 1 (only buff) and no one sey that it’s OP.
(Btw new IE will give Staff dmg*2 in 1v1.)
80% of replyes here that sey No looks like that: “No, im Shatter Mesmer, its OP” but shoud sey: “No, its not buff for Shatter Mesmer that why its OP I dont want scepter to be CD weapon i want to be shatter weapon” but it dont make scepter AA OP like you sey.
I like Condition Damage, I play Condition Mesmer and i like that new scepter AA. That make scepter clon useful i will not need to think that change to scepter will ends of 10 s dps lose like it is now and using scepter skills will kill my dps clon changing them to useless scepter clon.
Atm we have for Condition Damage only staff and weak scepter. For AP Mesmer we have good S/(S/F/P) /GS combo that is good for all AP bilds. Condition Mesmer dont have good 2nd MH.
Btw PU is not OP but Stealth is. Stealth shoud be change, not PU, what will nerf PU too at the end.
1. Mesmer
2. Ranger
3. Thief (balance demage and nerf stealth)