Showing Posts For Shaman.8532:

Loading forever after disconnect

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shaman.8532


I was in Malchor’s Leap, but suddenly I “lagged” but didn’t get disconnected. I could run and walk around, but couldn’t interact with anything, move things in inventory, etc.
Tried to log-out to character screen and the game crashed.

Now when I try loading into that character, the loading screen just stays there until it says I lost connection to the server. Also in the character status, it shows 0% map completion (it should be 33%).

I can connect normally to other characters.

I've got a little tonic problem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shaman.8532


+1 for this
that would be a very welcome change for those who opened chests before the update that changed the tonics

Please fix the Necromancer Staff! It's broken!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shaman.8532


Agree. I refrain to using a staff constantly because of that.

Gem Store Styles one use only

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shaman.8532


If they were permanent, they would be much more expensive. 500 gems for a whole awesome set is a good deal, and like you said, you have the option of using transmutation stones.

Not saying that I agree with the current implementation or that I’ll ever buy a set, but I don’t think it’s so bad as you make it sound.

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shaman.8532


  • All “Oh Noes, my minion died!!” VO should be removed. They are minions…not cherished pets.

oh god, this, please. it’s SO annoying