Showing Posts For Sheiken.7923:

Guardian Back to Meta! Burning build!

in Guardian

Posted by: Sheiken.7923


I think Hunter’s Determination is absolutely needed for the Stability and free stun break when you’re getting heavy focused.

Piercing Light complements HD trait and Purification. Purification trap heal is a must imo. Shelter can get interupted all too easily and can’t heal for nearly as much.

I’ve lately been using Virtues/Val/DH with GS and Scepter/Focus. Haven’t really gotten LB to work efficiently with the burn burst build.

Why virtues with GS over Radiance with Sword/Torch? isnt the sword skill “Flashing blade” just a much better gap closer than GS jump? dont you have problems with kiters?

Guardian Back to Meta! Burning build!

in Guardian

Posted by: Sheiken.7923


I am running a DH burn guard build with Sword/Torch and LBow for ranged. It was mostly for fun but it actually works really well. Several fights where I downed 1vs3’s (could just be bad players though). Hunters Determination and Hunters Fortification works really really well at reapplying aegis to retrigger Amplified wrath. It also serves as a decent condi remover when you block attacks. For medium range teamfights at points Symbol of energy is a AOE burn that really hurts. Also the Wings of resolve and shield of courage are really good defensive utilities with wings giving a decent attack when you land for those kiters, so it serves as a gap closer as well, so does Spear of justice with the pull effect. I run with the heal trap and and Test of faith as the only traps. Also with mercenary amulet you actually have pretty decent surviveability.

Would love more discussion and potential builds in this thread. Anyone else tried a DH Burn build?

Unable to Unlock Basic Glider Mastery

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sheiken.7923


Sheiken Bladeweaver on Piken Square.. Got 508.000 XP out of 508.000 XP and it says I need 0 masterypoints to train the glider skill but I cant unlock it