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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinee.8901


A total re-design of skills, bars and abilities. The biggest thing that detracted me from the game as a whole is all of the skills being set and linear in use. Many players overlook the fact that the skill bars do not offer many options of game play and style. Most of the weapons/skills are very (VERY) situational at best, and many of the skills found on every single weapon/combo in the game are useless against bosses. This is just plain aggravating and flat out boring. A dynamic game is one that players can customize until their hearts content. MOST of the selectable skills are useless or too situational as well. I think the entire GW1 system of skill selection was alot more fun to manage and use as there were a heck of alot more choices and ways to customize your skills for task at hand.

This game also suffers greatly from the lack of customization that should have been built in from the very start. Where are the skill bars for my xp/food buffs etc? How 3rd world that we have to open our bags and click them.

I also do not like the hard nerf when going to lower level areas. We’ve earned level 80 and the gear, don’t forget that we’ve been there before over and over and over and do not want to struggle through areas because frankly, it is NOT fun. A little over-poweredness is a good thing, and more fun to play than a constant struggle for life, which brings me to the next suggestion:

Struggling for life. I’d rather just die in most cases. Your little mini-game “fight for your life” is dumb. It needs some serious re-design because your not a threat when your dying, but when someone else is standing and beating on that creature and that creature is still trying to kill you while ignoring the arrow that just went into his face, well, that’s stupid. It needs work.

why cant i do group events solo?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinee.8901


Wait a second, before anyone gets too far along in the conversation, I’d like to point out that GW2 did in fact, ADVERTISE the fact that their events are dynamic in a way that 1 person with better than average skills can beat the events and that the more people that join the event, the more difficult it becomes. I personally have not observed this to be the case. I’ve done many events several times with 3 people up to 40 ppl or more, the creatures do not change dynamically as advertised.

Why can't I get myself to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinee.8901


I’ve found a transparent issue that I don’t hear alot of people talk about because well, it appears to be good, when in reality it is not. That would be the matter of skill sets.

The reality is you have 3 skills you can actually choose, now I know your saying “wait I have 10” but no, you get to choose 3. Here is why: You do not get to choose your first 5, those are and have been pre-selected for you already, what you choose is the weapon. Number 6 is a heal, regardless of which one, it’s still always going to be a heal. 7,8,9 you can choose, but your choices are somewhat limited. Depending on your trait build, you must choose certain ones to work with that, not much of a choice there, but still a choice since your not actually forced to do so. Skill 10 is elite, there’s nothing elite about 99% of these skills, they are not overpowered, and for the most part, they all last as long as every boon in the game actually should last, but doesn’t. Anyway, if your lucky, and I havent played every class yet but if your lucky you will have more than 1 choice of an elite skill worth even putting in your bar. That is not a choice to me, 4 minute cooldowns are not skills, they’re punishments, worthless endeavors.

In keeping with the topic, I feel your problem is a choice, or lack there-of. It appears we have many choices on the surface, but if you stare at the problem, the reality is you have very little.

Here is what I think they should do about skill-sets: First, boon durations need to be severely increased. 1 1/3 second boons? Why did you bother showing up for work to program that? Boons are not much fun if they don’t help you, so giving us a boon for 3 seconds and making wait for 26 sec for a cooldown is really a waste of time.

Second: Customizeable weapon skill sets. I’m sure I’m not the only one that is sick of having at least 1 if not 2 and sometimes 3 worthless skills in our weapon sets. We need more options. For instance: The skills for a shield with the guardian are extremely stupid. While many of us would like the added defense, the long cooldowns make those defensive skills utterly worthless and not even fun to have around.

Third, At least a few customizeable utility slots for food items, etc. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve done that Mad King dungeon like 40 times and not once did I remember to use an XP or magic find buff.

This is just a start, but I really feel I’d enjoy the game alot more myself with some much needed choices. At least in GW1 chasing your elite skills and having full customization over your skill set was available. I actually prefer that.

What I really would like to see is something difficult, like in order to achieve different shield skills, or lower cooldowns, or something you have to find some trainer in a dungeon with some sort of event attached aside from the dungeon itself, a mini dungeon perhaps would be cool, idk, just some ideas….

Why GW2 forgot the 'fun'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinee.8901


I was so psyched for this game, the pre-game trailers promised so much, the team kept delaying the release ‘to polish the game’. The promise of getting away from standard questing and tanks and heals was so attractive.

Simply put, I am a little disappointed. I find the game to be unpolished and the complete chaos that ensues without any type of aggro control is beyond annoying. Let me explain further in detail.

The landscape. I run a high end machine and even on maximum graphic settings I am only seeing the landscaping plants and flora moving around my feet. The trees are the A-typical ‘fan’ style flat branch/leaves that look just awful. The rocky terrain is the worst. They’ve been programming graphics like that since the early 80’s. I want to know where the polish is? You have areas that should be able to be jumped upon blocked by ‘invisible walls’, you intentionally make finding your way up onto things tedious and boring. You lost yourselves with the vistas getting away from the jump game and threw in the towel and took the cheap route to the ‘obnoxiously difficult to find game’, coupled with shady rock formation programming and your left with some extremely annoying areas and jumps that totally make no sense whatsoever. That ruins all the fun of it.

As far as combat is concerned, there seems to be some sort of aggro built in such as if you stand still, your sure to continue to get pelted to death. This would/could work if you provided melee with the skills to deal with the damage. Im not saying one should be able to stand face to face with 10 mobs wailing on them, but having no ability to stand up 1 on 1 with a creature in a dungeon for more than a few swings is just annoying. When you dodge out you lose aggro and the chaos begins. I want to fight, I want to be using my skills to kill, not dodging and taking myself out of combat until I my heal is up, again this takes the fun out of it.

Dungeons. Sure they should be dangerous, but senselessy having mechanics built in to intentionally kill players outright like lazers/whatever is just stupidly annoying. No fun in that for the players.

Ground effects. Thank you for showing us where the blast area is but when Im outside of it, I don’t expect to be blasted for 1/2 of my health in one shot. You might as well forget the circle.

Abilities and Boons. Where are our 30 second poisons and cripples? Why are there 1 second boons? Is that joke? A one second boon with a 30% boon duration bonus is still only a 1 1/3 second boon. Why do you bother even programming that? Doesn’t it stand to reason that if some stupid undead farmer or whatever has the ability that these morons in the Pact would too? I’m obviously on the wrong side.

I pride myself on my ability to play the game well, but after several level 80’s I feel more and more every day that I’ve wasted my money. You were right to not charge a subscription fee, few would stick around long enough to collect from. It is obvious you didn’t spend the time and effort on programming the world as well as you should have, nor are many systems well thought out. It’s a shame too, I really thought GW2 was going to be something special, as it turns out, it’s really not that much fun.

UNDER SIEGE Story-Quest unfinishable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shinee.8901


Several times now I’ve tried running this quest and every single time Im getting stuck after the cut scene right after you blow up the trebuchets. The game sent you an error report on it 2 days ago and should be fixed by now. We cannot continue the story quest until you fix this.

You need to cut back on how much it costs to port around the game. Just because someone is higher level does not mean they can afford more. Not everyone plays the game to build wealth for their characters, so in this regard, you have failed. I only bring this up because yes, its costing me too much to port back and forth from this story quest, through no fault of my own, and would like some reinbursement but I know that will never happen.